

three siblings, one story, a large family of friends, and the power of Francesca Your Francesca, mind manipulation Zhuang's Fancesca, strength Geomis Francesca, ghost Huas Francesca, vampire Dae Hyun's Francesca, siren find out what Francesca the others have

Skye_Gendall · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

the mission

The next day, Hua gathers every one outside to recruit people for the mission.

"Who here is willing to help me find our bosses siblings? They are in the middle of a forest close to ours."

"Sorry Hua, but Barrow, and I are too busy, with helping boss here."

"That is fine Nyar, you, and Barrow have been removed from the mission. Any one else not prepared to find them, or are busy here?"

Two hours pass by, as the large group packs for the long trip. After Hua, and you hug briefly. You head back into your office, and begin helping them find your siblings.

While walking you communicate with Hua through an earpeice, because although you can communicate telepathically, it drains your energy. So it is easier to communicate in that way for an over five hour mission, such as the one they are on now.

You warn them when a person is near, and tell her which direction they are coming from, but you notice that there have been less people around recently, and you assume it is because of your siblings disappearance.

"Hua you are right next to them, now get every one to circle the bush to your left, but be quiet. I'm not sure how they will react, and I don't want any one getting hurt."

"On it." Hua gives the others the signal for a circle, and points to the bush. Hua stands at the front of the bush, and pulls out her tranquilizer gun incase they react badly, to the large group of people.

"Zhuang, and Geomi please come out with your hands in the air. We work with your sibling, and they would like us to bring you to them."