
Poem 1 what is love

What is love

Is love an emotion

Or a figment of our imagination,

People all around the world say I LOVE YOU

In one way or the other, but what is true love

Is true love supposed to hurt like the love we receive now a days, is it supposed to feel like betrayal and a gut ranching pain when your feelings are manipulated. If that is love then I will live in solitude. The love they show in fairytales are off from the love we receive in today's age, how come now a days we can't find our, Happily ever after , or that one prince or princess who makes us feel whole and complete in life to have someone to lean on in the world , and a person to go through every chapter in life with. Why does today's love feel like you gotta watch your back,sides,and front dot your i's and cross your t's. Why does the love of today's age if you mess up get you hurt physically,mentally,spiritually,and emotionally.

Why does today love if you don't treat them right you can be beat on degraded and belittled. Why does today's love if you aren't careful they in the streets or messing with someone else in they sheets. Why does today's love people think it's normal to have a kid from someone but both parents don't help raise it in a happy joint home. Why does today's love cause for us to even try to degrade our selfs to fit into someone else's space to make them feel comfortable. Why in today's love we have to not show our true selfs cus we're scared they well shame us or walk away. WHY IN TODAYS LOVE WE CANT FIND TRUE PEACE?