

"Sweetheart, I have something kind of serious to tell you."

"What's that, Honey?" My wife Mindy was cuddled up next to me in our big bed. It was Saturday night, May 18, 2002. I didn't realize it at the time, but my life was about to completely change.

We'd just had a fantastic love-making session, which wasn't that surprising. We still made love all the time, even if we'd had some problems with our sex life in recent years.

"Well, it's a problem. A serious problem," I said. Then I frowned, because that was more than an understatement. Here I was, Dan Cooper, a successful author, with a lovely wife, two beautiful children, happy home, fame and recognition in my field, lots of money, good friends, you name it. Life was good. Except for one thing: my daughter Michelle, the younger of our two daughters and the only one still living at home, had the hots for me. Worse, I loved it. Actually, I loved it and hated it with equal intensity. It threatened to ruin everything we had as a happy family.

I paused and tried to figure out how to explain things to my wife. We have a great relationship, one of deep love and complete trust. So I had to tell her SOMETHING. I'd already put it off for too many days, weeks even, and not telling her was eating me alive.

As I lay there in search for the right words, her curiosity was piqued. She sat up, which caused her big breasts to wobble, and she looked at me intently with her dark blue eyes. "Honey, what is it? You can tell me."

"It's just, well… Promise me something. No matter what I say, you'll still love me, right? We can work through any problem, no matter what. Isn't that what we always tell each other?"

She leaned in closer. She wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing, so her nicely tanned and full twin orbs practically swung into my chest. She knew how much I loved the way that looked and felt. But it was odd for her to be tempting me at a time like this. She looked at me with concern. "For God's sake, Dan, tell me already! Yes, yes, I promise. Now what is it?"

"Well… You'd agree I've been a good father to our daughters, right? I've tried my best." "Of course! You're Superdad. They think you walk on water."

"So keep in mind that that's not going to change. Nothing is going to happen. I just have some strange feelings that I have to get off my chest. We have all kinds of weird dreams and fantasies in life, right? We can't control what they are, they just-"

"Dammit, Dan! What on Earth is wrong? You're killing me with suspense!" She pulled in even closer until her nose was practically touching mine. She rested her perfectly shaped D-cups right on my arm, which made me intensely aware of the warmth of her body. I could feel her sweet breath blowing on my ear.

Her closeness and attentiveness made it hard for me to think. It would be so easy just to ravish my sexy wife yet again, but now was not the time; it was hard enough getting this far with my planned speech. So I pressed on before getting too distracted. "Sorry, Sweetheart. Well… There's no real easy way to put this, but remember that I don't want ANYTHING to happen. Nothing has happened and nothing will happen. I just want to get these feelings off my chest and figure out how to get past them. And what to do! The thing is, I, well … sometimes I have … um… impure thoughts about Michelle......... There. I said


Mindy laughed heartily. She appeared greatly relieved.

What shocked the hell of out me though was the fact that amusement would be her only reaction.

"Is that all?" she asked, still chuckling. "You're getting me all worked up over that? Oh, Honey. My sweet Honey, you're so cute when you get all moral. It looks like I have my work cut out for me, trying to corrupt an honest man like you. Now, how can I get an upright, upstanding man like you to defile an innocent little girl like me?"

She leaned in to kiss me and make out. Her mouth didn't have to go far, and her lips were on mine before I even knew what was happening. Soon, we were going at it again like teenagers in the back of a car. She grabbed at my penis through the sheets and blankets.

I was flaccid, but knowing what her talented hands were liable to do, plus there was the way her tremendous breasts were rubbing against my chest. I got erect again in seconds.

She giggled and said, "Oooh! Looks like I know one part of you that's definitely upright and upstanding!"

I pulled back just a bit – I didn't want to seem like I was rejecting her. "Mindy! I'm serious! This is really serious! It's been bugging me for weeks. Hell, months, but it's gotten really bad in the last few weeks. I was hoping this situation with Michelle would go away, but it just seems to be getting more intense. What's wrong with me? I'm sick! I'm a bad father!"

Mindy laughed again. She still leaned over me from our near kiss. I could feel her hard and crinkly nipples scraping against my chest as our noses practically touched. "What's wrong with you? There's only one thing wrong with you. You have an unbelievably gorgeous daughter that any male of the species would be VERY attracted to. She's a goddess in her prime. She's eighteen and growing out in all the right places. Did you know she can't even borrow my bras anymore?"

As my wife talked, she continued to rest her hand over my hard-on. But she wasn't content to leave it at that. She grasped hold of it firmly, surrounding me with her fingers and raising my hard pole straight up. It was still enshrouded by the bed sheets, but that only made my situation more difficult because we use silk sheets.

She began to stroke my shaft more vigorously as she continued, "Our precious little girl has graduated into an F-cup now; you're behind the times. She keeps growing, with no end in sight! F stands for fantastic! Can you just imagine, someone that young, with F-cups already?! I mean, imagine if she keeps growing at this rate. Imagine what she'd be like after she's had a baby. She'll need a shopping cart just to carry her huge knockers around!" She giggled. "I can totally sympathize with your plight. If I was a male, I'd have a hard time thinking of anything but sliding my thing in and out between those monstrous gazongas."

"Please!" I pleaded, suddenly overwhelmed by erotic overload. I feebly swatted her hand away. It was hard to be forceful when I knew how talented she was at making my dick happy.

She giggled again. "Please what? Please stroke your long, fat, throbbing cock? That can be arranged." She grasped my stiff erection through the sheets again and resumed her stroking of it, only with more vigor.

"No. Please!"

