

Chapter 9 - Harsh Words, Shocking Discoveries, Sorca Galaxy ?

" Please Holy Son, Valley Master told me to send you there as soon as possible, It's best that you go to the Palace hall right now. "

Mike nodded and said to Athan, " I'll be going now, meanwhile you can take a look around in the palace. I'll try to come back as soon as possible. "

Mike then left as only Athan and Elder Onuk were left in the big room.

Elder Onuk looked back and closed the door before looking straight at Athan and spoke coldly, "So you are the friend of Holy Son..." Sizing up Athan he spoke, " Nothing special, not an ounce of elemental aura, You are not even at Elemental Warrior Stage 1. "

Athan didn't say anything and just stayed silent with an indifferent expression.

Elder Onuk sneered and said, " I think you already know the difference in Status and ability between you and holy son. Furthermore Valley Master is planning to make him the next Valley Master,

So I think it's better that you don't meet with him from now on and waste his precious time. Holy Son needs to focus on training because many other factions' Holy Sons are already at Elemental Mage Stage..."

Pausing here for a bit, he said coldly, " If you haven't realized until now then let me tell you, You are a thorn in Holy Son's Path of success...Just recently He requested Valley Master to arrange your place here humph, do you think trash like you can stay here? "

Athan was still silent, with his face laced with indifference, so Elder Onuk could not read what he was thinking from his expression.

" Alright, I'll come straight to the point, After today, Valley Master wants you to disappear from Holy Son's life, At first we decided to directly send you out of the Thunder-Fire Valley and arrange you at Sky Lark Pavillion.

But Lafurge spoke on your behalf and said that you can continue to live in Inner Thunder-Fire Valley while we say to Holy Son that you left the Thunder-Fire Valley so You can train silently here while hoping to awaken affinity for Thunder or Fire element. Now go Lafurge is waiting outside. "

After that, Elder Onuk directly left the room.

Athan stood there for a few minutes before a smile crept across his face, ' Looks like mike life's is set now, I also have to hurry up. '

Afterward, He left the room and arrived at the entrance where Lafurge was waiting.

Looking at Athan, Lafurge sighed and said, " I tried but Mike is closely tied to The Thunder-Fire Valley now so Valley Master is not willing to make any compromises on that. "

Athan just shook his head with a smile and said, " Don't worry, I'm just happy for mike that his life is set now...Oh, and did he say anything about the orphanage? "

Lafurge nodded and said, " Yea he also requested to send money and other resources at the orphanage yesterday, which we sent them today morning. "

" Good..." Athan nodded with a smile, " Then let's go, I still have to go to Training Zone. "

Lafurge grabbed his shoulder and both of them flew away while flying he asked Athan, " Don't you feel unfair? You might never catch up to him in your lifetime. "

Athan laughed and said, " No, I don't feel it's unfair because, there's just this feeling, belief, and confidence inside me which is telling me that I am bound to become very strong. "

Lafurge looked weirdly at Athan before a term came into his mind, ' Delusional? perhaps he became delusional after hearing about his friend's situation? '

" I'll drop you at the Training Zone near the Mountain Palace your currently staying in, Good luck kiddo, I hope you became an Elemental Sorcerer soon. "

Meanwhile, Numerous powerful Auras were currently traveling towards the Head-Quarter of Thunder-Fire Valley, Some beings arrived on Majestic-looking Chariots, Some arrived on Powerful Beasts like HellFire Swan, Ice Pheonix, etc.

On the Big Platform Valley Master of the Thunder-Fire Valley was standing together with Mike as he spoke, " Welcome Everyone, Today I hereby announce that Mike Huberth Will become the Holy Son of Thunder-Fire Valley and My first Disciple. "

The Pavilion Master of Sky Lark Pavellion spoke, " Old friend, could this little guy be the one who awakened Affinity with Space element? "

hearing this, Other guests from different factions were shocked and started murmuring.

Valley Master's smile was like blooming of chrysanthemum as he nodded and said, " Indeed, who else is worthy of becoming this old man's disciple if not the bearer of Space Element? Hahahaha "

Many people cursed in their mind, " This old fogey is as shameless as ever. "

But the people here did not know that a pair of eyes were gazing at them as if they were ants and this pair was eyes was currently focused on Mike.


