A young triton, who was captured by alien creatures for fun, tells his love story as he tried to achieve reciprocal feelings from a charming human-bird.
We immediately went to an exotic planet, transported with the help of the magical teleport ability of Adivaris. My nostrils were filled with the moist, hot, sweetish air of tropical fauna, different from Xantari in color and plant species.
We hovered on the orange ground, covered with fine grass of a silvery hue, and landed softly, plunging our feet into the dusty soil.
"Have you been here before?"
"More than once…"
Looking around, I noticed tall trees with lush crowns against the background of a greenish sky.
"What's the fun here? Where to look for entertainment?"
"In the forest! There are some species living there... winged creatures... but first let's learn to fly. With bare feet, it is best not to venture into this forest.
"And why?" I was overcome with curiosity trying to flap my wings to take off.
"Well... heh... it's dangerous there... poisonous creatures live. If you step on one, you'll say goodbye to your life," Adivaris grinned. "In general, this place is not for the faint of heart..."
"So that's what the fun is? I do not see anything funny! You know, such creatures also lived in my ocean, but at least they had a specific color and didn't really hide. And we, tritons, never got close to them. And who is here? Are they sitting in the bushes?"
After grumbling a little more, I was able to take off, clumsily controlling my wings.
"Make even more effort... keep evenly," Adivaris loudly poured out advice, hovering nearby. "We need to get to that top crown over there."
"As I understand it, it's safer there?"
"Relatively safe compared to the lower floor of forest!"
"What!? — I was indignant, heading towards the forest. - I wanted romantic, and here you are arranging terrible adventures for me! How stuffy it is here in this hot climate!"
"Hah... you've indulged in a comfortable boudoir life, and here you have the opportunity to taste unusual experiences on the verge of death. This experience is useful for you as a polymorph... But don't worry, I will take care of your safety, just don't fall from the branches, keep your balance."
... Of course I didn't like his comments and it was unclear whether he was joking or not. Actually, I wanted to relax in an unusual environment, but not survive among an unknown alien reality!…
We smoothly descended onto massive tree branches, slipping into the gap between the huge crowns, covering the lower floors of the forest from the soaring sun.
Looking around, I noticed thin humanoid creatures with thin transparent wings like insects flitting around.
"Who are those?" I quietly whispered to Adivaris, who froze next to me.
"Bee people... they live here as a large family, let's sneak closer... to get a better look at their nest..."
"Do they have a nest? Aren't they dangerous?"
"Well... they might sting if you bother them," came a mischievous laugh.
"But... you didn't do this, did you?"
"I tried to get to know them, but the bees are very shy and can be aggressive towards aliens..."
"Then...what the hell are we doing here?" — my indignant eyes made Adivaris laugh even more.
"You are afraid?"
"No! But it is unreasonable to invade the possessions of another race of creatures with an inadequate reaction."
"Hah... earlier you amazed me with your unreasonable antics, and now you are afraid of new impressions? It's interesting to explore an unpredictable environment... Look... They noticed us!"
"Yes, I see!" I managed to blurt out and was shackled by the hot embrace of Adivaris with a deep kiss.
... Somehow this is not quite this time to show off in front of the alien creatures hastily surrounding us with a monotonous buzz. Out of the corner of my eye I saw several people-bees hovering too close nearby. Human-insect hybrids similar to each other. Naked... gray-skinned... Short-cropped dark red hair... harmonious physique of smaller dimensions. Mischievous smiles appeared on their pretty, big-eyed faces. Are they reasonable? However, there were no weapons in their hands. What kind of frivolity is this?…
One of them landed in front of us, making clicking sounds.
"What does he want?" I asked mentally Adivaris, who continued to defiantly caress me.
"This is a soldier... Or a guard. He asks to stay away from their nest..."
The bee froze in place, looking at us with curiosity, as well as the other creatures located around us on the branches at a distance.
"I don't see any nest!" I exclaimed quietly.
"It's out of sight... hidden among the dense trees."
"Why are they all staring like that?" I looked back at the soldier.
"They're amused that we kiss, don't you see? There is no hostility coming from them and I told him that we are peaceful newlyweds tourists... we are on our honeymoon."
There was a lively squawk and something like laughter all around.
"And they understood you? They laugh and don't leave... you made us a laughing stock, Adivaris," I reproached my fiancé.
"Let them have fun... This is much better than if they attacked us. There were quite a lot of them."
"What are you trying to achieve? Let's disappear! Their attention is so unpleasant! It turns out that we are entertainment for them!"
'No... we'll stay... so far everything is going well... we need to continue contact..."
"What? What contact?"- I was alarmed.
"With them? You are crazy?"
"Don't be afraid, they won't eat us! The main thing is that bees are extremely interested in our behavior. Perhaps we can become friends..."
Adivaris, as if nothing had happened, intensified his caresses, stroking me more actively on my body and hips… I began to get excited... What a crazy person! He staged an erotic show in front of these alien creatures, whose large dark blue eyes seemed to light up from such a hot viewing.