
Sorry... (A/N)

Hello... it's sad to say this but this novel is officially on HIATUS.

I love this novel and it has a special place in me.

I truly enjoyed writing the relationship and dynamic between Avery and Yue. I can even remember smiling to myself as I wrote those cute scenes between them. This is why enjoyed and had the motivation to write this even without an incentive. I was always looking forward to writing those two.

However, the aspect of kingdom building has started to take a toll on me. If I have to be honest, this project has been a little bit too ambitious for me. At first, I just wanted to write some sweet romance between siblings and just added kingdom building on a whim. However, it seems that I have greatly underestimated the genre of kingdom building. It is honestly very difficult to write this genre. I have to do tons of planning and research just to make sure everything is right. Sometimes, the research alone would take me 4-5hrs. I should have started with something easier and light as my first novel.

As a college student, I am incredibly busy. I am aiming for Latin honors and have lots of org work to do. There is also my social life and side hustles I have to take care of. Writing that needs heavy planning and research like kingdom building is stressful and demotivating, so I am officially placing this novel on Hiatus.

But this does not mean that I am stopping writing altogether. I might start a new story in the near future with just romance and action in it, without all those stressful kingdom-building stuff.

So if you read this novel for the romance of it then you might enjoy my future novels. But if you're in it for the kingdom building, then I am sorry but I can't write any more of those. It's difficult and requires lots of time which I currently do not have (due to College and Career).



Q: Will you go back to this novel?

A: Yes, but not anytime soon. It might take months or years even. So I am not sure if you will still be here :(

Q: What are you going to do now?

A: Focus on college and my career. I'll also probably start a new novel that does not require tons of investment when I have the time.

Q: What will your new novel be like?

A: Romance and Action, mostly romance. I love writing the Avery x Yue parts so my next novel will probably focus on scenes like those. I might use Avery x Yue again but on a different plot and setting. I just love writing about those two and their relationship.


If you have any questions or thoughts then please do leave a comment below and I'll try my best to answer all of them.

Once again, I am sorry for disappointing you, and thank you for all the support you have given me. I truly appreciate it.

This journey was fun.

Thank you and see you next time.