
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 16

𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧*

It's been 3 days since we have been in Rome and let's say we are doing amazing with progress. We so far killed the second in command, hacker and about 87% of their guards. All that's left to kill is the Don and the rest of the guards. Which will be done today. Yes I know this was suppose to long but unfortunately we know how to use our bait strategically.

So these 3 days has being hell for me. I can't stop thinking about Jacob. Which is stupid since he basically 'cheated' on me. I don't know if I'm more angry with myself for falling in love with the player or more angry with him for playing with my feelings. I know I decided to permanently stay here but I have to go back for atleast a week because of my cousins and mafia.

If you wondering how I'm gonna manage my mafia while being in Rome well I decided to keep my identity hidden and make the underworld believe that the English killed me. Which is basically the rumor that's basically being going around. For the week I'm there I have to complete my exams and manage the mafia while also avoiding Jacob and also spend time with my cousins.

I just sigh and concentate on the plan for tonight. So basically tonight Luna and I have to become strippers since the English guards will be given the weekend off and since today is Friday they will be at the club at 12:45. Luna and I will have to trick the guards into thinking they gonna get a free dance in a private suite.

Which is the truth but it's just so we can end up killing them. The club is owned by Nathaniel which makes everything easier for us. Luna and I start to get dressed after the meeting was over. I wore a black lacey lingerie and Luna wore a maroon 2 piece. We did our makeup and we both put on knee length coats.

We drove to the club. The rest of the gang will come in when we start moving the guards to the private room. There will a totally of 56 guards that we will have to kill. If you wondering how we got the guards to Rome well it's because they found out I was in Rome. So we used it to lure the whole gang to Rome to make it easy for us. The Romans were helping us with the police and detectives that end up investigating the murders.

So right now Luna is dancing and she is almost done. Once she's done I'll be going next next. I'm kinda nervous even though this isn't my first time becoming a stripper. But it just felt so weird. Once Luna was done I noticed some of the guards following her. I just smirked knowing they won't be alive soon. About 37 of the guards followed Luna leaving me to kill 19 guards and the Don.

They announced for me and I got onto the stage. The music started and I started dancing. I held onto the pole as if it was my dance partner and then I flashed my boobs to the men in the front. Obviously I was disgusted but I couldn't do anything. Once the song was over I got of the stage and just then the manger called me telling me that I have to go to the private room.

I just smirked and nodded. I decided to change and hide my knifes and gun. I chose a dark blue lingerie that was a bit less revealing which gave me the opportunity to hide my gun, I hid my knife in my heels and started walking to the room. I heard all types of voices and noticed that all the guards were in the room.

I didn't see the Don. I just shrugged knowing he wouldn't have any backup because we already killed his guards. I opened the door and started dancing once the second song started playing I quickly shot 7 of the guards but I ran out of bullets. I decided to use my knife and stabbed 8 of the guards while slitting the other 4's throats. I smirked at my work and walked out the room covering myself with a coat I left there before I started dancing.

I decided to change and touch up my makeup before I heard someone lock the door. I looked up and the Don walking in with a smirk. Guess he doesn't know his guards are dead yet? I smirk for the thousandth time today. He begins walking towards me and I stand there acting scared.

"Don't worry darling I'm not going to hurt you" I just nodded. "What do you want then?" I asked with a fake scared tone. He just chuckles and sits on the couch. Not gonna lie but he is extremely handsome but unfortunately his a rapist and murderer.

"Sleep with me and I'll give u 2 million dollars right now" he said smugly. "Well I do want the money but are you going to be able to handle this?" I seductively run my fingers down my body. He just groans while I chuckle. He stands up and grabs me by my waist pulling me towards him. My knife is stuck behind the couch so I can stab him at any time.

He starts biting and sucking my neck most definitely giving me a hickey. I fake moan and grab the knife. I put the knife to his neck and he stops. I just chuckle while his face pales. "Any last words bitch" I say irritated that he marked me.

"Please spare me I'll do anything" he begs while I chuckle and shake my head no. Before he says anything further I slit his throat. I get off him and put on a pair of biker shorts and a graphic t-shirt with my purple air forces. I dutch braid my hair and put on some light makeup. I take one last look at the body and walk out grabbing my bag, suitcase and phone.

I go to the car seeing Luna asleep in the backseat. Nathaniel drove us back home and I ended up falling asleep. I felt someone carry me and slightly opened my eyes. I saw it was Nathaniel so I decided to go back to sleep. I heard Luna coo but I was too tired to react. Luna has always shipped me and Nathaniel. Yes I did have a crush on Nathaniel but he decided to get a girlfriend and I decided to go on the mission for the professor.

Yes Nathaniel was the reason why I took the offer for the professor. And yes I did end up killing the professor 6 months after I joined the college because I found out he was selling information to the English.

*𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜*

I heard my phoning ringing and saw that it was Emily. I smiled a bit and cleared my throat because my voice was probably groggy. I answered and heard her scream and say "she picked up so shut up before I get up from her and shut you up" I chuckled at her anger issues.

