
College Roommates (2009)

Lily Fernandez is a fun, loving and outgoing person. But what is behind her mask? What happens when her true identity is revealed? Jacob Sinclair is the player and even with his player mindset girls still want him. What happens when both meet? Will he ever find out his roommates true identity or will it stay closed forever? Will Lily be able to manage all her identities? What will happen when Jacob finds out the truth? Will Lily find someone else? Will Jacob be too late? Read College Roommates to find out about Lily's journey as an independent women. Will she handle the pressure and stress that comes with the choices she makes? Be prepared for the drama of Lily's life!!!!!!

DaoistpG5BNX · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

Lily POV❁

With the mafia ball been only 5 days away. Yes only 5 days. I haven't been able to sleep more then 4 hours and haven't been able to eat. So basically I look like a well dressed mess. Because of the ball and crowning I have been to and from my mafia just to sign some papers.

I finally get to my house. I haven't been back to the dorm for some time. I don't want to go there but it's not because of Jacob it's because he might overhear a call and I'm not explaining anything.

I got home and went straight to my bathroom. I strip from my clothes and step into the shower. Once I finish bath I wrap a towel around me and go to vanity table and start my skin care routine. Once I finished that I changed into some cute pajamas and went to bed.

*𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 *

I wake up to my alarm showing 5:30. I had to get up early since today I'm finalizing everything for the ball and also writing my final exam. Tomorrow will be a party for all the students and I have to attend it because of Mel and Emily.

Silas will also be there but to ensure of my safety. So today I have to get an outfit for the party tomorrow. Get my nails re- done so it can match tomorrow's dress, write my final exam and also go back to the warehouse and sort and finalize everything for the ball.

I get out of my bed and go straight to my bathroom. I have a shower and start my face routine. I walk over to my walk-in closet and my eyes quickly skim over all my clothes deciding on what to use. Since I have to choose something I can use at my mafia I choose a lace bralette and some black jeans with my heels.

I do a natural look of makeup. I look at my car keys and pick the Lamborghini Veneno. It's the first time using this car since it was only bought and few days ago and delivered yesterday. It was dark blue which looked more black.

I drove of to college. And parked in my usual spot and as usual the stares. I mean I have been here for almost a year and they still stare. I go to my locker and get the books ill need first. After class the group and I go to Starbucks as usual.

"Hey lil we gonna come with you after school. " Emily said a bit to loud. I just laugh at her bluntness and nod. We get back to school and finish the rest of the day. We all meet at our cars and drive to the warehouse. I see a familiar car and immediately rush inside. I saw my dad talking to Silas.

"Hey dad" I say happily while Emily, Mel, Matteo and Luca bow their heads. He smiles at me and before he can say anything someone calls him. He turns around to see who the person is and walks. I continue my search for the owner of the familiar car and I'm met with her back facing me.

"I really think I have to go clubbing alone" I say loud enough so she can hear me. She quickly turns around and looks at me with a glare. I quickly run to her and hug her. "Oh so you going clubbing without me" I smile nervously then we both start laughing.

"Oh god you'll have met. I have to guard my cars now and protect my clubs" my dad said in a playful tone. We both turned around and stuck our tongue at him. He simply chuckled and hugged both us.

I saw my friends looking at me confused and nodded remembering they don't know her. "Guys this is the Chinese mafia's youngest daughter and my best friend" they nodded at her and shook her hand. "Camila this is Emily, Melissa, Luca and Matteo, and guys this is Camila"

We all start our work and make plans to go to my club after work. Around 6pm Camila goes to call everyone and we drive to my house to change since we still in work attires. I drive up the driveway and everyone gets out of the car.

"Damn Lily your house is huge" I chuckle at Melissa's comment and start walking to the frontdoor. We all go inside and the boys immediately start watching TV well we go to my room to change into something more club type.

We all go into my walk-in closet and pick out dresses. My club doesn't belong to the Australian Mafia it belongs to Lily Fernandez so everyone can use it but my mafia people has a separate area from public. Camila, Emily and Melissa pick guest rooms to change in and leave my room.

I walk into my bathroom and have a quick shower. I get out and wrap my towel around me and start my makeup. I go for a natural look and a blush-pink lipstick shade. I pick a dress and put it on.

We all walk out of the rooms at the same time. "Damn girls we are definitely getting some partners tonight" Camila says as we walk downstairs to where the boys are. We all laugh and the boys look up at us. They all whistle at us and we hit their heads and walk past them.

"Damn girls we want to party as well you know" we nod. "Yep that's why you'll are coming" I say in a duh tone. "No we coming to be your body guards and save you'll from any creeps" we all laugh and everyone gets their own car and we drive to the club.

We park our cars and decided we will club with in public area and not go to the mafia part. We quickly make our way to the bar and order some tequila shots. We quickly down the shots and we girls make our way to the dance floor.

Camila has some boy dancing with her and Emily and Melissa are dancing together. I join them but Emily goes to bathroom and Melissa starts dancing with some boy like Camila. I feel someone approaching me and turn around to see some guy with dark brown hair and grey eyes.

He was actually quiet cute. He starts dancing with me and grabs onto my waist. I start grinding against him. "I'm Rocco" I nod. "I'm Lily" I say my real name since no one knows who I am really. He nods and takes me to a private room.

We continue walking to the private room and I see something a normal person wouldn't have. I look again to make sure I'm not seeing things and check if my gun and knife was still strapper to my thigh. We enter the room and I quickly take out my knife and push him against the door.

"What does your boss want from me now?" I ask in a serious but deadly tone. He just laughs. "What gave it away?" He asks in a playful tone. I shake my head at him. "So tell me what does he want from me?"

He chuckles and I move away from him but my knife still in my hand. "He needs you to kill Simon Gonzalez" I laugh at him and shake my head. "That half dead motherfucker wants me to assassinate The English mafia heir wow he really is stupid"

Rocco just laughs "well he isn't half dead because he is dead." My eyes widen at his statement. "Then who is your boss if Russo is dead?" I ask in a serious tone since Russo didn't have any children or family that I know of.

"Well his son took over" I just nod. "Why does he need Simon dead though?" I ask no one in particular. "You will also want both father and son dead if you find out that reason." A voice answered. I turned around and saw a young boy he is obviously younger than me.

"And who the fuck are you?" I ask in a slightly irritated voice. He just chuckled and stepped front so I could see him fully. And fuck he was cute but he looked very familiar. And that's when everything clicks.

"You are Russo's son isn't?" He nods and I internally give myself a pat on the back. "Ok so can you tell me why you need Simon dead and what reason will make me want to kill the father and son?"

"I guess you haven't found out who killed your mother right?" My blood ran cold when he mentioned my mother. "What the fuck do mean?" I asked through gritted teeth. He just steps towards me.

"It was Raphael who killed your mother all those years ago. It was because she chose your father over him and he was to obsessed with her so when he heard about her giving birth to you, he tried to kill you but your mother stood in front but either way she was going die because he wanted your whole family dead."

"But why did he stop after my mother died?" I asked still processing everything.