
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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Chapter 9

Lily POV❀

I decided to go to my house after my work at the mafia since it was the most nearest and I was to exhausted to drive. I had a bath and choose some pj's and just slept.

I got up to my stupid alarm waking me up for school. Next year I'm not going to be able to go to college since I'll officially be Donna. The crowning is under 2 weeks time and I still need to go shopping.

I might just take Mel, Em and Bianca with me. I cut my thoughts and started getting ready for another boring day of college. I had a bath and picked out a outfit.

I liked my knee high boots so most of my outfits have to be paired with them. I grabbed my gold and black Ford mustang keys and drove of to school.

As usual the stares. I saw my friends by my locker and walked over to them smiling. "Hey Donna" Mel said in a hushed voice. I shook my head at her childishness. We all walked to over classes and my first class had to be with Jacob.

Universe what did I do wrong for you to give me this punishment? Just before I walked to my sit, Samuel walked in glaring daggers at Jacob who uncomfortably shifts in his seat.

Samuel and I were talking before we got interrupted by the one and only Jacob Sinclair. "Hey Lily can we talk please? " he asks with a hopeful voice. I just nod. We walk out of the class.

Before I even spoke Jacob speaks "I'm sorry Lily. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and I shouldn't have spoken to you in that way. " he says looking at me. "It's just that before coming to the room some guys were talking about you leading them on and stuff and then you proved it when I saw all those men in our room. "

Now who the fuck was talking shit about me. "So I'm genuinely sorry and I didn'tknow that they are just your cousins." I nod. "Jacob it's fine" he simply just nods and we both walk back into class.

Samuel looks at me and I nod my head stating I'm ok. The class went quite fast and it was finally lunch time. We decided to get Subway and we drove back to school.

I had found the boys who were talking about me and they were apart of the Russian mafia. So naturally I had to kill them. It was quite easy because they were stupid. I called my guys to clean up their bodies and send it to the Russians as a warning. I walked back to class and Emily screamed for me before I could walk in. I turned around to see her. "Lil the ball is in a week you need a beautiful dress because you are getting crowned"

I nodded "how about we get the boys and Mel and we can skip and go shopping since you'll also need outfits? " I asked her. She quickly sent a message on the group to meet them by my car. I also messaged my cousins and they will meet us at the mall.

We all drove to a mall and went to the dress shop. Mel and Em quickly went and started looking for dresses for them and me. I walked in and started looking around for a dress. I picked 3 dresses to try on. I showed them to Mel and Em and they had at least 8 dresses in their hands.

I tried on all but I didn't like them because the colour wasn't right or it just didn't look nice on me. They continued looking for dresses and the boys went to look for suits. I walked into an aisle and one dress caught my eye. I quickly took it and went to the change room.

I checked the dress and it was beautiful. The colour suited me and so did styling. "Ahhh Lil that dress is gorgeous" I heard Emily say. I looked at her and she also picked a beautiful dress. Mel also came out with her dress and they both looked gorgeous.

"Damn girls, guys we really have to carry extra ammo if they using those dresses" I heard Luca say. We bought our dresses and I paid for the boys suits including my cousins since Rio blocked their credit cards.

We all went to McDonalds and ordered food. The girls and I decided to go to the spa and get our nails done. We only managed to get to get back to our rooms at 6pm. I quickly changed in my pj's and went to sleep since I was exhausted.