
Conquering the Multiverse With My Summoned Harems

Here's another typical anime world isekai harem protagonist story for you. (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the works/characters I'm planning to include in the future releases other than my originals. This is just a fanfic.) **Cover art is not mine (https://www.deviantart.com/dsolitude/art/Cadis-Etrama-Di-Raizel-564393567)** ***********Synopsis************ In a place far from civilization and without anyone's knowledge, space twists and writhe then the phenomenon disappears almost instantly as if the event never occured. What was left behind, a man? peacefully lying atop dirt and grass. There, his adventure in the myriad worlds begins. *********************************************** For 17+ of Age (Contain profanity... lots of 'em plus other explicit contents in later releases. Reader's discretion advised) *********************************************** **Author Note** I got bored waiting for updates so I'm writing this to sate my boredom while waiting I guess... Also, English is my third language so if my bad grammar bothers you... well sue me lel. Also, I do not have any experience with character descriptions or battle scenes as this is my first time writing a novel. If you're expecting intense or epic fight scenes, you're bound to be disappointed however, I will try my best to deliver...

CrispyNoodle · Khác
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43 Chs

15 - Change of Plan

Ye Zong, the City Lord of Glory City was currently going through some of the paper works concerning the workings of the city as usual when suddenly, he sensed an energy fluctuation in his office.


Due to his position, there were many a time when he's suddenly ambushed for one reason or another and this situation brought back some memories. Rather than losing composure at the sudden turn of event, Ye Zong instantly merged with his demon spirit, the Black Scaled Earth Dragon, and assumed a battle ready position.

Due to Fang Lin giving him a new cultivation technique early on along with working with the alchemist association, Ye Zong had long since broke through into the Legend Rank. Along with his vast combat experience accrued over the years, Ye Zong had still never encountered this situation so he didn't let his guard down even one bit even if he was confident he could repel any ambush with his new strength.

Suddenly, a magic circle spread to the ground and fire erupted yet strangely, the fire didn't affect anything in the surrounding at all, as if the flames were only a visual effect. Soon, the fire died out and two figures were revealed. It was of course Fang Lin who used the teleportation magic along with his prisoner, Shen Ming of the Sacred Family.

"Fang Lin...!?" exclaimed a surprised Ye Zong. Even though it was a familiar face however, Ye Zong still didn't totally let down his guard as it could be a trap. "What are you doing here? Weren't you currently on a trip with Yun'er? And what sort of technique was that? " asked Ye Zong half warily and half relief as it wasn't an enemy... even if he wasn't completely sure of that as of yet.

Seeing the wariness Ye Zong is currently displaying, Fang Lin wasn't surprised at all. In fact, he would have looked down him if he didn't display at least this much of wariness if someone suddenly appeared in his own room using strange tricks. As such, Fang Lin didn't waste anytime and got straight to the point since he didn't want to leave the girls alone for too long even if they could defend themselves.

"Father in law. I was attacked by Dark Guild members on my journey. And what you saw just now is a teleportation technique that is unique only to me. As for why I'm here, well... one of the attackers turned out to be someone we both knew. It was Shen Ming, the main affair elder of the Sacred Family!" quickly spoke Fang Lin as he wanted to finish his business as soon as possible.

"What!?" shouted Ye Zong in surprise then asked in a frantic voice "What about Yun'er!? Was she okay?!"

"Rest assured, father in law. Yun'er is okay. She is currently with the strongest guard there is possible in Glory City. I came here only to drop this animal off for interrogation so that we can get more information on the Sacred Family" quickly assuage Fang Lin as he lightly kicked Shen Ming in the chest. Suddenly being hit, Shen Ming grunted in pain, showing that he was indeed still alive even though he doesn't look like it at all.


"Damn Sacred Family! They actually dared...!?" shouted Ye Zong in anger as he slammed his palm on his desk, promptly turning it into dust as it couldn't withstand his Legend Rank strength. "Lin'er, you can be rest assured and go back to Yun'er for now. I know what to do from here on. The Sacred Family's days will soon be over!" growled out Ye Zong as he glared at Shen Ming with malicious intents.

"Un, I understand. I'll be off then. Please... also give my regards to this Sacred Family trash" responded Fang Lin as he eyed Shen Ming one last time before activating his teleportation magic. With a flash, Fang Lin once more disappeared to whence he came which brought a dull silence into the room once more. Save of course... for the miserable groans of Shen Ming. "Guards! someone go fetch me elder Sheng! Immediately!"




