
Conquest of Magic

Prologue She leads a simple life and is unaware of her great abilities or the existence of the supernatural world. She finds herself drawn to two charming princes. One is a vampire who loves her more than his mate and the other is a Witch who haunts her dream and claims her to be his mate. What will happen when her life is plunged into danger as ancient prophecies, vampires, werewolves and witches invade her life, and the choice she makes will change her fate? She must choose! Have you ever read a book where a vampire and a witch, both from different Realms, are brothers and fall in love with a girl whose powers are superior to both their races? If not then this book is for you. This is a story about two princes who fight hard for her love but it seems like neither of them will win her heart or will they?

shruthi_ashok · Kỳ huyễn
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60 Chs

Part 15

As I sat on my bed, hugging my knees tightly to my chest and resting my head on them, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loneliness and emptiness. The king's words replayed in my head and the way he said with confidence that I was some key to the prophecy made my stomach churn with anxiety. Everyone around me believes that and they all seemed to know so much about me except myself. I thought if I get close to William I would get some answers but he is just clueless like me. I groaned and fall on my back on the bed. My thoughts drifted off to the stranger or I might say, Stanley. I am sure it was him.

My mind buzzed with excitement as I thought about Stanley, the charming man I danced with. Just the thought of him made me blush. I was worried that he was just a figment of my imagination. A knock on the door startled me and made me sit upright on the bed. For a second my heart left my chest. I looked at the door and stepped out of my bed. For a second I thought maybe he is really here. Maybe it's time to leave this place.

A joyful smile lit up my face as I imagined Stanley standing on the other side of the door, his kind eyes and warm smile filled my mind as I walked towards the door with a sense of hope. I could feel her heart racing with excitement as if it would burst with joy at any moment. I couldn't wait to bask in the warmth of his embrace and thank him for coming to my rescue. But as I swung the door open, my joyous expression crumbled into disappointment as I saw Lyn standing there with a tray of food in her hand.

"Oh, Lyn," I said, my voice tinged with disappointment.

Lyn just smiled at me, attempting to alleviate the tension. "I brought you some food. I thought you might be hungry."

I tried my best to force a smile, but it was obvious that my disappointment was palpable on my face. I took the tray from Lyn and mumbled a soft thank you, my mind still consumed by thoughts of Stanley. I had been so close to meeting him, only to have my hopes dashed once again. I could only hope that he would come to me soon.

"Can I come in?" She asked a bit hesitantly. I came out of my train of thought and asked her to come in.

"Are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost. She spoke worriedly. I shook my head and smiled at her sending my thoughts to the back of my mind.

My stomach grumbled loudly at the sight of food. I opened the large platter brought by Lyn and set it on the coffee table. My eyes widened at the sight of the succulent steak, surrounded by an array of fresh veggies and tempting desserts. I sat down on the chair and started eating immediately. I barely got anything to eat at the ball and I just had a few drinks.

Lyn came to sit on the opposite side of the table and she started laughing covering her mouth. She must have seen something amusing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked in between chewing my food which I stored on either side of my cheeks like a chipmunk.

"You can eat slowly, I am not going to snatch it away." I finished my bite and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Looking at her laughing made me laugh along with her.

"You know if anyone spots us together behaving like friends, it will not end well for both of us." She said and looked down at her feet. Her expression changing into fear.

"Are you scared of William?" I asked placing my hand above hers. She didn't respond, just nodded.

"In that case, he will understand that you are all I have," I said softly.

"You don't have to worry, he might seem scary but he is the total opposite of that. Trust me." I said.

She contemplated for a while but eventually relaxed. "Did you have dinner?" I asked her. She just stared at me like I have grown another head. "Is there anything wrong?" I asked.

"No, it's just nobody ever asked me that and I forgot when was the last time I had a decent meal." She replied.

There was so much food for both of us. I took a fork and placed it in her hand. "Let's eat together," I said and filled a plate for her. She hesitantly accepted it and started eating.

"See that was not so hard right?" I said and she smiled at me.

"Did you enjoy yourself at the ball?" She asked excitedly.

My thoughts drifted back to everything that happened today. I didn't answer her question, I just started ahead lost in thoughts. It was not dreadful as I thought, I got to dance with the familiar stranger and I am sure he is Stanley. But before I could talk William interrupted and spoiled our moment. I know I am being stupid to think of Stanley and boldly dancing with him while being among vampires but I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Is everything alright?" She asked placing a hand on my arm, looking worried.