In an Unkown place, A Castle was floating in the sky, even bigger than The Core Thunder-Fire Valley, in the castle, an old man in his sixties was playing some kind of game of board with a young man who was excluding an air of King.

The old man peered his gaze outside of the window as his gaze went downward, which allowed him to see what was on the other side of the universe, " Looks like a lad with space element was born in Sorca Galaxy, do you want to train him? "

The young man also looked outside and followed the gaze of the old man as he uttered one word while shaking his head, " Trash ".

Afterward, he looked at the old man and spoke, " Master, don't pay attention to low-Grade areas, They don't even have complete rules formed yet, None of the beings there have comprehended the intent of any element, and so many elements are missing there,

Furthermore, we are not short of users of Space elements and even time elements, If one can't comprehend the intent of the element they possess, they are no different than trash. "

The old man shook his head, as he thought, ' indeed, but sometimes geniuses are born in these low-level places, one such example is your own father. ' But the old man did not speak this out loud as he went back to focusing on the board game.



Both Athan and Lafurge arrived at the Training Zone, This area had a lot of chambers, and each chamber had a sign on it, a sign of Fire, and a sign of Thunder.

" You can either train in Fire Chamber or Thunder Chamber, or in both, it's up to you, You can train as long as you want, but don't overdo it lest you die because these chambers are not the same as the 2nd round of Examination, here you will get hurt, bleed and might even die, so start with level 1 intensity first and gradually increase it as your body gets stronger. "

Athan nodded and his face showed an eager expression, seeing this lafurge shook his head, " Remember, For your friend, you are currently not in Thunder-Fire Valley, Just train silently, I might come again after a year or two to give you an update on Holy Son's situation. "

Athan smiled and said, "It's ok, Just tell Mike that I will become very strong soon so he doesn't need to worry about me. "

Lafurge nodded plainly and flew away.

Athan then arrived in front of an unoccupied Fire Chamber and entered.

The Chamber was around half of the size of Athan's house, On the right side wall, There were 10 handles like switch facing upward, Each handle had a number on it from 1 to 10.

He then pulled down the handle which had 1 written on it and changes appeared in the middle of the Chamber.

Flames started to sprout in the middle, and the chamber's temperature started to turn very hot.

He started walking and stood in the middle where flames were sprouting, And as soon as he stood there, The Flames started to burn his skin unlike what happened in the 2nd round of examination where the lava pool only inflicted pain but no injuries.

But this was different, The flames inflicted clear damage and pain to Athan, But the intensity of pain was lower than Lava Pools, but that doesn't mean he can skip this level because he has to train his body here until these flames can no longer inflict injuries to him.

After 30 minutes The Flame automatically stopped and a Bathtub appeared where he was standing, The bathtub was filled with light yellow water.

' Now what could this be? ' while wondering about what this water is about, Athan sat inside the bathtub as his clothes were already burned because he forgot to take them off before.

As soon as he entered the bathtub, a sizzling sound could be heard as his skin made contact with the light yellow water.

' Damn, this feels like countless ants are crawling inside my skin...but This water actually has the property of healing injuries? ' Athan was shocked.

He could see with his own eyes as his burned skin was peeled before a new one quickly came into existence under the effect of this water.

With a grin, Athan thought, ' Now all I have to do is to spend my time here in training and working. '

After 10 minutes of bathing, all his injuries were healing as he got up and wore the clothes which appeared in the box on the left sidewall.

' Nice hahaha, now it's time to check out Thunder Chamber. '




A year passed just like this, as Athan continued to work and train.

Today, as usual, Athan woke up early in the morning, did exercise, took a bath, and went to work.

After arriving inside the mine, he started working with the same spirit as the first day, But After working for 2 hours, He started to feel Dizzy.

Shaking his head he continued to work, But after an hour, an intense headache started and he fainted.

Nearby workers who were also Elemental Warriors, noticed this, one of them came towards Athan, checked his pulse, and said to other people who were now gathered around Athan, " The Lad is still alive, looks like he just fainted. "

Another Warrior said, " For the past year, This little brother has been doing this more intensely than us, while showing the same spirit every time he comes here, I wonder what happened to him today ? "

Another warrior who was bald and had a big frame body spoke, " Yeah, furthermore he spends most of his time at Training Chambers, He only go back to sleep and eat, A month ago I even saw him hunting Grade 1 monster in the forest with bare hands which means he is already Stage 2 Elemental Warrior. "

Hearing this other Warriors were shocked as one of them spoke with disbelief, " You are saying that he already reached Elemental Warrior Grade 2 in one year? "

The warrior who had a blad head nodded in affirmation.

