
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Chapter 019

"Did you see that!?"

The man looks excited as he talks to the person beside him.

"Yeah! Yeah! But who is that?"

The man shook his head in reply.

"I don't know… but… he is the hero among Champions…"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A man wearing a turban, with a matching towel mask and high-class armor, is riding a bigger Treant monster on one of his legs while fighting another one.

Boom! Boom!


The man shouted.

His Treant with red colored leaves rip apart the enemy that's giving them a problem for a while now.

The group of Low-Rank Champions watches the scene in front of them.

"A Tamer… is a Tamer that strong?"

People already know that the enemies in front of them are Violet Rank.

This information is immediately shared with survivors.

That's why they knew that this Tamer in front of them was in a class of its own.


The man shouted with all his might.

Maple, rip apart the enemy.


Crack! Crack!


Maple roots entered the body of the Treant and crushed the seed.

The monster, which is open in half drops down to the ground.




The Champion who are fighting the monster rejoice.

Step! Step! Step!

Maple and Canis began to move but…

"Wait! What about the crystal? Take it! You deserve it!"

A man who seemed like the representative of the group immediately shouted.

'Yeah! You killed it it is yours.'

'Please take it.'


He shouted as loud as he could and pointed to another monster near the vicinity.

'He didn't care about any rewards…'

'What a selfless guy! This is a high-ranking material… share it with us…'

'A hero that appears in times of great calamity.'

"Who are you?"

Another man asked.


'Clearly, someone who didn't want any fame…'

'Someone as awesome as that is living in Philip City.'

'He is such a hidden character…'

The people commented on that.

From that moment on, a story of a great tamer that appears in Philip city began to spread.

Canis and Maple cleared all the Grandiflorians in the Association First.

People rejoice and celebrate that the threats are completely removed, but Canis and Maple didn't stick around.

They move towards the UASF once again.

However this time, only Maple moved around and killed the remaining Grandiflorian in the vicinity, and lastly…

They move to the next location.


Pang! Pang! Pang!

Naira was tired already.

She was on equal footing with this monster, no… to be honest she almost beat another Treant from earlier.

(Why are they giving the order not to chase the monster? We should clear this place immediately and have proper time to recover.)

Pang! Pang!

In her peripheral vision, she notices that one of those Treant escaped once again.

The mobility of those monsters is no joke so escaping for them is quite easy, and because they didn't give chase to the monsters, it's much easier for them to escape.

Pang! Pang!

She hit another part of the monster trunk.

Naira, movement are very fluid.

Her purple long hair moves like water whenever she maneuvers.

(Damn! At this point, those monsters will just recover and return… I hate what I am doing…)

She glances at her colleagues.

(We are already at our limit, we are fighting these monsters nonstop for two days.)

Step! Step!

She keeps a distance from the enemy.

(After this, I have to talk to the Guild Master…)



People cheered in the distance.

She glances but unfortunately, she cannot focus on it, she is currently fighting a monster right now.

'Who is that?'

'Is there such Tamer?'

Naira wanted to look so badly that she tried glancing in that direction but the Treant she was fighting right now was using vines with thorns in them that she could not lose a bit of her focus.

'Come! Here! Help us!'

'This way, this way!'


'Nice one!'

Naira loses a bit of concentration and looks at the cheering.



Naira wasn't hit by the thorny vines but by the roots of the monster.

She flew and managed to get up after several rolls.

Naira might not have spit up some blood but she vomited due to the impact of the attack.

She saw the vines going towards her.

She was about to dodge the attack when she noticed another big Treant behind her, and besides that, Treant was a man with a turban and wearing armor.

The Treant with red leaves, immediately embraced the smaller enemy Treant and pummeled it on the ground.

After pummeling for a bit, the allied Treant forcefully breaks the monster and destroys the core.

It was done so fast that people might think that the Treant already practiced it several times.

Naira personally thought of people who are so skilled in what they do that they do it fluidly.

(His like breaking apart a coconut?)

Naira loss her focus for a second but immediately turn towards the man.

"Who are you?"

Naira asks the man who is standing beside the Treant.

(A Tamer of this caliber… Where did he come from? Where is he hiding?)

"Just a passerby…"

The Treant with red leaves and the man is about to move out.

"Can we invite you to the Guild!"

The man who said that appears behind Naira.

Naira's brows twisted when he saw those wicked glasses.

"I'm sorry! For late introduction, I am Luke the Vice Guild Master of Freedom Guild."

The man continues to walk until he is beside Naira.

(Is this guy for real? Inviting someone who is wearing a mask to our guild?)

"I am just asking to give you a beverage or maybe we could talk about a few things over dinner with the Guild Master."

(Beverage? Dinner? We are currently fighting for our lives… and that's the reason you're inviting him, shouldn't you focus on strategy on how to go home… this Blue Rank Bastard.) 

