
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 17

Lily Pov❀

Once we got home I told the guards to leave all the bags and boxes in my room. I got a couple of maids to set up my wardrobe because I was super tired. Nathaniel's hand still in mine we walk inside. Just before we go up the stairs I hear Luna scream "finally! ". I just roll my eyes knowing exactly why she's screaming and Nathaniel just looks amused.

" Omg guys I'm so happy for you'll " She said cheerfully. I just chuckle and Nathaniel just stands there admiring my face for some reason. "I'm feeling like a proud mother" she says still over reacting. "Okay Luna I know you called it but chill I need some sleep because I still have to pack a couple necessary things for going to New York." I say tired.

A couple seconds later I realize what I said and whip my head in Nathaniel's direction. He looks confused but still pissed most probably cause I didn't tell him. "What do you mean pack for New York?" He asks in a tone full of emotions. Luna chuckles nervously and slowly backs away from us.

"Come with me I'll explain" I tell him walking to my room. Obviously I'm not going to tell him about Jacob but about everything else I'll probably tell him. "So basically you know about my father's death and why we came to Rome and I'm going to New York because I have to get all my things and actually say bye to my cousins, uncles, aunties and friends." he nods taking in the information.

"That's fine but is the group staying? " I shake my head no. "The group is going back tomorrow morning" he nods. "Okay so I'm coming with you to New York" he says happily but still nervously. I grin at him and tell him to pack his bags. He kisses my forehead and goes to his room to start packing.

I grab a towel and walk into my bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder what happened to the I don't give a fuck Lily. The Lily that didn't second guess her choices. I just shake my head and strip from my clothes getting into the shower. I let the hot water hit my skin turning my tan skin red. I let the water cascade down my body and take my strawberry shower gel and start washing my body.

Just then I realized that it's basically year end and it's the school dance. I won't be able to get out of it because of my friends. They will want me to go because I'll be moving. My thoughts go back to Jacob and the memories rush back. Tears clouding my vision. I'm still in love with Jacob but it's not as strong as before because Nathaniel makes me forget about him.

I told my friends I'll be there in 2 days because it takes about 12 hours to get to New York from Rome. So my jet will probably land in New York around 6pm. Which means in Rome it will be 2am. Yeah I know the time difference sucks.

I sigh getting out of the shower and wrapping myself in the fluffy white towel. I did my face routine and got changed into some Pj's which consisted of shorts and crop top. Before heading to my bed I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Nathaniel standing there with a nasa shorts and t-shirt. We were kinda basically matching.

"Hey? Can I sleep with you tonight please?" He asks nervously. I chuckle and nod. He quickly gives me a cute grin and grabs my waist pulling me to the bed. He pulls me into his chest and puts the blanket on top of us. I decide to get comfortable and wrap my arm around his torso while putting my leg on his. He just chuckles and plays with my hair.

We talk about countless things until I fell off to sleep. I felt a peck on my head and relaxed in the arms of him. He also ended up falling off to sleep and when I heard his breathing pattern gentle down I fall into a deeper sleep.

*𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜* (𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙙 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙤𝙧𝙠 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙚𝙡)

I get up to the sound of someone clicking a picture. I open my eyes slightly but felt a weight on my waist and chest. I looked down to see Nathaniel still asleep. I looked at the culprit that got me up and it's no one other than Luna. I glare at her and she nervously gulps.

"Sorry but you'll looked so cute together when I came to get you up because everyone was leaving" I roll my eyes and slightly shake Nathaniel waking him up because we have to tell everyone bye. Luna walks out the room closing the door and just then Nathaniel grabs my wrists holding it above my head and starts sucking at my neck..

I bite my lip so he doesn't hear me moan but he noticed and looked at me with daring eyes. "Don't stop those sounds other wise you will be screaming instead of moaning" I just hum and he continues the assault on my neck. After about 15 minutes he stops and looks at me. "Morning my love" he says in a deep husky voice. "Morning amore" I tell him in Italian.

He groans and lays down on my boobs. "Your boobs are so comfortable" he says and I chuckle hitting his head softly. "Okay stop acting like a baby because we need to get changed and say bye to everyone and then we have to leave" he just groans but nonetheless gets up but not before giving me a passionate kiss.

He decided to use his bathroom while I use mine so we could get ready faster. I brushed my teeth, shaved and washed my hair. I scrubbed my body. Once I finished having a bath I wrap the towel around my body. I do my face routine and put abit of makeup on. I decided to use a lacy skirt that was a little below my knees with a white lace crop top and paired some white heels, jacket and blue purse.

I picked a pair of silver earrings and silver chain. I put the promise ring on and some other rings for my other fingers. I sprayed some perfume and just blow dried my hair leaving it to become curly. I just curl the bottom a little to make it a bit more neat. Once I was done I grabbed my suitcase and handbag and walked downstairs. Nathaniel had come for me but I wasn't ready so he was already down with his suitcases.

He told everyone bye and one by one they hugged me telling me bye. I bid goodbye to Luna and she left saying use protection. My face turned red and Nathaniel just smirked at me. She chuckled and she left. Once I closed the door Nathaniel grabbed my waist and kissed me lustfully. "When you walked out of your room I barely controlled myself from doing this" he said huskily. "Well sorry my love but we have to leave now" I say break the kiss slightly.