"Hey Lil" she said like she just didn't threaten someone. "Hey Em how are you? " I asked. She decided to end the call and face time me. "Sorry I'm just missing you when are you coming back?" She asked sadly. I just sighed "Em I'll be back in about 2 days just to pack and move my things here." I say to try and lighten her up.

Her eyes went wide before she shrieked. Just then Silas asked her why she was shrieking and when she told them the reason the rest of group joined her including Silas. I just chuckled and we continued speaking while I got dressed for the day. We spoke about the mafia then our lives and how Nathaniel has a girlfriend. Silas knows about Nathaniel but doesn't know about the private gang. Well he knows the gang but doesn't know it's run by me.

I just say my feelings did come back but he just sees me as his sister. Which is truth because he has a girlfriend and me well let's say my heart got broken all over again. I laid on the bed speaking to them for 4 hours. Just then they all looked away from me. "Is that Lily? " a voice I refused to hear asked. I see Emily and Matteo nod and just then I saw him appear on the screen.

"Bye guys I'll speak to you'll later " I said sternly before ending the call. I shut the laptop and put my head in my hands while I just sighed. Memories of what Jacob did rushing back to me. I decided to get up, grab my phone and head to Starbucks. Luna was sitting in the kitchen on her phone. I smiled at her grabbing my car keys from the table. "I'm gonna get Starbucks want anything?" I ask her before leaving. She shakes her head no.

I just nod and walk out the door. I heard Nathaniel call for me and I stop walking. I turn around and raise my eyebrow at him. He picks his finger up showing 1 while trying to catch his breath. I look at him skeptically. After about 2 minutes he looks up at me and grins.

"Can I come please?" He says sheepishly and I just stare at him. "Please I can't stay at home with them" he begged. I just sighed and nodded. We made small talk on the way to Starbucks. He decided to order an chocolate chip muffin with a caramel Frappuccino while I ordered a vanilla Frappuccino. I paid even though he insisted on paying.

We got our drinks and I went to do some shopping because I basically had no clothes here. I only brought a few necessities. I told Nathaniel to do whatever he wanted but insisted on staying with me to help choose clothes that won't make me look like I'm gonna for a fashion funeral.

I chuckled at his choice of words. "What it's the truth you only use black like you going for a funeral besides that your clothes are fashionable" I just shook my head pulling him inside Balenciaga. I decided to get some crop hoodies and normal hoodies with some shorts. I spent atleast 1 hour shopping in Balenciaga. After I paid in Balenciaga I had already had 4 bags of clothes. I decided to go into Nike and got some workout clothes and shoes along with some t-shirts and sweatpants.

I went into all the shops and by the time I decided to go into Prada Nathaniel complained he couldn't carry any more bags so we walked to my Black Range Rover and put all my bags in the boot. Just after he put the bags in he turned around. "Anything else? " I nodded and gave him the 2 bags I was carrying. He put it in the boot and closed it.

Just before he started walking some dudes bumped into me sending me flying into his arms. Nathaniel cussed at the man while I was in his arms still shocked about the whole situation. When he finally calmed down he looked down at me. He stared into my eyes and his eyes scaned my face. His dark blue eyes landed on my lips and mine landed on his as well.

He started leaning forward and so did I. Finally he brought his lips to mine and at first I didn't kiss back but then started kissing him back. He tugged at my lower lip asking for entrance but I denied it. His hands moved towards my open straight hair and softly pulled at it making me groan and giving him the chance to push his tongue in mine.

My hands made it's way to his hair and I pulled it as well. He groaned still exploring my mouth. We pulled back to catch our breath and we looked at each other. We both smiled but mine dropped when I realised he has a girlfriend. I pulled away from him and his smile also faded.

"What's wrong Lily? " he asked concerned and I just sighed. "You have a girlfriend" I said softly. He just chuckled and grabbed me by my waist pulling me into his chest again. "Baby I broke up with her 2 months after you went for that mission because I had feelings for you" he said reluctantly. I looked at him to see if he was lying but he looked genuine.

I started smiling and hugged him. I felt him plant a kiss on my head and then broke the hug going down on his knee. He took out a box and just before I said anything he said "don't worry I'm not proposing but will you be my girlfriend? " he asked. I just nodded unable to say anything.

He put the ring on my left middle finger. It was a promise ring with our initials. I looked at it and pulled him into another kiss. "Ok before we go any further let's go finish your shopping" he said before giving me a quick peck. He took my hand in his and we walked back into the mall. We went to all the stores and when we decided to leave my backseat and boot was filled with boxes and bags of clothing and shoes.

I had also got jewelry and it was mixed up in the millions of bags and boxes. I get into the passenger's side since Nathaniel wanted to drive back. His hand on my thigh through the whole drive back home. I still have to tell him I'm leaving for New York. I just sigh and look at our hands entwined on my thigh.