I cleared my throat and pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Well the ball was not like what I expected it to be apart from every person in the room looked at me like food, ready to hunt and the King himself said some things which I couldn't bring myself to believe yet. I have so many questions but no one seems to hold the answers for them which frustrates me and I can't think of a way to find them on my own." I said in a small defeated tone, sadness rolled off me.

Lyn placed the food on the table and took my hand in hers. "I am here for you. Everything will be alright in time and I will try my best to help you in ways possible." She said confidently. Her usual scared self was gone and she looked like a different person. I know she is not like other maids in the castle. Something is different about her, not in a scary way but still, she confuses me. I made a mental note to find out more about her. I smiled at her, holding her hands.

"Anyways, let's get you changed to something comfortable, shall we?" She asked walking towards the closet. "I can pick it up myself you know." I said and followed her.

She opened the closet and observed the clothing. "Have you not touched any of it?" She turned to me with a pointed look. I shook my head and looked around the night wears. " I am not used to such lavish clothes and stuff," I said looking at the cloths.

"Why not?" Lyn furrowed her brows, confusion played on her pretty face. I looked at her and smiled.

"Well, I never gave so much thought about style and accessories, I am not some kind of princess, I was a normal girl who is supposed to graduate this year but I got dragged here to be someone else I am not comfortable with." She sighed and gave me a pitiful look.

"I can relate, trust me." She said smiling running her hand through the hangers to find something for me.

"I am pretty much in the same situation as you but just the reasons are different." She said lost in thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked her curiously.

"It's a story for another time, now let's get you changed." She said and walked inside the closet. I didn't feel like pressing her for answers. I knew in time she will open up to me.

"I am not a kid to get dressed, I can dress myself," I said walking past her and randomly taking a silky set of shorts and a T-shirt. She helped me get out of the ball gown and waited outside the door, giving me privacy to change.

"Rest well tonight, tomorrow I will take you out for a tour, okay?" She said earning a smile from me.

"Really?" I asked her. She smiled once again. "Of course when I am there with you there is nothing to worry about." She said and bid her good night. Once again I locked the doors and climbed onto my bed. Sometimes the way she speaks makes me feel there is something mysterious about her. She doesn't look like other maids who tremble in fear in front of vampires. She is a human and so brave to walk confidently among them and I have never seen any bite marks on her so that means nobody dared to harm her which was surprising.

Slowly I drifted off to sleep…

As I made my way inside the lush garden, I was immediately mesmerized by the plethora of colourful flowers and intricately designed fountains. The breathtaking sight of the blossoms basking in the warm hues of the setting sun left me in awe. I couldn't help but fixate on the vibrant hues of the petals and the gentle sway of the stems in the soft breeze. It was as if the garden was a canvas, painting a masterpiece before my very eyes. I found myself lost in the tranquillity and beauty of the scene, my heart brimming with contentment and gratitude.

"You look magnificent." A familiar voice spoke. A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, causing my breath to catch in my throat as I got startled by the familiar voice. I turned around to see the owner of the voice.

Stanley stood a few steps away from me looking tall and handsome in a white button-up shirt matched with black pants. He smiled at me while the corner of his eyes wrinkled exposing those beautiful hazel brown eyes which turned to a shade of red mirroring mine with a glow. I noticed our eyes change to a similar shade and shine when we see each other. Why? I have no idea.

"Stanley?" I stuttered with a surprised expression.

A broad smile stretched across his lips exposing his defined jaw line making him look more handsome. I have never come across a man as handsome as him. He looked like an angel. I began to memorise every feature of his face not breaking eye contact. He slowly paced towards me with a breathtaking smile.

He stopped just a foot away from me and looked at me with passion and love.

I was awestruck by his handsome face and failed to tear my eyes off him.

"Kristen....! My name rolled off his tongue like music to my ears. He filled my heart with desire and love.

I took a step closing the distance between us and hugged him tightly. I wanted to melt down in those beautiful brown eyes. My heart thumped faster when he hugged me back tightly. My cheeks got cold against his chest which didn't bother me a bit. I was at peace.

"Why did you leave me at the ball? You came for me right?" I asked tears brimming my eyes.

"I am here now! My love. I will never leave your side," he declared, his hand gently resting on my head and offering a soothing caress. The sound of his voice and the touch of his hand was a balm to my restless soul, and I found myself calmed by his presence. But as my mind struggled to make sense of the situation, I couldn't help but blurt out, "But this is a dream, what I saw last night was real. How did you do that?"

