
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

Jacob POV✯

Damn she looked really pretty well always does. And she actually said I looked handsome well something like that. "Thank you" she was about to say something but the class door opened and a boy walked in. Lily smiled wider than ever before and he smiled back and sat next to her. He left his bag and grabbed her wrist and started to pull her out of class.

I got up and grabbed her other wrist they both looked at me confused. "Leave her hand now" he looked like he could kill someone and that someone being me. "Who the fuck do you think you are? " the boy asked me "don't worry who are you? " the boy scoffed. "Her boyfriend" my eyes widened but I still didn't leave her hand.

Did she really have a boyfriend? Is this boy telling the truth? There are so many questions right now.

"Is it true that he is your boyfriend?" She nodded. And I left her hand go. How did I not know she had a boyfriend?

"è stato necessario?" She asked her boyfriend. He just scratched his neck nervously. Damn she can be scary when she wants to. "Silas this Jacob my roommate Jacob he is my boyfriend Silas". We both shook hands and he dragged her out of class.

𝙒𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙧𝙮?

How could I be so stupid? Whoever this boy is better leave Lily because she is mine. Looks like I have to threaten this boy.

I never see Lily after first period. It was finally time for break but I saw Lily and her friends along with her so called boyfriend walking out of school. I ended up following them and I saw them walking to a white Royce Royals. They hopped into the car and she drove of.

Damn I know she's rich but she's probably a billionaire for that car. I walked back inside and went to my friends.

❁Lily POV❁

Why did I say that? God Lily. He said Thank you and then Silas walked into the class. I smiled so wide and he smiled back. He left his bag on table next to me and grabbed my wrist. I was about to get up but Jacob grabbed my other wrist.

Oh god now what. I looked at him confused. "Leave her hand now" god this is going end bad if I don't stop this Silas is a protective boyfriend. "Who the fuck you think you are?" Damn he is angry. "Don't worry who are you?" Oh god he is skating on thin ice. "Her boyfriend" I could see his eyes widening.

"Is it true he is your boyfriend?" I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. He let go of my hand immediately. I started glaring at Silas who was scratching the back of his neck. "É stato necessario?" God help me.

"Silas this is my roommate Jacob, Jacob this is my boyfriend Silas". I ended up walking out of the class.

It was finally time for lunch. I met my friends and Silas and we walked to my car on our way to Starbucks or whatever they want.

" Guys what do you'll want?" I asked but my eyes still on road. "I want you" Silas whispered in my ear but they still heard in the back since they started laughing. "Silas Alexander Hamilton don't fucking test my patience" he gulped and the ones in the back burst out laughing.

"I want McDonald's" Emily said. "I want Starbucks" Melissa and Luca said. "I'll just have what you having" Matteo said. "Ok I'm having Starbucks Silas you having your own or sharing with me?" He smirked and I just glared at him. "I always share with you so why ask?".

Emily went to McDonalds herself since she was the only one who wanted McDonalds. I gave her my card which she refused but I convinced her. The rest of us went to Starbucks. We all got Frappuccinos.

"No way Fernandez is that you?" We all turned around. The last person I want to see. My ex boyfriend Javier. I immediately start to glare at him. We broke up because he became abusive, he use to cheat on me, bring girls home even though I was there, he used me for sex and money. He raped me on numerous times.

Silas notice and held my wrist to check my pulse and damn it was fast. "Who is he?" I turned to look at Silas. "Ex abusive boyfriend". Silas immediately froze after those words passed my mouth. My eyes widened even before I stopped the words. " What do you mean? " I simply just shrugged.

"Oh babygirl did you miss me?". Before I said anything Silas started punching him in face. "Silas stop it!" After a few more threats from me he stopped. "Listen don't show me your face ever again if I see you I'll personally be sending you to hell. "

He rolled his eyes and walked away. By now all my friends were there just watching the show. "Guys I'm sorry but please no questions". Silas looked at me and I nodded. "Guys go back to car or you'll can do some shopping ". I handed Melissa my card and Silas and I walked to one of the benches.

" Silas I'm sorry but I'm willing to answer your questions " he hesitantly nodded. "So what did you mean by abusive?" I immediately froze with that question. "Umm we used to date for 5 years the first year he was sweet and caring but after that he started becoming abusive. He abused me and also raped me. I was 12 when we started dating and when I turned 13 he raped me because I refused to have sex with him. "

I could see the anger radiating of him. He put his hand on mine and started rubbing circles on my palm. I relaxed abit. We spoke more about my past since we started dating when I was 20. I started dating Javier at 12 and I broke up with him at 17 since he put me in hospital saying I met with an accident.

I escaped the hospital and since I just started been an assassin I had some money. I trained and trained. I have houses in almost all the countries in the world. I have businesses all over the world.

We went back to the dorm and Silas is my neighbour which I'm thankful for because of my nightmares and I can see him at any time.

"Amore I need to tell you something" I looked at Silas confused. "If you cheating on me or breaking up with me I swear I'll kill you myself" he chuckled and I joined in. "Ti amo" wait what did he say. "What did you say? "He sighed " I love you Lily Fernandez. You always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you and you bring out the best of me. I can't look at another women without thinking about you."

I'm speechless for the first time in my life. I know I love him but am I suppose to say it back. "You don't have to say it back." Before you said anything else I kissed him. "I love you too and you are the best thing that could ever happen to me. I love you".

He pulled me on his lap so I was straddling him. He started kissing down my neck and on my collarbone. "Are you ready for this?" I nodded and he chuckled "amore I need words" oh god this man. "I'm ready with you I'm always ready"

He immediately got up and placed me on my bed. He removed my jumper and removed my underwear. Before I could say anything he slipped two fingers inside me. "You already wet for me huh?" I just moan even louder when quicken his pace. All you could hear was our moans and cuss words.

"Fuck Lily" I just moaned louder. "Silas faster" he replaced his fingers with his mouth. This feels so good. "Fuck Silas....." Just then I heard someone clearing their throat. Before Silas could get up he took the blanket and covered me since I was only in my bra.

"Lily can't you'll fuck somewhere other than our room?" I don't know what to say. "Oh shut up Jacob". I say rolling my eyes. " Silas I'm gonna bath I'll be back". I unclipped my bra and hopped into the shower. I put some vanilla and lavender scented body wash. And I washed my hair with a lavender scented shampoo.

I got out and put on a black tracksuit with white takkies. I added some gold hoop earrings and grabbed my handbag. I put my hair in a messy bun. I knew that Silas was going to take me for ice cream or something.

We went to an ice cream store somewhere. Silas dropped me off at the dorm and Jacob was asleep.