
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

Jacob POV✯

We had arrived to the hall. And damn it was huge and gorgeous. My dad scared his pass and told the guards we were his guests. We walked in and if you think outside is gorgeous inside is something even words can't explain. My dad walked with us to a table and we sat there. About half an hour later someone called my dad and he walked away.

I took my phone out and started scrolling on tiktok. Tiktok got boring and so I went on Instagram. I was scrolling until I came across one particular person account. I quickly started following her and almost immediately she started following me.

I looked through all her pictures and damn she was rich and gorgeous. I saw her most recent post which was today and we were matching. She did say she was having an important event. I checked the time and it was 2:52pm.

All the guests started arriving and damn they all were rich. My dad had come back and he was happier. I was about to ask him about it but just then someone appeared on the brightly lit stage.

"Hello everyone. As you all know why we are here I'm not going to make you'll bored by repeating it so I'm going to be calling Don Fernandez and he will be introducing the new Donna after his speech" the elderly man said.

I looked to my dad sceptically and he just mouthed 'don't worry' I just nodded. Just then another elderly man walked in. He looked like he was in his late 40's. He also looked so familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Dear Don's and Donna's I'm pretty sure you know I'm stepping down from my position as Don and passing it down to my amazing daughter. The Australian mafia became famous because of her and her skills. She helped in every way possible to make this mafia the way it is today and I'm proud to say she will make this mafia even better."

Wait how the fuck are we at a mafia ball right now? Oh wait my father brought us here so that means..... I looked at my father and he nodded confirming my suspicions. I mean yeah it's cool but why didn't he tell us. But by my mother's reactions she knew already.

𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘰𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨

Well that's true but still

𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶

I just sighed at my self conscious knowing it had a point.

"So now I would like to announce that I am stepping done from my position and passing it on to my daughter. Also please don't make any sexists comments as you will lose your life" he said in a stern voice.

The doors open and everyone looks towards the door. Just then I see a girl walking in and.... Silas. Wait what? Silas is in the mafia. No way was I messing with the mafia. But still my father is also a part of it so it kinda lowers my chances of dying I guess.

They walk to the stairs and greet the Don well soon to be ex Don. Then Emily and Luca walk in. There is no way they in the mafia as well. The get onto the stage and bow in respect for the Don and stand next to Silas and the other girl.

Melissa and Matteo walk in and go straight to the stage bowing before the Don. I seriously think I'm going to faint. This whole time there have been mafias in my school. God I seriously think I'm going to fa....

My thoughts were cut short by the Don announcing that the future Donna will be entering. Just then the last person I ever expected to walk in here walked towards the stage. She didn't bow or anything. She just stood next to the man. My father was grinning like a maniac. So I'm supposing he works for her and not her father.

But I still can't believe she is in the mafia. Whispers started to erupt some were saying '𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢?' Others were saying '𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘶𝘱 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢? '

Just then Lily walked to the mic. "Everyone let's calm down. I know a lot of people think I'm young or can't use a gun let alone run a mafia but truth be told yes I am young and yes I can't use a gun because I only use snipers. Because unlike you'll I prefer knifes and hand to hand combat because I like challenges" she said in an dangerous strong tone.

"Pretty girl come down here and I'll put you in your place" an ugly old creep said. Before anyone could even say anything there was a knife pierced in his head. Everyone backed away from the body and I just stared at her. Shocked and angry that she couldn't tell me any of this.

"Anyone else would like to test my abilities?" She said in a mocking tone. "Alright its time for the crowning to take place" her father said changing the topic. Just then all her friends brought her father the crown and also some sort of gun.

She whispered something to her father and he nodded. She told her friends and they grinned. She sent them a small smile and each of them holding either end of the crown put it on her head. Her crown was diamond encrusted. Her friends quickly hugged her and went back to their places.

"Ok Mia hija it's finally time you take over. I know I don't need to wish you luck but still I wish you all the luck even though I know you will do amazing. So I pass this heirloom knife and gun to you as a now ex Don.

So let's all welcome our new Donna!" Everyone got up from their seats and started cheering loudly. She just nodded and started making her way of the stage. I looked back to see my father but he was gone. I looked around and saw he was laughing and grinning with Lily.

Just then they all started walking towards my mother and I. By all I mean Silas, Emily, Melissa, Matteo and Luca. And also the other girl. I shifted uncomfortable in my seat and just played on my phone. Since my mum was already in front of me they couldn't see me.

My mum hugged Lily and the other girls. And shook the boys hands. My mum kicked my leg telling me to greet them. I woke up and turned away sorting out my suit and when I turned around I saw all of them visibly stiffened. I don't think they knew about me or they didn't know I was going to be here today.

I shook all their hands and bowed to Lily. She just nodded. "Donna this is my son Jacob" my dad introduced me while patting my back. I nodded. "We all know each other since we go to school together" Silas said cheerfully. Lily elbowed him telling him to shut up. My dad just nodded and they all excused themselves.

❀Lily POV❀

After I checked my dress and makeup I sent a guard to call Max since I wasn't allowed to leave the room incase someone saw me. No one in the mafia world knew about me. I mean all they knew was I was the heir but they never saw me or even knew I was girl.

Max knocked on my door and then walked in. "Donna everything is set for your plan. " I just nodded and Mr secret walked in." Well hello Mr Secret" we both chuckled at my comment and Max excused himself saying he was going to double check everything. I knew what he was going to ask so I just nodded.

"Don't worry I have it under control and I know weapons aren't allowed but they are going to smuggle it in. They think we are stupid but please control your anger. Once I make them sign the papers we can easily kill them." I say with a slight shake in my voice. Just then I heard my uncle calling my dad.