"Please? Please what? You want my permission to titfuck our daughter? Hmmm…" She looked thoughtful, as if seriously considering the idea. "Well, maybe if you do the dishes more often… Does that sound reasonable? Then you can titfuck her all you like. But if you want her to suck your cock, you'll have to be better about mowing the lawn."

I gasped at her easy agreement. She was a non-stop joker, so this had to just be more kidding, right?

She WAS kidding, wasn't she? I said, "Please! What I mean is, please, stop! Stop the sexy talk and for God's sake stop jacking me off! I'm being serious here, but you're treating this like play time."

She looked at me seriously, but continued to stroke my erection. "It's okay. I understand. That hourglass figure of hers, the long blonde hair, her luscious lips, her bubble butt, her silky smooth skin and all- over tan, her notorious 'jutting torpedoes,' but most of all, her intense, sultry eyes… It's like her entire body is built for sex!"

She seemed surprised at herself. "Heck, she gets ME going sometimes! Ha! Can you imagine that, Michelle and I, in a sixty-nine? Can you just picture it, your daughter and your wife, running our hands all over each-"

I groaned with lust. This conversation wasn't exactly going the way I'd figured it would. I interrupted, "Yes! I can picture it, okay? Don't spell it out!"

"Honey, if you weren't attracted to her, I'd have to say there was something very wrong with your libido. You can't help that you have a daughter like that. It must be tough to have a centerfold-worthy daughter who seems to ooze sex out of every pore, but you just have to grin and bear it. Stiff upper lip, and uh, other stiff things."

She looked down at the large bulge in the bed sheets that contained my rigid hard-on, and frowned. She pulled the blankets away but kept the silk sheet wrapped around my erection, so she could stroke it against the fabric that much more sensuously.

I practically begged, "Please! Stop!"

She knew all of the most sensitive spots on my dick, and rubbed the silk against them. "It's okay, Honey. I know you're just fantasizing. There's nothing wrong with a little fantasy fun time, and it's only natural to fantasize about Michelle's huge breasts, her bee-stung lips perfect for cocksucking, and all the rest of her. Remember last night when you pretended I was Teri Hatcher?"

I pushed her hand away from my groin. "But Sweetheart! It's more than that. Our fantasy characters are always out of reach, but she lives in this very house! This is serious. I'm not just looking at her, admiring her the way a proud father should. I'm not even just idly fantasizing. I want to DO things with her! Really do things! You know what kind of things!"

Mindy laughed, seemingly completely unbothered by this "shocking" problem. I knew that she found it endearing that I was such a highly sexed individual, having made love to her countless thousands of times, and yet I still could get all hung up about saying or doing certain sexual things. I can't help it. I had a very square upbringing, and sometimes the things you're taught as a kid just never wear off. But being a "horny prude" is a bad combination, believe me.

She mocked me. "Oh no! What kind of things? Help her with her homework? Drive her to school? Oh no, you wicked man! I'll bet you want to give her a MASSAGE! Horrors!" She laughed some more. We give each other a lot of massages in our family; we are very touchy-feely.

Mindy didn't seem to see any problem at all. In fact, my wife was so at ease with the whole situation that she began to run one of her hands through my hair. She pulled her body over mine a bit more until she was completely on top of me and her legs rested on the outsides of mine. She seemed unusually frisky. In fact, she seemed ready to bonk me brainless (again). She whispered into my face with her sexiest voice, "I have to admit, imagining you with a hot, busty, teenage fuckpot who can barely handle all of your big fat cock does get me all wet, actually."

"Mindy, you don't understand! Have you not been listening to me? I'm not talking about just any teenage so-called 'fuckpot'-"

Mindy silenced me with a finger to my lips and a disapproving click of her tongue. "'Hot, busty, teenage fuckpot,'" she corrected me with a giggle.

I scowled. "Whatever. I'm talking about OUR MICHELLE! Here's the killer: I think she finds me attractive too. In the last few weeks, she's been, well, FLIRTING with me! I'm serious! It's really bizarre."

Mindy laughed mirthfully again. I could feel her pillowy chest shake as it pressed down onto mine. "Another shocker. I can see the headlines now: 'Young Female Finds Handsome Male Attractive.' I'm stunned. Dan, you've always been a handsome man. You've got that squeaky-clean but rugged, square- jawed thing going on. You're hip. You're fun. You're successful. I'm one lucky woman to have you."

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "Come on. I'm not all that. Anyway, there's the age difference. It's not right for someone that young to have feelings for-"

She cut me off with a finger to my lips again. "You're young. You're only twenty years older than her. ALL her friends like you. Heck, I'll bet they all have crushes on you, and in fact I know some of them do. That's totally natural too. I'm not blind."

She continued, "I've seen Michelle dressing like a tart at home lately. I've seen her bending over and preening, and only when you're around. I can practically feel the sexual heat rising from her when she looks at you lately. I've seen her wearing those tube tops, and tank tops, and miniskirts, and micro- mini-skirts, and nano-pico-mini-skirts."

She joked, "Why, just the other day, I saw her wear a skirt so short that it started just above her belly button and ended up just below her belly button." My wife loved to joke, even at inappropriate times like this.

I imagined my luscious daughter wearing a skirt that was only one inch high and hung uselessly around the middle of her waist – and nothing else. That image did nothing to help my erection go down, and there was no doubt my wife had noticed. Her hand sliding up and down my boner wasn't exactly helping with that, either.

"I know!" I complained. "It's hardly even a joke, with the stuff she wears. And you should see what she wears when you're NOT around! I hate to say this, but my daughter is dressing like a high-classed call girl."