
Controlium [P1]

Welcome to Controlium! The lowest class of spirits. But wait there's a strange problem on Controlium, and there's only one person who can solve that problem. A human? Mike Jones, a 16 years old highschool boy, met a demon named Mars, Controlium needed his help! Can he protect Controlium?

Jxisenberg · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Mike? Are you in love?

Gladius was about to deliver the final blow to Mike when suddenly…

Mike: Do you bleed?

Gladius: Huh?

A dark aura surrounded Mike, and just as suddenly, Gladius disappeared. The broken house rebuilt itself, and Mike found himself in his bed. Mr. Popo and Misa were still injured.

Mars: I had to contact the Devil to call him back to hell.

Mike: I was about to beat his ass. Is Misa okay?

Mars: Why are you asking about her? Miiiiikkeeeeee…

Mike: Shut up!

A few weeks after this event, Mike was sitting beside Misa, watching her heal.

Mike: He chopped you into pieces. Your situation is making me laugh.

Misa: Then why aren't you laughing?

Mr. Popo tried to enter the room but found Misa and Mike there and turned back.

Mr. Popo: Ah, two lovebirds. I gotta go.

Mr. Popo left the room.

Mike and Misa: Lovebirds?!

Mars entered the room.

Mars: Hoi, what's going on?

Mike: Nothing special. You know what? You don't really look like you rule Controlium. You look like Misa's father.

Mars: You know, when I first met you, you were cold and heartless, but now you're changing, Mike.

Mike: Me?

Misa: Of course, Mike loves me.


Misa: I know everything. Accept the fact.

On the other hand, in hell, the Devil was watching all this through his glass ball. He smiled.

Devil: That boy… He's really something.

Back in Controlium.

Mars: Okay, Mike, it's time for you to get trained.

Mike: I've been waiting for this for a long time.