My dad started speaking me and the rest of my gang started walking into the Hall. "I suggest no one make sexists comments or you will lose your life" I chuckle at my dad's comment even though I have been ignoring him his comments are still funny.

I told my friends everything and since Silas and Camilla were there for me when my mum died they were as equally angry as me. My dad had announced for me to come in and I walked in casually and went to the stage. He said it was time for the crowning and my friends all held the crown and brought it forward.

"Dad can my friends put the crown on me and you can just give me the heirlooms?" I asked hopefully. He just nodded and my friends looked at me skeptically and I just nodded. They all had the crown and put it on my head. My dad brought a case and gave me our family heirlooms which was a gold and diamond knife and a black and gold gun.

He announced me as the new Donna. Since the plan was to start as soon as I was the Donna everyone walked off the stage. Max called me and I stopped. "Well now you are the real Donna how does it feel?" He asked grinning. I just chuckled "it feels amazing" he nods "I'm proud of you kid. Oh! I want you to meet someone" he hugs me quickly. I nod and follow him with my friends following behind us.

I always knew Mrs Sinclair as she used to work for my dad but quit after she fell pregnant. She quickly hugged and congratulated me and hugged the girls while shaking the boys hands. She went back to her place and kicked someone. He got up and sorted out his suit before turning to us.

Oh shit it's Jacob and it means he also knows about us being in the mafia. We all basically froze. Max introduced Jacob but we didn't need it since we knew Jacob already. "We all know him because we go to school together " Silas big mouth said. I elbowed him since people could use Jacob information and track us.

We all excused ourselves and walked to the meeting room where everyone will be surveillancing my meeting with the English. Raphael and Simon were already there and I just sat at one seat. They nodded and all their guards left.

"Well Raphael I would like to join our mafias together since it will help both our mafias" I say getting straight to the point. "Of course Donna we want some and weapons since you'll are known for that right?" Raphael spoke I almost shot him right there.

"Ok read and sign the agreement and we are officially joined and have an alliance." I lie. They read through the papers and as soon as they gave me the papers with the signatures I tapped my earring twice and my guards, friends and Antonio barges in.

The father and son duo look shocked. I just chuckle and Antonio and I walk in front of them. "Did you'll really think we didn't know about you'll killing our parents?" I ask in an mocking tone. Antonio just chuckled and orders his men to put them in solitary confinement so they won't escape.

Antonio checks the papers and gives it to one of the guards telling him to get it to the lawyers. He walks over to me. "Well Ms Fernandez mission complete" I groan in irritation "stop calling me Ms Fernandez I sound like a old lady" I say in irritation. My friends and Antonio just laugh.

My dad walks in and Silas and Camilla just glare at him. He clears his throat and walks towards me. "Dad please I know you know who killed mum so please after all these years I don't need a explanation. If you thought it was necessary you would have done it years back not see me blaming myself for everything. Having nightmares, not being able to sleep because I blamed myself and lying to my face you couldn't find anyone that connects to my mother's case. If you really cared you would have told me even if you agreed with the English. You could have stopped me from depression, you could have stopped me from hurting myself and you could have protected me the years after mum died. But no you decided let me leave my 12 year old daughter alone after her mother's murder knowing she blamed herself. You could have stopped me from being abused but no you decided to keep everything from me because you were to selfish. Ok you did it to protect me physically but what about emotionally and mentally.

You could have told me the truth or at least stayed with me. You could have saved me from my sleepless nights. But you were selfish and just thought about yourself. If I didn't find out about my mother's killer would you have ever told me? I questioned my existence because of your selfishness but why would you care all you cared about was your reputation and mafia. Do you think any girl will just give up on her whole childhood just for fun? It was because I thought if I started learning you wouldn't leave me and I wouldn't go through everything again. Yes we had the perfect father and daughter but it was built on your lies. I blamed myself, I tried everything to forget that it wasn't my fault and you saw that but you kept being selfish and hid everything. Why just so you could protect this mafia?

I spent 2 years grieving and harming myself. I was 14 when I went into a relationship. Remember I always said I was at a friends when you left me and went to Australian because you couldn't be here because of everything. Yeah that was lies I was with him. Year 1 was amazing he treated me well and everything. Year 2 he used to just slap me. You still weren't there. You used to call and hear me crying and I always lied saying I was missing mum you always hung up. You never comforted me. Year 3 it was him slapping and kicking me. Year 4 it was full blown rape and abuse. Year 5 wow I ended up at the hospital where I treated to kill him if he ever came near me. But still you were in Australia.

I told Silas everything and his parents always treated me like their own but where my own basically in the newest way disowned me. You were selfish and still are. My mother would have been ashamed to say she loved you. I can't I'm ashamed of you as a father but as a dad I'm disgusted. Dads were suppose to support their daughters but look at what mine did. He left me in the toughest position a child will ever be left in." I say tears rolling down my face. Everything I said was true and everything was how I felt.

I walked out the room and my friends came running behind me. "Guys I just need some time alone so please" I say my voice cracking at the end. Silas and Camilla knew how I was when something similar to this happens so they took everyone away. I sat at a bench and just broke down. Again no one to comfort me but it's fine since I've been doing this from 10. Just then I heard a pair of footsteps and quickly wiped my tears not wanting anyone seeing their Donna crying.

I look up to see Jacob looking at with an expression mixed with sympathy, anger and surprise. He sat down next to me and brought me closer to him and wrapped him arm around my waist making me cry on shoulder. That's when I realise something. I have fallen for Jacob Sinclair.