
Contracts With the Void

In an ancient town of catholic roots in the Pre-War America of 1935, strange events and phenomena often manifest in the worst of their forms. Vanilla Land, a 16 years old outcast and weirdo with access to magical plushes —ancient and powerful totems capable of summoning powerful spirits and powers for its users— loves to explore wicked places, investigate mysteries, and even fight horrid abominations when necessary. And it's in one of these explorations where she suddenly meets her abrupt when she and a powerful apparition destroy each other. The result? A powerful, demonical entity is impressed by her actions and gives her a second opportunity to live again. She must perform a series of tasks for such an entity —not without getting rewarded with more powerful artifacts and plushes— but in the end, everything points out that there's an ancient source of power capable of redefining reality. And she's not the only one trying to reach it... Come and find out all events that Vanilla had to go through in that dying town of supernatural events, eccentric creatures, and unexpected personalities getting in her way. Cover art by cielnoir Instagram/TikTok: @cielnoir.art

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190 Chs

CLXXXI. Double Vengeance.

It was a cold, lonely night. Q wished she had finished before her pending matters. Now she was going the faster she could to Staccato Mansion. Maybe it was an error to let Vanilla go alone. She was still not sure, but what Johann Staccato was, in reality, was something she always suspected. She crossed the mossy cobblestone fence and climbed the hill up to the giant building, Custos Tigris behind her.

"Huh?" Rowie tilted his head. A long-haired female figure appeared in the distance, followed by something he wasn't expecting: a plush spirit. What kind of animal was it though?

Custos Aquilae screamed and glided down, stepping before Rowie and using her robust figure to keep him safe. Wait. Was not that a tiger? He remembered the girl Vanilla talked about when on the underground temple.

Q lowered her speed, Victory doing the same and walking by her side with his back puffed up. The spirit eagle ahead spread her wings and her beak in a defensive position.