
Conquest Of The Worlds

It is the story of a boy named Atish(Itish) who died in his original world, Earth. and teleported to a Daivik world, where everyone is stronger than him. He tried to find a way to go back home to his family but ended up trapped there. Can he be at the top of the food chain or get crushed before it?

GoodBuddy · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs



"See, that is the inner court disciples are of our sect, where I currently I live." Manavi shows a magnificent area, which was so royal to see. Very few disciples were visible there. The inner court was ten times larger than the outer court disciples area but had ten times fewer disciples.

"Once you reach 4th level, you can challenge one of the inner court disciple to get promoted to inner court disciple," she continues.

While Atish continues to observe that area while nodding his head, he asks in curiosity, "What if someone is not at 4th level but can still defeat inner court disciples?" Could he be able to challenge them? "

Hearing his question, Diksha's body twitched. She remembered how powerful and handsome he was that night.

"Yes, but if he fails, he has to wait for next year to challenge again," Manavi replied.

While they were talking, hundreds of eyes were fixed on them.

"See, this is a training area of outer court disciples, but I don't think you will stay here for too long." Manavi added, as she knew to be able to save Diksha, he had to be powerful to some extent.

"Where are those disciples who attacked you?" Atish asks.

"They are demoted to the inner court area and under the punishment of the disciplinary hall." Diksha replies.

"Oh, that's so nice to hear." Atish gives a light smile.

Atish was already at level 4 and he was quite certain that he could defeat level 5 or level 6 warriors. So, after completing the tour, he was going straight to challenge the inner court disciples for promotion.

After some time of walking, they arrived at the sparring arena, which was massive in size and round in shape. The sparring arena of MGSect was bustling with life everywhere. Many of the disciples were sparring with their opponents. Some Elder's were keeping their eyes on them to avoid any serious consequences.

Seeing their presence, some disciples used their ways to send information to one of the most powerful core disciple, who had a crush on Diksha.

'Naveen was one of the most powerful disciple in the sect. He was at level 8 Akasha power." Even some of the older sects were weaker than him. '

After receiving this information, he finds that his rival is in the outer court's area's sparring arena. He did not think twice and ran there at his full speed.

In the sparring arena

When some elders noticed those three together, they were quite surprised, as it was uncommon to see Manavi and Diksha together, and there was also a boy with them. Elder Veer was also observing this for a quiet while, but he didn't say anything.

"Weakling, stop sparring now!" A loud shout came from afar.

"Who is this arrogant runt trying to..." but before that disciple could even finish his sentence, he was thrown out of the ring. Everything happened too fast for them to notice.

Naveen stood in the arena ring with a proud expression, and his gaze was fixed on Atish.

His height is almost 187 cm. His eyes were dark blue, his skin was milky, and he had a sharp facial structure that any girl would fall for. He was dressed in a core disciple's uniform that was black with some glitter-like texturing on it.

"Now his chapter will be closed."

"Yes, new but still acts so cold and he even has 2 beauties on his side."

"He deserves this."

Many disciples started discussions.

"I want to challenge you to a deathmatch." Naveen challenged him without wasting any time talking.

"So senior brother now wants to bully the weak." Where is your dignity as a core disciple? "Manavi tried to solve the situation.

Atish quickly answers, "Hey how about this: give me 5 days to train myself and after 5 days we will have a deathmatch."

"I am the one who chooses when to start, and I want to have a deathmatch with you today." Naveen shows gus dimineering attitude.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand, Manavi used her communication slip to contact her father for help. As she was the youngest daughter of the sect master, she was dearest to her father. So no matter how small the issue was, her father would solve it for her at all costs.

A minute after the message was sent, a big space crack appeared above the sparring arena and the sect master came out of it calmly with his hands clasped behind his back.

Atish could feel the huge pressure coming from this figure. It was as though he was completely powerless in front of this figure. While observing him carefully, Atish asks Manavi in a low voice, "At which level is your father?"

"The 12th level of space power." Manavi answers with a little pride.

Atish lost his words after finding this out. He was too determined to increase his power as fast as he could or he would be crushed by any powerful being there.

"Naveen, it's enough. Now stop bullying your juniors. " With narrowed eyes fixed on the naveen, Grandmaster gives him an order.

Naveen was sweating uncontrollably and said, "Sorry Grandmaster for my behavior. This disciple of yours will never do something like this again." He gives one last threatening expression to Atish before disappearing from the scene. After that, he reappears inside the core area, where Ranjit Singh was already waiting for him. Seeing him come back, Ranjit Singh runs forward and asks, "Senior brother, thanks for taking revenge for me. Because of him, I need to work too hard to regrow my arms." Ranjit Singh knew that Atish didn't have real power to defeat any of them; he just borrowed them using some mysterious technique. So, he was quite sure that Naveen must have injured him severely. But, seeing no reaction from Naveen, Ranjit Singh's heart starts to sink.

"Did he also defeat you?" Ranjit Singh asks, acting on his instincts. He thought Naveen must have suffered humiliation, so he was not talking at all.

"What do you mean by he also defeated you?"," You told to me he took his brother, who was a level 8 warrior, to injure you." Naveen asks with a shocked look on his face.

"Uh, it was like..." Scratching his head with embarrassment, Ranjit Singh proceeds to explain everything about that incident.

I am going to start using normal English words for powers now, like "Fire" for "agni" and "Space" for "Akash" to stop confusion for readers. Have a great day ;)

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