
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 14

Lily POV❀

I have fallen for him. How I don't know but when I'm with him it's like it's my safe place. I just cry on his shoulder. After a couple of minutes I pick my head up and he removes his hand. And he lightly smiles at me. "I um... kinda... uh heard everything between you and father." I looked away from him embarrassed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to speak to you about everything." he said pointing around us. I knew he was talking about the mafia so I just nodded. "Don't worry you were gonna find out anyway" I said not really caring. Just before he responded my phone started to ring.

I answered and heard Rio. Once I heard what he said I quickly ran to my car rushing to the warehouse. My thoughts were racing. I found out that the Russians killed 5 of my men while I was at the ball. I quickly raced to the warehouse panicking.

After about 5 minutes I reached the warehouse. I quickly ran up the stars and went straight to the medical center. "Where is he? " I asked Rio panicked. "He's in surgery the bullet hit his heart" He said in a sad tone. He said something else but my world came crumbling down all over again.

My legs felt like jelly and I fell to the floor. Rio quickly ran over to me but I couldn't breath and my tears didn't stop. Before I knew it everything went dark.

15 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙧.....

"Don't worry you were gonna find out anyway" before he could respond my phone rang. I answered when I saw Rio's name. "Lily uncle Nico was shot and a few other guards." After he said the words shot and I got up and ran to my car. A 15 minute drive now became a 5 minute drive.

I couldn't think straight. I quickly ran to the medical center and saw all my cousins crying. Rio had a few tears rolling down his face. "Where is he?" I ask Rio. He looked at the boys and then to the door I'm sure mio Papa is in and he finally looked at me.

"He's in surgery, the bullet hit his heart" he said. I couldn't hear anything. My breathing also started picking up and my watch started to beep cause my heart rate started to pick up. Black dots started covering my vision. And next I see complete darkness.

2 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧...

I woke up and hear an irritating beeping sound. I opened my eyes but close it quickly because of it being so bright. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed Rio was sleeping on chair that looked a bit to small for him. I tried sitting up but immediately winced and that ladies and gentlemen of course woke up my cousin.

"Sleep down you had a panic attack so you need rest" once he said panic attack I remember how mio Papa is in hospital. "Rio how is he? " I ask not wanting to know the answer. Rio looked at me sadly and sighed. "He didn't make it" that all it took for me to break again.

Rio just held me and said sweet nothings to me. I finally stopped and wiped my eyes with a tissue Rio gave me. "Where is he? " I asked. Rio shook his head. "Rio I need to see him the last time.... please" I say almost begging.

He just sighs and nods taking me to the morgue. He speaks to the doctor and they all leave the morgue. I looked at the door the doctor told me had my father's body in and started walking to it. I pulled it open and there laid my father. I gasped when I saw his face and tears started to form in my eyes.

I never told I loved him even after everything. "Papa I promise you I will bring the English mafia down" I say full on crying now. I spend a few more minutes before wiping my eyes and clearing my throat. I take out my phone calling the only people who will help me take down the English mafia.

I call my group of assassins. They don't work for any mafia because they work for my private gang called the

Dark Knight. It's a well known gang but we only go on death missions. We barely work since 1 job gives us more 12 million dollars. They don't like the mafia so I made my own gang with just the 10 of us including me. We don't have any guards since no one knows what we look like or who we are since we use voice changers and masks.

I first call Luna who is my sniper. She answers on the second ring. "Hello?" I try to control myself from crying but I couldn't so she heard a whinoer. "Liv are you ok?" She calls me Liv since she wanted a rare nickname. "I'm sorry let's meet at the base" she definitely heard my voice break at the end. "What's wrong? " she asked more serious this time.

"He's dead they killed him and it's all my fault" I say crying to her. "Liv who died and I'm on my way to the base" she says panicked since I don't cry in front of anyone. I got into my car ignoring my cousins screams for me to come back. I drove to the base which was about 20 minutes. Once I got to the base I saw Luna's Ferrari Aventador. I quickly got out but realised that I'm still in my dress and my crown is still on my head.

They didn't know about my crowning since no one from my mafia knew them and no innocents were allowed even though they weren't innocent no one in the underworld knew them. And I wouldn't risk their lives. I sighed knowing I was going to hear Luna's mother talk.

Once Luna saw me she quickly ran to me and hugged me. I gripped onto her liked she was going to disappear. She covered my face with her jacket so I don't face the trainees. We went to the personal lounge and she made me sit on sofa. She got me water.

"Liv is the crown what I think it is? " she asks surprised. I just nod and she squeals in happiness. She notices that I'm not smiling. "Wait Liv who died?" She asks and my breath hitches. My eyes start watering and I start sobbing. Luna just hugs me and whispers sweet sayings in my ear. "My dad died. He was murdered by my mother's murderer" I say in a bitter tone.

She was a bit taken back. "W...what? She says stuttering. I just nod. " I have to call the boys I want the English mafia to be taken down. "I say in a deadly tone. She just nods lost in her thoughts. I grab my phone and call Trent. He specializes in hand to hand combat.

He asks on the fifth ring. " Hello" he says. "Hey Trent we have a mission come to the base please" I say emotionless. "L are you ok? You sound a bit shaken up" he says concerned. "Don't worry I'll tell you everything when you get here" I say and end the call looking for Cole's contact.

I dial his number and he answers immediately. "Hey Cole. We need to come to base immediately" I say a bit less emotionless. "Ok Lilster I'll be there in 10 minutes." He ends the call and I look for Tessa's number. Oh and Cole is the boxer. Tessa answers after trying to call twice. "Hey Tess. There's a problem please go to the base" I say quickly. "I'll be there Lily bear" I chuckle at all the nicknames.

I call Daniel, Kingsley, Knox, Nathaniel, Aspen and Kimberly. They all fall under sniper and hand to hand combat. Knox is also the hacker. They all took at least an hour to get to the base. I did not change since I was telling Luna about the crowning and how I found out about my father knowing about my mother's murderer. Let's say I told her everything.

When the guys came they all saw my puffy, red eyes and immediately knew something was up. Once they all were here I started explaining everything. They congratulated me on becoming Donna and then went to furious. They knew my dad even though they never met him. No one knew about my private gang not even Silas.

So I booked my private plane for us to stay in Rome just until we take down the English mafia. They all got to packing while I went home to my cousins. But before I went to my cousins house I started packing since I know they wouldn't let me leave their house.

I packed most of my clothes and told my guards to send me bags and suitcases to the jet as I would be leaving in the morning. I drove to my cousins house and thankfully they were asleep. I changed and just laid on my bed knowing I was sleeping tonight. Just then Samuel came in. I wiped my eyes noticing my tears had fallen. We didn't say anything he just put on Netflix and held me. I ended up crying and he just comforted me. I ended up falling asleep. I guess I'll tell them tomorrow I'm leaving for Rome.

I did tell Samuel and he wasn't so sure but he finally agreed.