
He has no respect for women


"Why did you leave Jasra?" The hiring manger stared at her like she was trying to catch a thief.

Her heart was now beating so fast, she straightened with extreme nervousness. She had promised herself that she wouldn't need Jason's approval "Something came up, and then I decided to leave"

The hiring manger's face softened after seeing how nervous Nora was. "I wouldn't call Mr. Anderson because I think everyone deserves a second chance. But if he causes this station any troubles, I would destroy you myself"

"Thank you very much" Nora was so happy that she was hired; at least she wouldn't have to spend the whole day in that boring mansion.

Nora went straight to bed when she arrived at the mansion since she would need to go to some family party at night and would resume at work the next day.


They were now standing at the entrance of the empire hall. Nora suddenly became nervous when she saw how plenty people were.