
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Chapter 002

In a dense forest, where unique-looking trees stand tall in this place that is not familiar to any human.


There are plenty of wild plants and animals, or monsters, that can be observed.


Trees that have leaves that are as large as bus are scattered everywhere.


Some of the trees have rainbow-colored leaves that give vibrant color to the area.


Bushes that have colorful flowers and unique shapes scatter all around the area, yet they spit out purple powder from time to time.


And some of the trees are even dancing and moving, opposing the flow of the wind.


Step! Step!


Whisper~ whisper~


In the middle of this forest, a group of creatures seems haddle in the center of a single pillar.


The pillar is clearly out of place in this beautiful and colorful forest, a 20-meter tall circular pillar, however, it was made out of white marble.


The pillar is somewhat similar to a tree where there are branches sprouting in the upper part of the pillar.


And under those branches, in the topmost part, there are 7 red-colored round fruits, and below it, there are 50 violet-colored mango-shaped fruits.


If a human from Earth can see this, they might think that this is an art display for the museum and they will be amazed and revered by whoever made this art.


Yet, for the creature of this world.


They look at the marvelous art with an ominous expression.


Step! Step!


A large tree, with a 5-meter wide trunk, and green leaves with white, black, and purple flowers sprouting in branches walks towards the middle.


Step! Step! Step!


The tree walks in front of the group by moving its 8 large roots very gently and skillfully.


Even with that large body, the ground it walked on was not disturbed.


The tree with white, black, and purple flowers looks towards the crowd.


The crowd of…




The best word to describe them in human language.


But here in their world.


They are called Grandiflorians.


Grandiflorians are tree creatures, towering from 5 meters to 9 meters, they have hollow parts in different areas of the trunk that serve as their eyes and mouth.


Each of those Grandiflorians has different colored and textured trunks.


Their branches are also different from each other some are thick, while others are thin and long like a spear.


Some Grandiflorians have multiple fruits in their body.


While others have different sizes of mushrooms or different kinds of flowers and some even house some insects.


Most of them have lichen or moss with different colors and textures.


There are a couple of unique individual that have multiple bark covering their inner trunk.


But the one who stands out the most is in front of the group.


A Grandiflorian with ashen colored trunk and with white, black, and purple flowers on it and different kinds of mushrooms gently sit on the lower part of the trunk.


It is arranged perfectly well that if you look in the distance, people might think it is a bouquet of flowers.


Wis-dran-gea! Wis-dran-gea! Wis-dran-gea!


Wis-dran-gea! Wis-dran-gea! Wis-dran-gea!


As the beautiful tree gently moves to the center.


Several Grandiflorians began to chant.


Wisdrangea stopped in front of the crowd in between the weird pillar.


'With Mother by our side, I don't even fear any enemy.'


'The blessed Grandiflorian that protects this whole forest.'


'The one who erases the Dark Beatle race.'


It looks at the pillar and its golden eyes flick with disgust.


"These creatures! Tried to invade our land! Invade our forest! But we will show them!"


Its heavy voice echoes in the forest.


Its roots fly up in the sky and are immediately brought down to the ground.




The ground shakes and the soil scatters around.


A large hole was created in the ground.


"Wherever world they came from doesn't matter! They will stay in this Pillar and will die inside of it! May the god of trees and life bless us!"


"May the god of trees and life bless us!"


The crowd answered.


Wisdrangea looks at the pillar once more.


"In the name of Wisdrangea! Protector of Chantel Forest! Destroyer of Chaos Trees!"


It pointed one of its roots towards the pillar.


And it whispers.


"You will be my thousand pillar and in my name Wisdrangea, I will kill all invaders."




Wisdrangea disappears as it touches the pillar.




"For Chantel!"


"Kill them all! Kill all the invaders!"


"Follow Wisdrangea!"


"Protect our forest!"


Several Grandiflorians follow Wisdrangea inside the pillar.


Slowly, the forest becomes silent once again.


Bam! Bam! Bam!




A Grandiflorian slams a small creature with its roots, and it flies away in the distance and rolls over on the ground, simultaneously the Grandiflorian shoots out several fruits to the creature hiding behind the group of enemies in front of it.


The target of the Grandiflorian is the creature shooting fire in the back row.


The fruits flew toward the target creature but…


Slash! Slash!




Several fruits were cut in half by enemies and some of them were blocked mid-air using a large grey shield.


The Grandiflorian didn't bother and attacked the nearest one once again but this time, it blocked the incoming fire by throwing fruit.


The creatures in front of it shouted and made some noise.


