
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙫❀

Once I woke up I noticed Samuel was still there. I looked at the time and it was 8:57. My flight was at 10 so I had enough time. I carefully moved his hand and went to my bathroom. I decided to wear a black crop long sleeve top, denim shorts and my white airforce. I was gonna change before I left but I'll change on the plane because I have to meet with Romania mafia leader.

He and I are good friends and colleagues since I saved his daughter when she was kidnapped by the English because of a deal gone wrong. Since the Romans were trying to get rid of the English I guessed why not just use their help since they will also benefit from it. Once I was done changing I decided to look through my jewelry to use.

I chose some light silver chains and rings. I used my diamond rose gold bracelet. I left it on my vanity table since I still had to do my hair. I decided to curl the ends since I was too lazy and tired to straighten it. Once I was done I put on my jewelry and noticed that Samuel was no more here. I looked in the bathroom and he was not in there. I just shrugged knowing that he probably went down for breakfast.

Just then I realised I hadn't told my cousins about me going to Rome and that I don't know when I'll be back. I'll probably stay in Rome after this mission but I don't know. My cousins are definitely gonna kill me after this. I just sighed shaking my head. I look at the mirror one last time and walk out closing my door.

I walked to the kitchen hearing the boys talk about how my father used to take them out and how I used to cry when Samuel took my toys. I just chuckle at the memories. I finally gather the courage and walk in. Once I walk in everyone's eyes are on me. I just give them a small smile and go to get a pancake.

Samuel clears his throat trying to tell me to tell my cousins about going to Rome in the next hour. I just continue eating and everyone does that as well. "Lil tell them now or I will" Samuel says across the table since I was sitting in front of him. The boys eyes just move to me and they narrow their eyes at me.

I give Samuel a death stare and clear my throat. "I'm going to Rome in an hour" just then I hear all their spoons and forks drop to their plates and I lift my head up to see they all fuming and Samuel just sits there amused by the way I said it. There was a couple of seconds before the chaos startes.

"When were you gonna tell us?" "When did you decide all of this?" "It's too dangerous to go alone!" All my cousins started shouting and let's say with my stress levels I'm about to get a panic attack. Samuel sees this and runs to me telling me to breath. None of my cousins noticed until after few minutes later.

Once I controlled my breathing, I just sipped on my water. "Ok I guess you'll have questions but please ask one at a time" I say quietly and they just look softly and nod. Rio starts asking me questions "When did you decide to do this and why?" I just sigh thinking of an reply. "I thought of it the day I was at the morgue and made a promise to avenge my father and because I want to get revenge from the people who killed both my parents"

The boys didn't know the English killed their aunt but now they did and they were fuming even more. "How are you going alone I mean isn't it dangerous?" Santi asked. I shook my head no and he gave me a look to tell me to elaborate. "Im not going alone. I'm going with my gang and I think you know them." I say smirking a bit. He thought about it and shook his head no meaning he didn't know who I was talking about.

"I'm the leader of the dark knights" I say and everyone bursts out laughing and when they noticed I looked serious their jaws dropped and eyes wide as saucers. The twins and Samuel looked like they were gonna faint and the rest were too stunned to say anything. I just chuckle at their reactions.

"Are you seriously that dangerous?" Marcus asked and I just nodded chuckling. "Listen guys I have to be at the airport in 20 minutes so I'm answering one more question that's it" I say softly. They all nod. Just then Luke asks me the final questions. "Where are you going, when are you coming back and why did you choose their?" He asked in one sentence.

I just chuckled "so first I'm going to Rome, I told Samuel last night when he came to my room to comfort me, I'm not sure when I'll be back or even if ill be back and I don't mean it like I'm gonna die but I mean I might move there permanently and lastly I chose Rome because I knew the Roman Mafia leader because I helped him once and he also despises the English" I say in a comfortable but strained voice.

They all had tears in their eyes. I know they don't want me to leave but as I said I want revenge. My mafia will still be taken care of by Silas and myself. "Okay thank you for telling us and as much as we want to stop you I know for a fact we can't but please promise us after this mission you come back even for week then you can go to wherever and please call every day and be safe." Rio says with tearful eyes and a strained voice.