Back at the clearing, Yang Xin and Ye Ziyun watched in bafflement as Ning'er and Xiao Bai looted the corpse of everything valuable nonchalantly as if they'd been used to these actions for years. Little did they know, they have been. There were many times that Fang Lin and co were accosted by petty bandits during their stay on Blue Haven. The only difference was that those bandits's strength were nothing worth mentioning, thus barely gave the party any trouble and were only easy targets for farming EP and sometimes AP.

It was an even stranger sight for Yang Xin as she watched Xiao Bai, a supposed demon beast, to act so human like and could even use something like a spatial ring. Suddenly, a magic circle appeared on the ground nearby and soon appeared the figure of Fang Lin.

"Lin, welcome back. How was it?" succinctly asked Ning'er. To which Fang Lin hastily replied "Un, I've handed him over to father in law. He'll take it from here." After looking around a bit, Fang Lin asked "How about the guards you brought with us, Xin'er?"

Just now noticing the intimate way Fang Lin had been calling her, Yang Xin blushed a bit and felt joy in her heart. "No good. All died from that sneak attack." said Yang Xin sadly after calming down a bit. Noticing her looks, Fang Lin did what any sensible man did and pulled her into a hug for comfort and whispered "Don't worry... we'll get revenge on them soon. The Dark Guild... Sacred Family... we'll get them both sooner or later."

Even though she was the older one of the two... for some reason she felt like she only a little girl in Fang Lin's embrace. His warmth calmed her down a lot as she returned the hug and stayed like that for a while before separating. "Lin, what should we do now?" asked Ziyun as she looked at all the corpse around them, not wishing to stay here any longer.

"Un, due to the sudden turn of event... there's going to be a change of plan. Our earlier fights against those two Black Gold ranks... made me realize how lacking we are in terms of combat experience against other humans despite out strength. I didn't want to do it so soon but it looks like I'll need to 'summon' someone that can help us fix this problem." said Fang Lin which somewhat confused Ziyun and Yang Xin unlike Ning'er and Xiao Bai who knew exactly what he meant by 'summon'.

"Before that though... we'll first head on over to Nie Li's place to warn him about the Dark Guild and Sacred Family. Since he was always actively going against them, I wouldn't be surprised if he and his friends were also targets of attack. After that... we'll rest a night before heading over to the heavenly sacred border and Abyss Prison Realm for some serious grinding." said Fang Lin as he looked at his current IP and UP. After nodding in agreement, Fang Lin and co flew at their fastest speed towards their destination, with Ziyun being held by Fang Lin as she couldn't fly yet.




In Nie clan's meeting room, Nie Li was currently being suppressed by one the Heavenly Mark's family elder, Nie Wei, for antagonizing the Sacred Family. After some back and forth, the patriarch was about to help Nie Li out when suddenly... "R-report! Director Yang of Alchemist Association, and the daughter of City Lord, Ye Ziyun and her fiance, has come to visit!"

The Alchemist Director...!? Shocked at the sudden development, the patriarch hurriedly bellowed out "Hurry up and prepare the main hall! Those 2 are important guests, there mustn't be any mistakes!" Before anyone in the room were able to react to their patriarch's command however, the voice of a mature woman rang out "There's no need for that."

Looking towards the source of the voice, everyone saw 4 figures walked in with Fang Lin at the forefront, Ziyun and Ning'er on the left, while Yang Xin was on his right. As for Xiao Bai... well no one with a sensible head would pay attention to a cat with and just treated her as accessory that was lazily resting within the bosom of Ye Ziyun.

(Fang Lin!? What is he doing here?) thought a confused Nie Li while his patriarch was busy trying to sweet talk and boot lick Yang Xin and Ziyun. "There's no need for formalities. We only came to see our little friend, Nie Li, as we were passing by for a little business for the association." said Yang Xin which greatly shocked everyone in the room. (What!? This brat Nie Li actually had ties with these important people!?) thought elder Nie Wei with cold sweat running down his back, now regretting the way he treated Nie Li earlier.

(Nie Li...) called out Fang Lin through a telepathy skill which surprised Nie Li momentarily before he responded with his own telepathic message. (Brother Fang Lin, what are you guys doing here?) asked Nie Li in confusion. They couldn't have been really here just to see him... right? They can't be this bored... Fang Lin especially.

(On our way here... we were attacked by Dark Guild members and... we caught a member of Sacred Family in the mix. We came by to check whether or not you were targeted by them recently) quickly sent Fang Lin and got straight to the point.