The Grandiflorians feel that the enemies are becoming frustrated, and she can feel the desperation in their voices.


The Grandiflorian looked around and found several of its friends fighting at least 5 of this creature at a time.


It looks from behind, the Grandiflorian cannot see anyone there, but it knows that the Main Group led by Wisdrangea is sweeping the area for more enemies and to prevent any ambush.


The battlefield is something that the Grandiflorians are not familiar with.


There are several rectangular polished stones on every side.


These stones have different colors and designs but the most distinguishable features of these large stones are the small multiple holes on the side.


The Grandiflorian slams the ground several times while fighting the enemies.


(The ground is so tough! My roots cannot penetrate from this!)


The ground is made up of grey-colored stone.


It glances around its body, some of its branches are damaged, and there is also small damage in its trunk.


(Even though I am not in need of recovery, I need to find soil to heal my body to keep fighting these creatures.)


Bam! Boom!


Immediately the Grandiflorian looks around.


Inside those rectangular rocks, where the small holes are, some creatures are shooting sticks from the inside of those holes.


The Grandiflorian counterattacks back by shooting several fruits at those creatures.


But it didn't stop there, it continued to shoot fruits at the creatures located at the back of the group while using his roots to slam the enemies charging in front.


Basically, the Grandiflorian is multi-tasking every enemy she sees.


Bam! Boom! Bam! Boom!


She jumps multiple times to avoid the attacks and she looks to a certain distance, a similar battlefield can be observed.


The Grandiflorian skillfully dodges the attack while looking at the battlefield.


The battlefield is littered with dead creatures, and hundreds of them became victims of his fruits and wild root attacks.


Only the skilled few survive his attack.


But from the looks of it, those creatures in front of him are already tired, that is compared to how they fight and stand earlier.


The Grandiflorian senses his body.


(The damage they inflict is might be very small but it is already stacking already… I don't care. As long as those creatures die and we destroy this pillar there will be more Seedlings that can survive and fight for Chantel.)


The battle with the small creature continues.




A Grandiflorian can be seen in a distant fast-approaching Wisdrangea.


A large tree is swinging around using its vines, which is a sight to behold and finally, it lands in front of Wisdrangea.




"Ryllis! Do you have any concern!?"

Wisdrangea was surprised to see Ryllis in place, but she didn't lose her focus she released pollen around the area.


The creatures surrounding her suddenly stop moving, and then without any resistance, she picks up those creatures with her roots.


A Grandiflorian with white leaves and a very sharp branch came beside Wisdrangea.


"Look at this Ryllis!"


Ryllis wanted to speak out but Wisdrangea seemed excited, she is showing up a creature like it was a new doll.


"This creature seems familiar right!? They have four limbs and use two limbs to carry those things and two limbs to move around! We encounter several of these creatures already!"


Crack! Crack!


Wisdrangea violently moves the creature around, and the breaking of the bone can be heard.


"These are the most pathetic creatures who tried to invade us!"


Bam! Bam! Bam!


It slams the creature in the ground and when it lifts it up the creature is not moving anymore.


"See it was easily broken."


Wisdrangea then lifts up several of its roots once again and several creatures rise up with it.


She looks at the faces of the creatures wrapped around her roots.


Their eyes convey the feeling of.






Looming Death.


Those are the feelings that she felt when she looked at the enemies.


Wisdrangea smiles, the hole in its body actually moves, from a circle to a crescent moon shape.




'Lightning Blast'


Two of those creatures managed to use their power to attack Wisdrangea but those attacks didn't even manage to damage her thick bark.


"These creatures are more pathetic than those green-skinned creatures right?"


Slowly, the roots tighten and the creature cries in pain.


The sound of broken bones can be heard.


Pop! Pop!


The eyes of the creatures popped up and blood came out of them.


Wisdrangea felt the wringling and resistance of those creatures but it was futile.


Crack! Crack!


Pop! Pop!


Then those creatures, all six of them stop moving.


Wisdrangea loosened its roots and the creatures fell down to the ground with a bam!


Ryllis looks closer and there are hundreds of dead creatures around Wisdrangea and several hundreds more from the path she had been to.


"Oh~ Now that it is over, do you have any concerns Ryllis?"

"Yes, Wisdrangea. Several of our friends are having a hard time in the front line."


"Huh!? Hard time against these creatures?"


Wisdrangea looks at the dead bodies with disgust.


"Those creatures."


"Yes, those who are having a hard time fighting these creatures are the ones who charge toward the enemies head-on, unfortunately, the enemies use fire in combat."


