
Conflict with Love and Truth

Lu Ming can see things. Strange things. After three seconds, a person's face can transform into a mythical creature and within five seconds, she knows their deepest truths. This secret ability has caused nothing but trouble so Lu Ming keeps quiet, only expressing her strange sight through paintings. One fateful night, Lu Ming meets Li Jun, a famous actor and playboy, who is unlike anything she has encountered before. Unfortunately for Lu Ming, this man only wants to ruin her heart.

sw25 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Strange is Li Jun

The light show looked incredible. Fairy lights wrapped around trees like a firefly blanket and bright sculptures littered the walkway. Ahead, Chi Sying and Dong Fai walked close together and on occasion, their hands brushed against each other. Lu Ming took a photo on her phone, compelled to capture the moment. Maybe she could use it as inspiration for one of her paintings; it looked like a scene from a fairytale.

"This way," Li Jun instructed and directed Lu Ming towards the ferris wheel.


"Give them some time alone." He quickly sent a text, likely to his friend, about their disappearance. "It is their first date."

"Okay," Lu Ming said submissively and joined the queue for the ride.

The carriages for the ferris wheel blended into the night, each painted black. To illuminate the ride, lights decorated the foundation of the ferris wheel. Lu Ming watched in awe as the bulbs changed patterns from rainbow swirls to red hearts. It looked incredible and this captivation remained as she entered her own carriage. They slowly rose high above the ground in time with whimsical music played from hidden speakers below. For a moment, Lu Ming forgot the annoying Li Jun existed.

"You dropped your guard," he observed.

"Chi Sying will castrate you if you try anything. My safety is assured."

Li Jun chuckled. It sounded rich and dangerous like chocolate on a diet. No wonder girls flocked to him and he became so successful as an actor. Lu Ming bitterly thought he would have thrived in any career, unlike her. Even her art passion struggled to pay for standard living expenses.

"Does Dong Fai really care for Chi Sying?" Lu Ming asked, feeling it appropriate to interrogate for her friend.

"Of course."

"How many girls has he dated before her?"

"One. His first love was in high school but they separated after graduation."

"Hmmm." The answer would please Chi Sying. "What is his type of woman?"

"Why did you leave that night?" He asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Where did this come from? They were talking about Dong Fai. Lu Ming still had more questions.

"The night we met at the party, you left suddenly. I want to know why."

"You know why I left," Lu Ming replied and blushed, recalling the kiss and visions. She avoided his eye.

"Ah but you did not want to leave," Li Jun stated and delicately reached for her hand. He caressed them with a feather touch from his fingertips. She felt a jolt of electricity spark between them. As he continued to talk in a melodic way, the compulsion to stare grew in Lu Ming. "You looked so beautiful that night. It was hard to turn away. My heart felt giddy just being with you and I can tell you shared my desire. Whenever I recall that kiss, I cannot help but imagine what could have been. I wish you stayed. Do you wish to stay now?"

Lu Ming gawked as he leaned in, like he intended to kiss her. Oh no he didn't! She covered his lips and pushed him back into his seat. A blush worked up from her toes to the top of her head. Unsure what to do next, and afraid to stutter during any confrontation, she stared at the view instead, flabbergasted. Was that how charming men acted? Convinced a few words would win a lady over? Lu Ming honestly didn't know since no men found interest in her. Not even the breathtaking view worked as a distraction. The way Li Ju talked seemed different though, like his words casted a spell. The same feeling of a lack of control had returned when he spoke. What was it?

"Do my words have no effect?" The question was a barely audible mutter. "Eyes. Meeting gazes helps..."

Lu Ming raised her eyebrow. What did he mean? Did he have a fever? Maybe his weird behaviour was simply because he felt ill. She experienced Chi Sying act drunk whenever she became ill. It appeared Li Jun shared this habit.

"Do you have a fever? You keep saying strange things. I can arrange to get you home and-"

Warm hands cupped her face and Lu Ming stared up at Li Jun. "I do need your help."

*One. Li Jun waffled on about love and the night the met but Lu Ming focused on the timer in her head.

*Two. What was he talking about? Why did she feel buzzed by it? She wasn't even listening!

*Three. Those strange features returned. His hair turned maroon but instead of grey eyes, pink dishes returned her gaze. An aura of soft red floated around him and Lu Ming swore she smelled spices. It made her feel comforted and reminded her of winter, cuddling up with a warm, unique milk drink which Chi Sying bought.

*Four. 'Oh no. Oh no. Oh no', Lu Ming thought but she remained trapped.

*Five. Lu Ming's eyes glazed over and Li Jun stopped talking abruptly.

"Be warned. In the next few months, you will find challenges and troubles ruin your peaceful life. These will prepare you for the greatest task of all. Do not fall back into your old ways, for your abilities and status depend on this failure or success. Find balance. Make a sacrifice. Otherwise, say goodbye to your godly life."

Then, Lu Ming kissed him to imprint her words. The touch imitated a butterfly; soft and graceful. Just as she went to pull away, Li Jun clasped her neck to continue. His mouth was fierce, demanding more and pressing hard against her. For some reason, she let him do as he pleased. The warning about him in her mind lost against the scent of spice. When her eyes fluttered back open and she stopped, she saw Li Jun completely breathless, flushed and shocked.

A strong wave of embarrassment washed over her. She kissed him! Her! She started it! Why?! Her ability never did this before! The ride ended on these thoughts and the carriage door opened. This gave Lu Ming the chance to flee immediately to leave her mistake behind.

The rest of the night ended in a blur. Somehow, Lu Ming found her way home and crawled into bed. The truth ruined another night. If Li Jun told Dong Fai about his love interest's weird friend, the budding romance of Chi Sying may be ruined. Lu Ming refused to let that happen but felt powerless to stop it. Frightened and irritated with herself, she watched her favourite show until her troubles melted away. Tomorrow, she would solve things. Tonight, she wanted to see how Lord Wei battled the dark elves.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been preoccupied and still working out the direction of this story.

What would you like to see happen?

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