

if my life is for rent

and I don't,learn to buy

well I deserve nothing more than I get

cause nothing I have

is truly mi

Noel's POV

I hum along to this song absent mindedly as I wait for dad to complete the admissions procedure with the Headmaster's office.im changing to a new school and if at all it wasn't for Udie's big mouth,I wouldn't be here.I'd still be wth mom,working away in the fields and attending school only when I feel like t.buh no,she just had to snitch to dad that I wasn't taking school so seriously.i curse her for the millionth time in my brain no matter how pointless it is since she'll never hear t anyway.

"Noeline Sibo?" the Headmaster's secretary calls out and I stand up sluggishly,heading over to her.she looks me up and down and tells me to head into the office while shaking her head.i wonder what they've discussed about me that warrants such an action but who cares?

let me introduce myself a bit.....Am Noel.

and that's as much as am going to say...for now.

or maybe I should add...I hate my dad. andUdie,my elder sister just earned herself a spot on the list of people I hate. not that I liked her much anyway.

"and please,I'd like her to board.she's bit troublesome but she'll behave."those are the last words I catch my father saying as I enter.im tempted to retort that he knows absolutely nothing about me but then I figure I don't want to make a bad first impression on the kind looking HM so I swallow my words and say à meek Good afternoon to him.

"Good afternoon young lady.welcome to STAA.hope you'll enjoy your stay"

"hopefully sir." I reply after glancing at Mr Dad next to him who gives me a stern eye as if certain I'd start complaining or throw a tantrum about how I didn't wish to be here.you wish!I mentally roll my eyes and say.he has no idea I can be a good girl when and where necessary.besides,I console my self with the knowledge that its going to be just two years of this misery and after that....I'm free as a bird.

"since she hasn't been keen on studying,she'll join class 3A.and if her overall performance is promising, we'll see about other options." I catch this statement from the headmaster and figure out Dad has already given him a history of my not schooling days.mentally sigh n facepalm while wondering if it was really necessary.

"is such an arrangement okay with you?"Mr HM asks and I nod yes.

okay if that's all,you will have to report on Sunday before five and settle in.as for now,go to the reception and pick up the school schedule,you'll receive your uniform on Sunday when u come in and do remember to come with your admission booklet."he concludes.

'thank you sir.' I say and head out.ive no wish to wait for Dad and clearly,he has none to stop me either.

I'll leave her in your hands then.Thank you very much for your cooperation.

I smile at the receptionist n request for the school schedule after which I march out the office and fo on a personal tour of the school premises.

there are no students right now since the term hasn't begun but preparations for their return are ongoing.someone is mowing the lawns,painters are at work and in the distance,they seem to be putting finishing touches on some building I believe is the main hall.theres theclass 3block and I head over to check out what my new class will look like and when I find it,I'm not disappointed.its fairly large and can seat about 80.i eye a back seat next to the window and promolise myself to get t.am still enjoying my time when dad calls me and tells me he wishes to return home since he is a busy person.as if I wasn't busy when he plucked me out of my world.

I head back to the office building and find him impatiently tapping his foot next to the car.getting in without a word,he starts t and off we go.back home to prepare for my return to the school.back home to Constance....my step mom....and number one person on my most hated list.

I'm new at this.this is just my first trial at writingso please bear with me.hopefully I'll improve as the book goes on.thanks

Millionpoundgirlcreators' thoughts