A chorus of yes went around and I just chuckled through my tears and nodded. They all hugged me and bid me goodbye. I actually lied about my flight being at 10 because my flight is at 12. I knew lying to my cousins was wrong but with extra time they would have made me stay. Also I had to still say bye to Silas and everyone else Including Jacob.

I drove to my base and saw Silas helping Melissa with some recruits. Emily, Matteo and Luca were training as well. I called out to them and they all came running to me. They all asked me questions and I gave them short answers. "Guys I'm going to Rome for a while and I might not know when I'll be back" I say quietly. They all ask the same questions my cousins asked and I just told them to believe in me. And they did. I looked around the mafia and about half and hour later I left. I went to Camilla's house and told her about everything about Rome.

I didn't tell anyone about the dark knights and once I left Camilla's house it was already 11:14am. I drove to Jacob's house and knocked. His mum answered and gave me her condolences and said Jacob was in his room. His house wasn't small neither was it big. It was perfect and it was a home I wished I had years ago.

I knocked at his door but he didn't answer. I knocked again no answer. I started to get a bit worried and opened the door. That is when I regret coming to his house, falling in love with him and ever trusting him with every secret of mine. When he looked up and saw me his eyes widened. I wipe away my tears and run to my car driving to the airport.

You'll must be wondering what I saw right? Well it was Jacob fucking some girl and he was enjoying it. I don't know when I fell for him but that was like a knife through my heart all over again. I heard him scream for me but I ignored him. I decided to not show any emotions until this mission was over.

✯𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗 𝙋𝙊𝙑✯

After Lily left she never came back to the dorm, she didn't call or even message me. I didn't do the same because I thought she would want space. When I learned about her fathers death I felt so bad for her but still didn't do anything. I was so frustrated so I called one of the girls I fuck without any emotions and she comes over in about 15 minutes. I know it might said dickish of me to fuck someone yet I love someone else.

But I need to get my mind of things. Once the girl is in the room she quickly starts striping and lays on the bed. I start fucking her and she moans. After a while all you could hear was our moans. I heard someone knock but ignored them since it was probably my mother. They knocked again but I still didn't answer and continued fucking the girl.

I still don't know her name. When I finally came, I looked up and immediately regretted everything. It was Lily standing there with tears rolling down her face. She quickly wiped her eyes and ran downstairs to her car. I called out to her but she just ignored me. Aghhh I'm such an idiot.

Frustrated I tell the girl to get out and I go to shower quickly. Once I was done I changed the sheets and then drove to their base. I knew where it was because I went there a couple of times with my father. I immediately spot Silas and run up to him. He looks pale. "Hey man" I say a bit cheerfully but he just nods. "Umm do you know where Lily can be I'm looking for her?" I say hoping he would know. He looks down at his watch then back to me. And his next words break me completely.

"She has probably already left for Rome"he says sad. I just nod and run to my car. Once I get in I punch my stirring wheel. I fucked up big time. I remember her face when she saw everything. I hate myself. Fuck why do I fuck up everything? I drive back to my house and go straight to my room. I call Silas. " Hey man do you know when Lily will be back?" I ask him once he answered.

He just sighs "sorry but she's not coming back" once he said that my world just shut down. I end the call and my tears just roll down my face. I fucked up and now I can't even fix it. I saw a message from a group Lily created I doubt she realizes that she added me. I quickly open the message and it confirms what Silas just said. She isn't coming back.

❀𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙋𝙊𝙑❀

After I saw everything I made a group chat with all my friends, cousins and family that I was permanently moving to Rome. I only realized that I added Jacob to that group and when I saw he received the message I turned of my phone and threw the sim card in the toilet and flushed it. I smashed the phone and threw it away as well. I remembered my cousins numbers and started putting it in my new phone.

I Skype called my cousins and they acted like they hadn't seen me for years and we all just spoke until Santi and Rio had to go for a meetings. The boys decided to bunk school and go out while I was still on Skype. I actually had fun even though they weren't with me. I introduced the gang members to my cousins and to say they were shocked would be an understatement.

They were confused on how we were all so young. When we finally said bye it was already 3 hours later. I yawned and ended up falling asleep. I woke up to someone shaking me and I opened my eyes seeing that it was Luna waking me up since everyone was still asleep. We had landed and it was the reason she woke me up. We woke up the rest and I had guards and car waiting to pick us up. We all drove to the mansion we will be staying at for now.