Confusion clouded my mind, and I looked to him for answers. He met my gaze with a calm expression and a sincerity that I could not ignore. "I will answer all your questions, and when the time is right, I will come for you. You trust me, right?" he asked, his voice filled with earnestness.

The tears that I had been holding back now flowed freely down my cheeks, and I sniffed as I answered, "Yes!" My emotions were raw and intense, and I felt a sense of vulnerability that I had not experienced before.

He placed his hands on my cheeks and gently lifted my gaze to meet his. "I know what you are going through, but you must listen carefully to what I am going to say," he said, his voice soft but firm. Despite my confusion, I felt compelled to follow his lead, and I listened.

"What the King said is only a half-truth," he began, his muscles visibly tense. "You hold the key to the prophecy, but you don't belong with them. You indeed have powers locked inside you, we must find a way to awaken them. Your bloodline is not of a human, you belong to the witch clan, and you are a witch yourself," he said with confidence and pride. My mind raced as his words echoed in my head repeatedly, leaving me confused and unsure of what to believe.

My heart ached to believe him, but my mind was consumed by doubt and scepticism. How could this be possible? I was raised in the human world, and everything I knew went against what he was saying. "I don't understand!" I said, my voice filled with uncertainty. I don't even know what a witch is. I have met only one so far and I don't feel good about it. I just couldn't fathom the possibility of being a witch, let alone possessing any kind of special powers. My entire life had been devoid of any magical experiences, and I had never felt or experienced anything out of the ordinary. I felt a sense of disbelief that threatened to overwhelm me, and my body was tense with uncertainty. The very idea seemed so far-fetched that I struggled to accept it, and a part of me wondered if it was all some kind of joke or prank but after hearing it from Stanley I would not take it lightly. He is not a person to joke about something like this and there must be a reason why William brought me here. I thought.

"Kristen, I know something like this is hard to believe for a person raised in the human world. But you will know it and feel it soon," he reassured me, his voice filled with warmth and understanding. It's almost time. He said certainly.

As he took a deep breath, I felt a sense of sadness wash over me. "It's time for me to leave," he said softly, his words heavy with regret. The thought of him leaving left a hollow ache in my heart, and I longed for more answers and explanations and be with him. I didn't want him to leave.


I didn't know what took over me I leaned in, my eyes closed as I felt myself lose control over my body. The next thing I knew was closing the distance between our lips. I pressed my lips against his. I kissed him with intensity, pouring every ounce of emotion and desire I had into that one moment. The world around us faded away as our lips met, and I was consumed by a fiery passion that left me breathless. My heart raced with the intensity of the moment, and my body tingled with every sensation.

He kissed me back with the same passion and it felt like he was waiting for it for a very long time. It was a kiss that spoke of a love so pure and profound. His hand left my cheek and held my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck after a moment my fingers laced his hair and I kissed him with all my might like there is no tomorrow. Something inside my heart snapped and filled my heart with ecstasy and the love I always longed for. At this moment I knew what is he to me. I held him close, lost in the heat of the moment, knowing that there was nothing else in the world that mattered at that moment except for the two of us. It was a moment that felt like it would last forever, but even as we broke apart, the memory of that kiss remained etched in my mind and in my heart, an enduring symbol of the passion we shared.

As he gazed at me, his eyes burned with an intensity that left me breathless. The raw passion that emanated from him was palpable, and I could feel my heart racing with every passing second. He didn't want to leave me alone, and I could sense the longing in his every glance. It was clear that he had so much he wanted to say to me, so many words of love and devotion that he longed to express, but he knew that the moment was not right. His heart was heavy with the weight of unspoken words, and I could sense the ache of his longing as we stood there, lost in each other's gaze. Even though he remained silent, the emotions that coursed through him were loud and clear, and I knew that his love for me was true and deep.

Just as I reached out to touch him, he began to transform before my eyes, his body morphing into a swirling cloud of smoke. A knot formed in my stomach as I watched in shock, unsure of what was happening or what it all meant. "I will be back for you soon," he promised, his voice echoing through the mist. But before I could make sense of his words, he was gone, vanishing into thin air like a wisp of smoke on the wind. My hand grasped at the empty space where he had stood, desperate to hold on to something - anything - that would keep him from leaving. "Where are you going?" I cried out, my voice breaking with emotion. But there was no answer, only the faint echo of his laughter as he disappeared from view. My heart ached with uncertainty and fear as I was left alone, wondering when - and if - he would ever return.