(What!? Dark Guild? I was attacked by a group of them as well... but I already took care of them.) responded a surprised Nie Li. (Hm, good that you're alright. I only came to warn you to take care as Sacred Family might be making a move soon. Give this message to the rest as well since they might also be targeted.) (Got it. Thanks for your warning, brother Fang Lin)

Looking over to the girls, Fang Lin saw them just getting bombarded by praises after praises and looking mighty uncomfortable. (Brother Nie Li, there was a reason why we came here before the ambush by the Dark Guild. Soon, the Hong Yue family will be doing an auction. One of their item is something called the 'Nightmare Demon Pot' which is extremely precious object.) sent Fang Lin which completely shocked Nie Li as he knew just extremely valuable that item is.

(At first I was here to obtain this object but I had to change that plan as we can't stay here too long. I ask that you obtain this item in my stead. You can also keep this item, I only ask that you get me 2 demon spirits for both Ye Ziyun and Yang Xin. As for the resources, I of course will pay you for the effort) continued Fang Lin as he took out some demon spirit coins card and handed them over to Nie Li to which he accepted.

Before they could continue their silent conversation however, Heavenly Mark's patriarch declared loudly "We really can't thank you enough for this cooperation, director! Ah, as it is very late currently, please do rest here for the night. Someone go prepare the rooms in the best courtyard for our esteemed guests!" Just as Yang Xin was about to reject, Fang Lin sent a message for her to accept the invitation.




In the end, they only asked for two rooms to be prepared for them. One for Fang Lin, and the other for the girls. Currently, everyone was situated in Fang Lin's as they discussing their plans and schedule for the next day. After finishing up their discussions, the girls were doing their secret communication again and at the end, Ning'er picked up Xiao Bai and left leaving only Ziyun and Yang Xin with Fang Lin.

Confused as to why these two stayed, Fang Lin could only look at them with inquisitive eyes. Being stared at, both girls instantly turned red in embarrassment. What they said next however, left Fang Lin completely frozen. "Fang Lin... t-tonight... just like Ning'er, make us your women!"





stats update;


Name: Fang Lin

Title: "Pig Slayer"

Lv: 75 (80%)

Tier: "Mortal"


Physical Level: 8 Stars Mortal

Soul Level: 9 Stars Mortal


Traits: "Serene Mind", "Pain Tolerance", "Fire Affinity", "Wind Affinity", "Space Affinity", "Time Affinity"

Skills: "D-Sword Mastery", "D-Cooking Mastery", "C-All Fiction (sealed-10months)", "EX-Dragon God Ascension", "D-Perfect Memory"

Bloodlines: "A-Phenex", "None"

Equipments: "Black Dao (Rare)", "S-Divine Dividing"

Items: "Basic Camping Set", "C-Spatial Ring (small)"

Summons: "Xiao Ning'er", "Xiao Bai"

AP: 407,500

EP: 157,420

IP: 511,200

UP: 50,000


Name: Xiao Ning'er

Title: "Shinigami in Training"

Lv: 76 (0%)

Tier: "Mortal"


Physical Level: 7 Stars Mortal

Soul Level: 9 Stars Mortal


Traits: "Loyal", "Pain Tolerance", "Determined"

Skills: "D-Sword Mastery", "Inner World"

Bloodlines: "C-Shinigami", "None"

Equipments: "Zanpakuto-sealed- (Rare)", "Avalon (conceptualized)"

Items: "C-Spatial Ring (small)"


Name: Xiao Bai

Title: "Sacred Beast Descendant", "Lightning Dragon Slayer"

Lv: 75 (0%)

Tier: "Mortal"


Physical Level: 9 Stars Mortal

Soul Level: 9 Stars Mortal


Traits: "Lightning Rod"

Skills: "Bone Hardening", "Lightning Manipulation", "Shape Shifting", "Lightning Dragon Slayer"

Bloodlines: "Thundercloud Warcat", "Celestial White Tiger(Sealed-70%)"

Equipments: "None"

Items: "C-Spatial Ring (small)", "Senzu Bean (2x)"


Well... this is also one of the reason I had the fight turned out as it was. I mean... if everyone wants, I could always redo that chapter HOWEVER... there wont be emotional breakthrough for ziyun and yang xin as a result. This scene as a result won't happen at all. So the question is... what does everyone want to do o.o?

CrispyNoodlecreators' thoughts