

Have you ever wished to return to a moment in time that was most dear to you? Have you ever dreamed of returning to your loved ones who no longer within your reach?

I was transferred into an alternate dimension without my consent, and now I am on a quest to save this world that I am not even a part of. The Final Boss right in front of me; my final destination within my grasp. All I can think about is those that I've left behind. My family and friends that I will no longer share new memories with.

Clinching the blade in my hand, mind mixed with constant emotion, I charge towards the demon in sight. This all I have to fight for. My life was taken from me, and all I have left are these goals that I never even made in the first place.

"You Foolish Human!! I Will Not Taste Defeat From The Likes Of You!!!"

"Are those your final words? Well sorry, but this is out of my control...."

I thrusted my sword through the demons heart, landing the final blow. The demon slowly disintegrating on the ground below me. Tears fall down my face as I crave the life that I once lost. Letting go of my blade, I fall to my knees pounding the ground with my fists and yelling towards the sky.

"Why!!! What did I do to deserve this!!! Why me!!! Why take my life away from me!!! Damnit!!!"


A ray of light suddenly struck down from the heavens and engulfed me; removing me from this dimension and returning me to my own...