
Contract with the Demon King (BL)

Zhang Wang got stuck in a contract with the Demon King! This is totally bullshit! He was finally going to have his chance at stealing the title of protagonist by killing off the evil Demon King... But right at that moment, when he was about to cleave the head off of the villain’s shoulders, somehow, his bugged out system decided to interfere! Next thing he knew, he was stuck with a contract with this evil, hateful villain. What? Their souls are entwined as well? What the heck! Was this just some stupid plot device for some cheap danmei?! Zhang Wang wasn’t going to allow this to happen. He will have to break this contract as soon as he could! ----- WARNING: This is BL, which means boyxboy romance. And there will be r-18 scenes eventually as well so consider yourselves warned! ----- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/DU9S2Y4

valiantxvillainous · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
243 Chs

A self-proclaimed connoisseur of pleasure (18+)

The night was yet young but there was an energy buzzing, making Yu Yanlin feel impatient.

Zhang Wang sucked in a breath and placed his hands on the demon king's waist. "Is it okay if I touch you?" He uttered with a low voice.

"That is fine."

If it wasn't for the sultry, lusty hum of his voice, perhaps Zhang Wang would have been more hesitant. A low flush of embarrassment refused to ease its hold. Zhang Wang was coming to realize that it was both awkward and scummy that he was the only one getting any form of release out of this.

It didn't feel right if pleasure didn't go both ways.

Zhang Wang liked to think of himself as a gentleman in bed and he'd been exactly the opposite of that with Yu Yanlin! In his mind, he blamed it on his inexperience with other men but Zhang Wang knew that it was just his own aversion and apprehension over the whole idea.

Basically, he was a lazy piece of shit that didn't always like to think about moral responsibilities.

That didn't mean that his conscience didn't eventually catch up with him. Like now.

He pried open Yu Yanlin's clothes, the outer robe discarded on the ground and parted fabric until he could feel tender flesh beneath his fingertips. It was covered in goosebumps.

"Are…you nervous?" The words had meant to be teasing but came out hesitant instead.

"No, just excited."

Zhang Wang wet his lips. A primal force made him claim the demon king's lips. Fervent passion sparked between them, possessed by a bottomless hunger. A surge of confidence regained. Zhang Wang explored the body in front of him more eagerly, gliding his palm over skin as smooth as polished jade.

Each muscle was impeccably defined, without even the slightest layer of fat. Zhang Wang massaged the curve of his shoulder to the divot in his collarbone before exploring the slopes of wide pectorals.

Out of pure habit, he gave them a little squeeze.

Yu Yanlin whined into Zhang Wang's lips which incited a little chuckle. Pinching the bottom lip with his teeth, Zhang Wang's devious hands continued their exploration. He quickly glided his left hand over the perky nipple before sliding downward, to feel the upper curve of sculpted abs. Only to slide his touch back upward and snatch the soft rosebud between his index and ring fingers.

He gave it a teasing little pinch and a pull. Another whine rewarded his ministrations. Yu Yanlin's strong arms wrapped around his neck and his waist. A corner of his mind reminded him that this demon was capable of slapping down a Man-Eating Worm with a single palm. He couldn't tell if the shiver that traveled down his spine was one of excitement or fear.

Zhang Wang deepened the kiss.

His blood was humming and he'd forgotten the point of all this. Instead he was focused on a single goal; making the person beneath his touch tremble and shiver with delight. The very thought brought him unspeakable thrill.

Reason gone with mind-numbing lust, Zhang Wang eagerly peeled off Yu Yanlin's clothes and pushed him against the giant slab of rock. The hard surface was slightly reclined and when Yu Yanlin was pressed down flush against it, their eyes became leveled. The demon lost his advantage in height.

Finally he pulled away and looked down at the fruit of his labor. Yu Yanlin's eyes were half-lidded, his glossy rosy lips shined in the low glow of moonlight and bright platinum blonde hair just slightly ruffled and cheeks flushed a wonderful red.

Zhang Wang's blood was singing, a smirk stretched his lips. "This is a good look on you."

"Is it? Thank you."

He couldn't help but laugh at the honesty of the person before him. Zhang Wang leaned in, his face tilted down and buried his face into a white expanse of tantalizing neck. He breathed in Yu Yanlin's scent and felt possessed by a wanton fever.

No longer impeded by apprehension he felt the demon's body freely, appreciating the way muscles tenses and trembled below him.

He reached southward. At first he only teased the tiger demon with fluttering touches through the fabric of his trousers, which won him a few whines and growls.

Yu Yanlin was the first to grow impatient and reached down to untie his own sash, not shy about revealing himself to Zhang Wang's thirsty gaze.

This wanton impatient beast was truly a sight to behold and Zhang Wang did not mind drinking the sight in. Yu Yanlin's large erection stood up proudly and in desperate need of attention. A pale hand reached for it but Zhang Wang slapped it away.

"Not yet," he chuckled as he circled his own fingers around wide wrists. Yu Yanlin hissed at the command but did not fight, did not protest when Zhang Wang pinned his arms to his side. Eagerly, the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms pressed more kisses along the demon's neck, leaving blooms of red and purple in his wake. He refused to stop until Yu Yanlin looked thoroughly debauched.

"You're so pretty," Zhang Wang hummed encouragingly, "You're doing wonderfully." And he loved the way ivory skin quivered ever so slightly against the soft brush of his breath upon it.

"Z-Zhang Wang," Yu Yanlin's voice was hoarse. His fingers curled into fists as he fought to remain still. Zhang Wang was absolutely thrilled with the knowledge that this person could easily toss him off if he so pleased.

Instead he has his head turned just slightly away, displaying a long curved neck, sharp blue eyes that could not look away from him. Zhang Wang was enchanted. He pressed a knee between Yu Yanlin's leg and pressed up.

A hiss. Thick thighs enveloped his, hips pushing down and forward in desperate need for friction.

And suddenly, it didn't feel so strange to want to put it in a man. If he was alluring as this, how could Zhang Wang, a self-proclaimed connoisseur of pleasure, refuse?

He took those wrists and guided Yu Yanlin's arms around his neck. From his interspatial ring, he pulled out a small bottle.

Yu Yanlin raised a brow at the item, to which Zhang Wang just shrugged as he uncapped it with his teeth. He was told back in the modern world to always be prepared, and he was not a man that took such amazing advice lightly!

A viscous liquid coated his fingers and hand.

Distantly he thought, he was really going to do this.

But a large part of his mind had already been taken over with insatiable lust. Carefully, he lightly touched the underside of Yu Yanlin's balls and then continued to trace down until he could feel the tight pucker of muscle. A sharp inhale of breath came from the demon.

Zhang Wang paused and looked up, eyes locking with blue. "Can I?" He asked softly.

"You may."

Zhang Wang wet his lips and pressed past the tight ring of muscle. It was not used to foreign intrusion and instantly gripped into the cultivator's single finger.

Yu Yanlin's brows scrunched up, his body trembled.

"Relax," Zhang Wang whispered encouragingly and did not force his way into an unwilling body. He slowed his movements, teasing the hot entrance shallowly until the muscles loosened their grip.

"There we go, you're doing well." And just like that, he pushed in further, causing Yu Yanlin's breath to hitch.

...So yes, Zhang Wang always carries lubricant in his interspatial ring because he's a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty piece of poopoo.

Did you expect him to put it in? Well, I didn't want to release a chapter that was ridiculous in length so you'll just have to wait till tomorrow...! LOL

Why is my MC so trash? The answer is quite simple: the author is equally as trash.

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