
Conquest to Salvation

A woman coming from an evil organization, one that wants to conquer the world, wanting to escape by any means by patiently waiting till the time is right. The woman, Xena, finds her moment shortly after receiving memories of a past life from a modern world. With the information required, she finds the male lead of the story, a regressor. Alongside him is the villain, who is innocent before getting into the evil organization. Xena changes the death of herself and the recruitment of the villain. But what is it that makes her unique? Is it the memories? or is it the deal with a God? ●□●□●□●□●□● Disclaimer: This a dual to trio POV's, with third POV as well. It more of a silent description of what is going on, with very little speaking in the beginning. Speaking may be more common on certain POV's but the real MC is Xena, a female who is mute. Have fun figuring out who the ML is! :D

DuchessNiara · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

– Xena's POV

As the sun rose from the western side, she stood up at the dawns coming. A blackened scythe appeared in her right hand.

She began to head out as the daybreak is much warmer before the scorching morning and overly hot afternoon came.

She has searched the areas to where he would be hiding for the first 5 days, than began to work towards the next 5 days.

She'd been hunting him since she received her memories of the last life. Only he could truly help her.

She stopped at a building that had be cut in half from previous hunters. That is what her branch is called.

Hunters. Healers. Mechanics. Security. Builders. Executives. Recruits.

Hunters were below Executives, Healers beside Hunters, Mechanics and Builders below Security, Security above Builders and Mechanics, Recruits as the lowest.

She had the highest authorization as she was a first ranked hunter, gaining more information but not to much as she was still not an executive. However, Weapons do not have access to become a executive.

Only the ones that had been born and raised are able to. Hunters and Healers are basically slaves below the executives, being humanoid weapons.

She closes her eyes, only for her mind to be greeted by the wine red haired figure once again. Opening her eyes, she felt at peace from just that figure.

She fully didn't understand, do her being apathetic in her last life and becoming emotionless from this life. She felt a regret in her heart as well whenever the figure appears.

She just shook it off and began her search once again, before noticing a black haired individual entering a building, an old store.

She landed on a nearby pole, as she watched him look around before truly entering.

'He does know that... it won't have anything execpt 20 year old canned food, along with mold...?'

She was genuinely amazed by his stupidity in thinking he can get food. Hoping down with ease, she made her scythe disappear before she entered the building.

It was quite dark, smelling nothing but mold and rust. She heard his breathing and some rummaging, following the sound, she saw the man looking for something to eat.

She just stared at the man's stupidity in terms of hunger only entering his mind. He was solely focused before noticing her presence.

His green eyes widen as he dropped whatever he was holding. In his eyes, he just saw a ghost.

She wasn't so worried considering this would be a normal reaction. She just easily walked up as the man was frozen stiff.

From the silence, she can hear his heart racing, the man's tanned skin had went pale. He awaited for his death to come, only for Xena to suddenly turn around and walk away. She threw 3 compacted food source Black Order gives out.

'Hah, I don't wanna kill a man who is weak. He won't put up much of a fight. It'd be pathetic in my terms.'

She walked out, summoning her scythe once again, hopping to the pole than to a new rest area that will be nearby.

The afternoon was coming, it'd be far to hot even for her.