
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

Lily Pov❁

I'm walking into college and I could feel the stares burning the side of my face. Seriously if their looks could burn I would be burnt to ashes by now with all the stares.

I'm walking straight to the office since my last name isn't well known I never change my name. I would have to stay at the dorm's in the college because if I don't I'll be traveling everyday for 2 hours.

As I'm waiting for my dorm room number I can feel someone walking towards me so I turned around to see the most beautiful person walking towards me.

He had this green eyes that looked like a forest behind it, his muscles could be seen clearly through the shirt he was using. I was quite surprised that it didn't tear by now which I totally wouldn't mind.

He cleared his throat and smirked which I just rolled my eyes at him. "If you wanna check me out let's get a room". I just rolled my eyes. "I know I'm a beauty but stop staring and wait your turn".

" Babygirl I know you wanted me just say where you want me and I'll be there." He put his hands on my waist I grabbed him by his wrist and twisted it. Before I smirked "see this darling" I pointed to myself "is very hard to get so just wait in the line".

Just then I heard the secretary cleared her throat" Miss Fernandez your dorm number is B73" I just nodded and mumbled a thank you. Before I left I turned around "touch me again and I'll break that hand".

In the corner of my eye I could see him just nod before I turned on my heels. I was wearing a black jumpsuit with black heels since it was shorts you could see my taned legs. Making my way to the dorm the room was already open. It must be my roommate I just shrugged and walked in. My eyes widened and confusion was written all over my face when I saw who my roommate was.

The same cute motherfucker that touched me. I did enjoy his touch but I couldn't fall in love with someone that isn't involved in the mafia.

He just smirked at my reaction then I just changed my face to a scowl. I can't be roommates with this idiot. He is definitely gonna make my life a living misery.

Maybe I could buy an apartment and move out but then he is gonna think I'm too scared to be roommates with him. Oh fuck this I'm staying here I don't care.

Walking over to the window bed I set my things down on the bed and walk over to him " you come near me I swear to god I'll hurt you" his face paled at my words and I just smirked. He quickly changed his reaction when he noticed my smirk.

"My name is Jacob Sinclair" my eyebrows furrow when I realise that his father walks for my company. "And did I ask?" He rolled his eyes and went to his bed and layed down.

Since my classes only start tomorrow I decided to take a hot bath. After about 30 minutes I walked out in a cute baby pink crop top and shorts that barely cover my ass. I took another towel to dry my hair and I could feel Jacob staring at my ass.

I took my hair brush and threw it at his head. It hit his head and he just rubbed the area that I hit. After drying my hair I went to bed because I have been up from 4am packing, signing some documents for the company and mafia and also training my men.

✮Jacob Pov✮

I walked up to the secretary's office and I saw this beautiful girl just standing there. I walked closer to her and like she knew I was walking towards she turned just to be mesmerised by her baby blue eyes.

She just stared at before I cleared my throat and smirked knowing she was checking me out. I was abit taken back when she just rolled her eyes. I knew at that moment she was a hard one to get.

"If you wanna check me out let's get a room" she rolled her eyes at my comment while I just stared at her "I know I'm a beauty but stop staring and wait your turn" I chuckled at her comment.

" Babygirl I know you want me just say where you want me and I'll be there" wait now I sounded like a male whore. I grabbed her waist and was surprised when she grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back. Damn she was fucking strong.

"See this darling" she pointed to herself "is very hard to get so just wait your turn".

The secretary cleared her throat and she let my hand go. The secretary told her, her dorm number before she turned on her heels and walked away.

Before she left she turned around and looked at me "touch me again and I'll break that hand" she turned around and walked away and I just nodded to scared to say anything.

Damn this girl was something else. I got my dorm number and walked to my room. I placed my things on the bed by the door since I liked that space more than the window. I turned around to see 'her' again.

Her eyes widened when she saw me and I just smirked. She noticed this and changed her reaction. She looked like she was debating whether to stay with me or to leave.

After a few minutes she walked over to the window bed and put her things down. "Come near me and I swear to god I'll hurt you" I paled at her since I knew she could most definitely hurt me.

She smirked and I quickly changed my reaction just like she did before. I walked over to her "my name is Jacob Sinclair' I introduced myself. Her eyebrows furrowed when I mentioned my name. " and did I ask?" I rolled my eyes at her comment.

She went to the bathroom and came out with a baby pink crop and shorts that barely covered her ass. I felt my jeans tighten knowing exactly what it meant. Before I registered her hand movement I felt a sudden pain on my head.

I looked to see her smirking and went to her bed while I rubbed my head to smooth out the pain. Damn this is gonna be a hard year.

My jeans are always gonna tight when I'm gonna be around her. I just sighed and switched the lights of and went to sleep.