He groans but still walks away grabbing our suitcases. "Airplane sex?" He asks jokingly. I chuckle a bit before walking towards him I run my hand down his chest and notice his breathing got harder. I smirk a bit and quickly grab my car keys from the table behind him and run out of the house. "Lily see what you did now! " he whines talking about his hard on. I chuckle at him. He gets into the car grumbling something along the lines of me being more evil than Satan himself. I just shake my head at his childishness.

We reach the airport and we both walk out the car. I decided to put on a baby blue cup hat and sunglasses because the way I normally go to my private jet is blocked for some reason so we have to walk through the main gate. Nathaniel put his hoodie on and grabbed my hand while walking to the jet. We successful made it to the jet and we took off leaving for the place I don't want to be at because of the memories and betrayal.

I fell of to sleep laying my head on Nathaniel's chest while he played with my hair. I relaxed into him while I heard him softly whisper "go to sleep I'll get you up when we about to land" I hummed softly falling asleep.

I got up to the sound of car horns. I open my eyes slowly and notice I'm on top of Nathaniel and my head is on his chest with his hand in my hair. I shuffle and pick my head up to look at him. He looks down and smiles at me. "How did I get on top of you and when did we land? " I ask voice still scratchy. He chuckles and I give him a confused look.

"Well my love you decided to fall asleep on the jet and then you decided to sleep on top of me when I put you on the bed because you looked uncomfortable. And when I tried getting you up you didn't want to and since I realized you were under so much stress I decided to carry you to the car and after that you didn't want to leave my hoodie so I just made you sit on me." He explains clearly out of breath.

I chuckle but my cheeks are scarlet which makes Nathaniel laugh. I hit his head while trying to get of him. The car came to an abrupt stop which made me fall back and Nathaniel arm to wrap around my waist. I landed on his man hood and felt it harden under me. He nervously scratched his neck while I laughed awkwardly. I quickly got of him and went to the other end of the seat.

He regained his senses and pulled me towards him. My head resting on his chest while his arm is wrapped around my waist. We made small talk while driving to the mafia house where my friends and cousins were all waiting. My suitcase and stuff were already at my house. Nathaniel was gonna stay with me since he didn't make accommodation plans which I think is complete lies.

After about 45 minutes of driving and sexual comments we finally arrived at the mafia house. "Okay babe my cousins are here and let's say they are terribly protective of me so if you get a couple hits just take it because you would be extremely lucky because most of my other ex's didn't make it so" I mumble the last part. But he still hears me and chuckles.

"I know how to handle th.... Wait! What did you call me? " he cuts himself off. I just realise that called him babe. I simply shrug and give him an Innocent smile. "Call me babe one last time " he says like a little baby. "Ok babe now can we get out the car? " I say sarcastically. He nods happily. We get out the car and I put my cold face on.

Nath does the same while the guards bow their head in respect to their new Donna. As soon as I enter I hear Melissa shriek. As soon as she shrieks Nath grabs my hand and I chuckle holding his hand. When Melissa sees our hands interlinked her eyes widen and she runs to me. "Omg has my baby finally grown up? " she says sarcastically.

Gosh what's up with sarcasm today.

"Yeah meet my boyfriend Nathaniel, Nathaniel meet one of my best friends Mel" he nods his head at her and she does the same. I shake my head annoyed. "Can you'll hug or shake hands like what the fuck do people do when friends meet their other friends partner?" They both chuckle and hug even though Nath's eyes are on me.

Melissa told one of the guards to call the group and say it was an emergency situation regarding me. This girl I tell you. Melissa told us to sit down until she signaled us. "OMG guys the jet Lil was on was bombed. " she said in a fake sad voice when everyone walked in. I heard everyone scream WHAT!!!!! Melissa winked at me which was the signal and I walked out of the hall way with Nath's hand in mine.

"Guys where's my snacks?" I practically screamed. "Guys I miss her so much that I'm hearing her screaming because she found out we ate all her snacks" The one and only Silas says while sniffling. They all nod and me, Mel and Nath stand there. We look at them, then look at each other and we bust out laughing. I see Mel on the floor laughing while Nath and I are clutching our stomachs laughing.

Once they heard us laughing they looked up to me with wide eyes. Silas got up from his seat and rushed over to me. He grabbed me and pulled me into an bone crushing hug. I calmed down from my laughing fit and hugged him back. I looked at Nath and saw him staring at Silas with jealousy written all over his face. I think Mel saw the same thing and quietly whispered to him that Silas was my best friend he slightly looked a little less jealous but still noticeable.

"Okay Silas I missed you but please get off me you are killing my insides" I say sarcastically. He groaned and hit the back of my head. I chuckled a bit. I noticed my cousins glaring at the boy I brought back home. "Okay guys I'm sorry for letting Mel give you'll a heart attack but at least I know how you'll will be when I finally die." I say happily. Nath hit my head because I spoke about my death but before I said anything everyone including Silas had their guns drawn and pointed at him.

Nathaniel looked stunned but nonetheless took out both his guns. "Okay everyone chill and let me introduce you'll to each other" I say skeptically. I see Nath gulp hardly and slowly steps next to me. "Lily who the fuck is he that makes him think he can hit your head like that?" Silas asked pissed. "Okay wait everyone put your guns away" they listen and put all their guns away. "Okay so I don't want you'll to take your guns out and no one interrupts me" I say glaring at my cousins whose guns are still in their hands.

They noticed me glaring at them and put their guns away and smile at me sheepishly. I shake my head at them and clear my throat. "Okay everyone this is Nathaniel and he is my boyfriend" I say softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.