
Contract Marriage: Fake Dating My Showbiz Wife

**Fake dating?…what could possibly go wrong** Kim Mingwa is a struggling D-list artist whose career is hanging by a thread. Desperate to keep her place in the spotlight, she accidentally finds herself entangled with the most notorious playboy in the industry—the CEO of the number one entertainment company in the country. Known for his bad reputation and inflated ego, the CEO is the last person she wants to be associated with, but when a scandal between them explodes in the media, they’re forced to fake a relationship to salvage both their careers. --- Kim Mingwa stared in horror at the headline: *Scandal Erupts Between D-List Actress and Industry’s Bad Boy CEO!* “This isn’t happening,” she whispered, her voice shaking. Beside her, the CEO only smirked, completely unfazed. “Welcome to showbiz, Miss Kim.” Mingwa glared at him. “You think this is funny? My career is on the line!” “It’s simple,” he replied, his tone cold. “Play along, or get left behind.” She clenched her fists, knowing she was trapped. “Fine,” she muttered. “But don’t think you can easily take advantage of me.” His smirk widened. “I wouldn’t dream of it..”

Little_North_Star · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

It’ll be our little secret

Mingwa paused, her hand still gripping the wooden spoon in the pot. Her heart skipped a beat, and she bit her lip as she tried to gather her thoughts. "He told you about it?" she asked cautiously, her eyes flickering to the script on the kitchen table. "Yeah, I'm your manager girl, I have it here. But I didn't expect him to move this quickly."

Jihoon chuckled on the other end, though there was a nervous edge to it. "With Moon Taewoo, quick is the only speed he knows. He sounded pretty invested in you taking this role. It's a huge opportunity, Mingwa, but I need to know—are you sure you're okay with this?"

Mingwa hesitated, her mind flashing back to Taewoo's unsettling behavior earlier that day. His secretive smile, the intimidating warehouse, and the cryptic way he had told her not to share what she had seen. But the role… the role was exactly what she had been hoping for. It was challenging and could push her career to new heights.

"I'm… not sure," she admitted softly, stirring the pot absentmindedly. "I mean, I want this role, but I'm worried. You know how netizens can be. They'll think I only got it because of Taewoo."

Jihoon sighed heavily. "I understand that. But you need to remember that you've got talent, Mingwa. No one can question that. Taewoo might be the one who put the script in your hands, but it's up to you to make the part yours."

Mingwa stared down at the script, the words blurring in front of her. Jihoon was right—this was an opportunity she couldn't afford to pass up. "I know," she murmured. "But everything feels so… complicated with him."

"Complicated how?" Jihoon asked, concern creeping into his voice.

Mingwa hesitated again, debating whether to tell Jihoon about what had happened at the warehouse. But Taewoo's warning echoed in her mind: "It'll be our little secret."

She shook her head, forcing a smile even though Jihoon couldn't see it. "It's nothing. I just… I'm feeling a lot of pressure right now."

Jihoon's voice softened. "Hey, don't let Taewoo push you into something you're not ready for. I know he's powerful, but this is still your career. If you need time, say so."

Mingwa exhaled slowly, appreciating Jihoon's concern. "I'll be fine," she said, trying to reassure him. "I'll read through the script tonight and be ready for the audition tomorrow."

"Good. If you need anything, just let me know, okay? And remember, you're going this role because you're talented, not because of anyone else."

"Thanks, Jihoon," she replied, her voice warm with gratitude. "I'll keep that in mind."

As she hung up the phone, Mingwa stood in the quiet of her apartment, the weight of Jihoon's words settling in. She glanced back at the script and then at the dinner she had been preparing, her appetite had suddenly disappeared.

She had been hoping for a breakthrough like this, but now that it was here, it felt like she was being pulled into a game she didn't fully understand. Moon Taewoo had given her the script, but what else was he planning?

And as much as she wanted to believe in her own abilities, there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind that wondered: Was this really about the role? Or was it about something else entirely?

The next morning, Mingwa stood by her window, nervously staring outside as Jihoon's car pulled up in front of her apartment. The script sat on the kitchen table, pages dog-eared and marked with notes from her late-night practice. She hadn't slept much, her mind racing with thoughts of the audition—and of Moon Taewoo.

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her bag and the script, then headed out the door. Jihoon waved from the driver's seat as she approached.

"You ready?" he asked, trying to sound upbeat, though there was a tension in his voice. He knew today was big for her.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Mingwa replied with a tight smile as she slid into the passenger seat. "I went over the script so many times last night, I think I've memorized half of it already."

Jihoon chuckled, though his eyes were filled with concern as he glanced at her. "You'll do great. You always do. Just stay focused, alright? Don't let anything else get in your head."

Mingwa nodded, her mind flickering back to Taewoo's unsettling presence at the warehouse. She hadn't told Jihoon about it, and part of her still wasn't sure if she should. But right now, she needed to focus on the audition.

The car ride was quiet as they drove through the city, heading toward the large studio where the audition was being held. Mingwa stared out the window, mentally rehearsing her lines, though her thoughts kept drifting back to Taewoo. He had said the role was perfect for her, that the main lead was similar to her in some way. But the thought of being under his watchful eye unnerved her.

As they pulled into the studio parking lot, Jihoon parked the car and turned to her. "Look, Mingwa," he said, his tone serious. "I know you're worried about what people might say about this role, but you can't let that stop you. You have the talent. You deserve this. And don't let anyone, not even Taewoo, make you think otherwise."

Mingwa gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks, Jihoon. I needed that."

They stepped out of the car, the looming studio building in front of them. The entrance was bustling with people, all there for the same purpose—auditions. As they made their way inside, Mingwa could feel the tension in the air. Actors were pacing the hallways, reading over their lines, trying to perfect their performances.

Jihoon led her toward the audition room, where a few other actors were already waiting. Mingwa took a seat, her script clutched tightly in her hands. She glanced around the room, recognizing a few familiar faces—other actors who had starred in similar roles.

"Don't let them psych you out," Jihoon whispered as he sat down beside her. "You've got just as much of a shot as they do."