
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

❁Lily POV ❁

I woke up hearing my irritating phone ringing. I took a quick glance at the time and groaned. If they are calling me for something stupid at 2 in the morning I'm gonna shoot them.

"Hello" my capo spoke. I just hummed in response still half asleep. I immediately woke up when I heard what he said. "Ces enfoirés ne peuvent pas laisser ma mafia tranquille. Je suis en route, gardez-les la. Je verrai dans 15 minutes.

𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚. 𝙆𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚, 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 15 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨.

I dressed up quickly and grabbed my keys. "where are you going?" Did this fucker have to get up? "I have to get something from the store" I cringed at my reply "at 2 in the morning?" I internally groaned "just mind your own business and leave me alone" he put his up hands in surrender and I walked out.

I quickly got some knives and guns. I walked in and was greeted by all my men. They all call me Donna even tho they know I'm not crowned as yet. Just then my capo Michael came out and he greeted me. He quickly lead me to a cell with one of the German's men were in.

He gave me a file and my jaw clenched as I read about what this man has done. I walked into the cell and saw the man all bloody and cut. I took a chair and sat in front of him.

"So Xavi would you like to tell me how your Don knew about my weapons transportation" I asked with a calm voice. "Go to hell" I just scoffed at his response " don't worry I will but you will reach before I do so answer me" I asked in an demanding tone.

I walked over to the table with all the torture equipment and took my special knife. I stabbed it in his thigh and dragged it down his leg right till his ankle. "I'm asking again how did he know?" I say with gritted teeth. I grabbed another knife and started cutting his fingers of.

He screamed in pain "ok ok I'll tell you just stop" I smiled at him. "A guy named Alessio came to us and told us about the routes. He also told us that if we attacked on the same day you'll wouldn't be prepared." That's means they attacking now. "Michael they attacking now" I said in a calm tone. "Ok looks like your job is done" before he could respond I shoot him in his heart then a quick shot at his head.

Just then some of our guys came in and said we were under attack. I quickly went to our office because of all our plans and routes. After I closed the door it opened again revealing 15 that looked like hulks brothers. I took 3 knives in each hand and flung it at the 6 in the middle.

I took out my gun and shoot the other 8. I ran out of bullets before I shot the last one so I did a quick roundhouse kick and took out my other knife and stabbed him right in the heart. I put the bodies in a corner and locked the door with my biometrics. I knew my men killed everyone that tried getting in. I took a quick glance at the time and rushed to my car.

I drove back to the dorm and washed my hair. I dried it and ended up curling it. I took out one of my black dresses and black stilettos and put on some light makeup. After I was satisfied with the results I started putting my books in my bag. I rushed to the office surprisingly fast and got my timetable.

I stopped at the door and took a deep breath and then walked in. All eyes were on me. Since I was used to it I didn't get startled or anything. I rolled my eyes "I'm not some model for you'll to keep staring at me" I said in an annoyed tone. They quickly turned around. Just then a girl sat next to me "Hi I'm Emily" she said with a bright smile. I sent her a quick smile. "Hi I'm Lily" she smiled "I like your name it's pretty just like you" I smiled at her again "Thank.... " I got cut of by some stupid boy. I gave him an annoyed look and raised an eyebrow "Hi I'm Zachary" I was already irritated with him for cutting me off and now he wants to act like a cocky bastard. I walked up to him and he smirked I punched him and heard a satisfying crack. "That's for interrupting me and also for being a cocky puttana"

He held his nose and walked to his table and Emily just seemed shocked like everyone else. Just then the teacher walked in "I heard we have a new student please stand up" I internally groan as I stand up. Everyone turned to look at me. "Please introduce yourself" I straighten my back quickly "Hi everyone I'm Lily Fernandez" I said with a small smile. "Ok where are you from and where did you study before?" I internally stopped myself from slapping this teacher. "I'm Australian and I have been home schooled" he just nodded.

I took my seat again "Miss Fernandez heels are not allowed".I rolled my eyes " I did not know that since I'm new and also there is no code of conduct for what students should or shouldn't wear". Everyone just stared at me with either shocked faces or just smirking.I guess my Australian accent helped me.

Class after class it was finally lunch time. I was going to my car hoping to get Starbucks but Emily called out to me. I turned around and smiled at her "Come sit with us". I was going to get my Starbucks and go to the warehouse to complete some paper work and use the gym but I guess I have to change those plans.

I walk behind her following her to the table. Everyone just stared at me while I walked to the table. Girls were throwing disgusted looks at me while boys were smirking at me. There was 3 other people at the table already.

A girl with brown curly hair waved at me "Hi I'm Melissa Simmons but you can call me Mel." She said with a smile. "Hey I'm Matteo Simsons but just call me Matt". He had the most gorgeous brown eyes with just a touch of gold. " Hi I'm Luca Jackson" he was a little shorter than me he probably was 5.3 because I was 5.5.

We all spoke but they mostly asked questions about me but I gave the simply answers because of my real identity. I told them I was gonna get Subway or Starbucks tomorrow and they could join if they want and they agreed immediately.

It was finally time to go back to our dorms. I opened the door quickly and kicked my heels of and layed on my bed. I fell of to sleep immediately since I was awake from 2 in the morning.