
Contractural Wife’s Second Life

Elsion Mayforth had a sweet loving wife whom cared and loved him so much, she dedicated herself to helping ease his ailments. Yet five years later, he’s been healed but his wife has left the moment he is cured. “I will look for my wife! She can’t run after she stole my heart!” “Go back, I cured you so now you can do what you want.” His wife thought it would be easy to get rid of him, he was going to win her back at any cost. But who is this man beside her? This man who hovers over her protectively? “She’s not yours anymore. Why don’t you leave us now?”

Stephie05 · Kỳ huyễn
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Five Years Gone

"Good morning Your Grace," Bright light spilled into the room, covering all the occupants within. "Grand Madam is waiting for you, she asks that you hurry."

Cold blue eyes peered out from beneath a thick comforter blanket, black hair sleep ruffled. Long elegant fingers pried the comforter away and the slowly waking figure sat up revealing a chiseled body.

"Where is my wife?" His voice is hoarse from sleep yet it retains its authoritative tone.

"Grand Madam wants to see you about that."

The maid left with those words and in hurried three maids to get the man ready.


"Mother, where is my wife? What happened?"

Sitting regally in the dining room was a tall woman with distinctive black hair and beautiful blue eyes. Though older in age, she was still beautiful and statuesque.

"Elsion, sit we have many things to discuss."

Elsion did as told and sat, the breakfast before him sat untouched. His cold eyes staring directly at his mother. The Grand Duchess Mayforth sat unaffected by the cold eyes practically glaring at her instead she raised her tea cup and waited a beat.

"Yesterday, the doctor finally gave you a clean bill of health. You have no ailments anymore, you are cured." She said and gave his body a once over.

It was true, Elsion had suffered from an unknown disease for some years now. His health had deteriorated to the point that he wasn't expected to live for longer than one year from his diagnosis.

"The doctor said it shouldn't be difficult for you to have children now."

Elsion said nothing, his patience thinning the more his mother dragged on. "Where is my wife?"

The Grand Duchess merely sighed and pushed a paper out in front of him. "Her end of the contract has been fulfilled."

Elsion stilled, his heart beating fast and stomach dropping as he raised a shaky hand to pick up the paper.

"She cured you in the allotted five years."

His mothers voice sounded far away as he read the contract.

I, Marielle Perth, hereby accept the terms of Grand Duchess Astelle Mayforth as follows:

Within the term of five years I will act as the spouse of one Elsion Mayforth with the condition that I will cure his ailments before the five years are over.

In exchange I will receive one million gold coins upon receiving Elsion's clean bill of health in front of Grand Duchess Astelle Mayforth.


Elsion gripped the paper tightly, his eyes blurring as if trying to deny the very evidence before him. But there at the bottom was her handwriting clear as day, she had signed this by her own choice.

"I don't understand," Elsion stood and felt dizzy, he swayed and pushed the chair far from him. He couldn't focus, his mind going a mile a minute. "Marielle wouldn't-"

"Elsion, I'm sorry. She promised to do what no one else could, I had no choice." His mother rose and tried to steady him but his cold eyes just flashed at her and pushed her away.

"Grand Madam!" The maids rushed to help her up.

"Marielle! What have you done to my wife?!" Elsion felt the guards grab at his arms and push him down, vaguely he felt a needle on his arm. "Mother where is she?! Where is my wife?!"

But even as he tried to stand, his body wouldn't react and soon he succumbed to darkness. His mind floating back to the first day he met his wife.