"I'm sorry!"

The man waved his hands.

"There is still a monster roaming around, maybe later."


The Treant and the man move to the next Treant in the area without waiting for a response.

Luke frown.

"Ungrateful bastard! I already invited him to a dinner with the Guild Master and that's how he replied."

(... This bastard is really insane… I really doubt that this is the brother of Guild Master Duke…)

Luke glances at Naira with those angry eyes, he turn around and moves inside the base.

(Is he angry because the guy who helped us kill those monsters doesn't accept his invitation? What is weird man?)

Naira looks at the back of the person who helped her the man traveled to the distance.



A Grandiflorian who is resting in the nearest park, with all roots pierced the Earth just died.

Its 'seed' was crushed by Maple.

"This might be a monster who tried to recover their strength after fighting with the Freedom Guild."


From the center of the Pillar.

A golden wind rushes towards them..

"That feels like 'The Burst' happened again."

Canis looks at Maple, he feels proud.

"I cannot do it without you, son."

"Thank you, Father."

Maple replied as Canis gently put his hand over his roots.

However, their moment didn't last that long.

"Father… I think some humans are going to approach us."

(Detect ability…)

"I don't want to talk to them, I think I know what they are after… but we are already done with the Final Phase, I don't want to get involved more than that… carry this Grandiflorian and we will head… home."

The word home now has a different meaning to Canis.

For the first time, the 'My Home' skill felt different.

He felt real joy right now.

Canis looks for a none conspicuous place.

Simply, he found a house and moved to the side part of the house…


The door appeared and Canis and Maple entered.

Of course, Maple turned into his 'Boy Humanoid Form' and the monster loot was broken apart before moving inside.

Well for a Grandiflorian.

Several barks will automatically separate from the body.

The branches that don't die out immediately.

Flowers, fruits, and mushrooms that didn't die can also be looted.

Unfortunately, the leaves died immediately so we couldn't loot anything.

The Control Center is a box-shaped room that is similar to the size of a basketball court.

But right now, there are alleyways, inside due to the cramped space.

Canis stretches his hands for a bit.

"Now that the final phase is done… it's time to sort things out…"

Just thinking about the amount of work made him feel tired, but… excited too…

What do you feel when you need to count your money? 

That is basically how he feels.


"Well… let's begin…"


"Phew… it took 2 days just to clean up everything."

He stayed for 18 hours inside the 'My Home' and rested in a nice-looking house for another 6 hours.

 Right now, he is inside the Control Center which is already tidied up properly.

He glances at the door going towards the Grandiflorian Garden where most of the crystals are stored.

Then he took a simple notebook in his pocket and looked at it.

"Hahaha! An estimated value of the crystals is 9.8 million US dollars, that's… that's an enormous haul." **Using the value of dollars in 2023**

Canis smiled.

"Not only that, I also now have a large collection of High Ranking Crystals."

Those crystals came from the UASF vault because most of the crystals inside that vault are all high-ranking.

"Aside from that, I have several Basic Stones."

Canis don't know what to do with this stone.

(The value of the stones isn't that high, however… messing with the Association feels great… I even took things that weren't that valuable.) 

He look at the northwestern part of the Control Center where his folding bed and small office are set up.

There are crates full of stone near that station.

"I have 4 crates of Healing Stone, 4 crates of Return Stone, 3 crates of Light Stone, 3 crates of Conqueror Pillar…"

He stops at the Conqueror Pillar and moves towards the location of the crate.

Unlike the Healing Stone which looks like a simple heart or the Return Stone which looks like a house with a carved window in the middle.

The Conqueror Pillar stone is an obelisk-shaped stone with various carvings all around it.

Scientists said that those markings might be words or letters of a certain civilization.

Canis throws the Conqueror Pillar again back into the crates.

And continue to look at the haul.

"Aside from the 6 artifacts that I got…"

"The real haul will be these…"

On the east part of the room, there was a great display.

Each rare material is inside a glass box.

Those glass boxes are put on the floor as a display.

"The value of this is astronomical depending on who wants it…"

A claw with a black marking and a tag Ragdar Claw.

A small flower spits a tornado from time to time, Hurster

Feather with glitters in it that cycle within the box, Blucan Feather.

"These are certified rare materials, that have value and appeared several times for Quest Level Up."

"Of course, those loot from the Grandiflorians might help someone back from Earth, and can be considered as items for Quest Level Up… but until several people use those materials until the Champion Association declares that those materials are used to break the Quest Level Up then those items will be certified."

He looks at several more 'rare materials' here.

"The certification process takes a long time…"

Then he looks at his notebook.

(108 rare materials… all of them are certified… )

"If I got back on Earth, I could just open my own rare materials store and resign from the Association…"

Canis chuckled as to find this idea funny.