"Ahhh! Those weird magic earlier… I understand they didn't 'absorb' the right plant before going here that's why they are having a hard time fighting these creatures."


Wisdrangea branches shook.


"I will lead the charge instead, tell them in advance that I am coming and those who didn't 'absorb' the right plant should be assigned to sweep the area instead."


"That seems to be the best action Wisdrangea, it's a waste because you have the ability to detect enemies, that is why you are the right Grandiflorian to seek those enemies that went into hiding."


"Sigh… you're absolutely right, in our last chaos tree, we encountered several problems because the enemies hid all the time, I thought that our 'time' would expire and the enemies would touch our forest and because I am the only one gifted by the gods with this detecting ability, it became a long and tedious mission… that's why I wanted to start hunting those who hid first before those who fight head on."


Wisdrangea reminisces the memory of the last chaos tree, pillar.


"But don't fret after I finish those in the frontline I will help with the search for more enemies."


Ryllis branches shoot up and some white leaves fall off.


That is how she shows that she is excited and happy.


"Go ahead Ryliss help the other group first and tell them about the change of plan, I will be right behind you."


"Alright, Wisdrangea."


Ryliss turns around then shoots out several green vines and attaches those vines to the rectangular rocks.


And began to swing away.


"Well… I need to move to-"


Wisdrangea is about to move when a sudden alarm goes on in his mind.


"Huh!? Wait?"


Wisdrangea is surprised about it.


"I'm detecting something."


(Any creature that went inside my radius will be tracked accurately. My ability will even know if the creature is an ally or not. I didn't doubt this ability since I got it but.)


"How come this creature came inside my radius out of nowhere?"


For simplification, the enemy didn't even touch the end part of its detection range and appeared instantaneously in the middle part of the range.


Wisdrangea looks at the sky.


The blue sunny sky was frozen in time.


"Those puny creatures aren't that useless after all, some of them even manage to nick my branch, however… bathing in the sun like this is a nightmare for them because my regeneration ability will trigger instantly."


Then it looks at the ground, the gray ground with yellow and white color in it.


But it seems it cannot let go of the sudden mystery that came to her.


"Whether it came from the sky or below the ground I will still notice it going inside the radius… but popping up out of nowhere is ridiculous."


Curiosity got her.


Using its roots it gently moves up the rectangular rocks and gently moves towards the target.


Slowly Wisdrangea observed the creature from above.


The creature is hiding in a narrow pathway.


From the looks of it, the creature is confused and panicking. 


(Hmmm… the enemies might also have an ability gifted by the gods… is it his ability.)


Wisdrangea, curiosity took a deep root.


Usually, Wisdrangea will just attack the enemies and be done with it.


This time it didn't happen and Wisdrangea continued to observe the enemy.


The creature moves slowly, it hides from place to place and looks around before moving to the next point.


The creature does it several times and does it for a long time.





It became boring…


The enemy is too cautious.


Unlike the other creatures, this one looks weak and pathetic.


(Is that it!? The creature is just hiding!? For a long time, I have been observing that creature and it didn't even use its ability that catches me by surprise!?)


Wisdrangea is disappointed.


(After getting this ability no one can surprise me anymore, I thought this creature is interesting but… It doesn't seem so.)


Already, tired of waiting.




Wisdrangea jumped to the building and landed near the creature.




The ground cracked but more importantly.


The creature flew away.




And the creature rolls on the ground.


"What!? Just the wind alone, push that creature away? It is similar to most of the creatures I fought. I thought it would be one of those creatures that manage to nick my branches."


With its curiosity.


Just the creature is standing up.




Its roots hit the creature, and the creature flew away several distances and rolled into the ground once more.


"Ahhh! I already controlled my strength but that creature didn't even manage to stop it!"


Wisdrangea felt disappointed.


"This creature is just similar to the regular ones… its not even special."


Wisdrangea moves in front of the creature.


The creature is slowly getting up.


Wisdrangea notices that some of its limbs are broken.


The roots immediately grab the creature.


"I don't even need to use my pollen to kill this one."


Wisdrangea began to squeeze the enemy.




The creature shouted but Wisdrangea didn't understand this, she heard it several times today but she didn't understand it at all.


The only difference now compared to the enemies earlier.


Is that, when she looks at the creature's face, at the eyes of the creature, it shows.










The fire in its eyes.


The will to survive.


Wisdrangea felt something.


It felt, like danger!


The creature moves its hand towards its roots.


While looking at its eyes the creature said while clutching its teeth.


"Your Mine!"


Wisdrangea's vision immediately turns dark.



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