The one who checked the pulse of Athan interrupted their talks as he said, " We can talk about him later, But right now, We have to send him to Medical Hall, So who is going to send him there?

The bald man said, " I'll carry him there, you guys continue your work. " Saying this, He picked up Athan and walked out.


Something different seems to be playing out in Athan's mind right now, He could hear everything these men spoke but he could not control his body or do anything.

Currently, He was in a miraculous space, He could see not see his own body but he could see the surroundings of this space, It was Grey all around except for one place, That place was in the middle of this Grey space.

That place was pitch black, That Black area seems to be calling him, And looking at that Black area felt like he was looking at himself.

Athan seemed to have opened his Psychic Realm, but he didn't know that his Psychic Realm was completely different than others, Some mutation might have occurred because of transmigration. but who knows?

Chapter 10 - Psychic Realm, Shocking Discoveries

Athan then slowly moved towards the black area, Although he could not see his own body here, when he willed it, his vision moved towards the black area.

When he took a closer look, He could finally see what was in that black area, it was Black Whirlpool.

looking at the black whirlpool felt like looking at a part of him, Just as he entered the area of Black Whirlpool...

He woke up and heard a voice.

" Ah...you woke up? Wait a sec I will call Mrs.Renila. " A Female voice rang out seeing Athan opening his eyes.

Athan's vision was still not clear so he could not see the person who dashed out of the room just now.

He rubbed his eyes for some time and looked around.

' looks like someone carried me over here after I fainted in the mining cave. ' Athan then started to think about his experience in the grey space and about that black whirlpool.

' So what was that grey space about? could it be that I awakened an affinity? and that black whirlpool? It was very mysterious...'

Just then, the sound of footsteps was heard as Athan saw 2 women, one in her thirties and another in her forties entering the room.

The woman in her forties sat on the main chair in the room and looked at Athan before speaking, " Hello My name is Renila Atrois you can call me Mrs, Renila, So How are you feeling? are you having headaches or feeling any kind of discomfort in your body? "

Athan shook his head while saying, " No headaches, no discomfort....but..." Athan was hesitating whether he should tell her about the grey space and black whirlpool or not.

" But ?..."

Athan decided to tell her about the grey space, " There is something inside me, If I close my eyes and concentrate I arrive in a Grey colored Space...so I wanted to ask if you know anything about it. "

Both Women's mouth wide opened so much that Athan was tempted to put his thing in them.

jokes aside, Athan once again asked seeing no reply from them, " So do you know what is it ?"

Both of them snapped out of their stupor as Mrs.Renila asked, " Athan right? are you telling the truth or...nevermind we will know it right away. " saying this she turned to the woman in her thirties and said, " Yeling, get a glass of water and a wooden stick. "

" Right away Ma'am. " Saying this she went out of the room to bring the things mentioned by Mrs.Renila.

Afterward, Mrs.Renila turned to Athan and said with a smile, " If what your saying is true then you've most likely opened your Psychic Realm, just 17 but you already opened your Psychic Realm, That's like a miracle because even for Elemental sorcerer, They need a decade or two to open it after starting out as Elemental Guider. "

" Ohh..." Athan wanted to ask about Black whirlpool but instead of directly asking, he asked in a roundabout way, " By the way Mrs.Renila do something else exist in the grey space beside the grey atmosphere? "

Mrs.Renila nodded and said, " That Space is called Psychic realm and in it, Psychic Energy is produced which is colorless but you can generally feel it with your conciseness when you enter into your Psychic Realm.

The greyness is an impurity that you have to cleanse using your psychic energy. Each time you cleanse a part of your Psychic Realm, Your Psychic Energy will get stronger. "

Athan nodded hearing it and also confirmed that the black whirlpool inside him is not a common thing, ' Well I'll check it out after getting home. '

Right at this moment, Yeling arrived with a glass of water and a half meter long wooden stick with a thickness of a thumb.

Mrs.Renila took the glass before turning to me and said, " Athan, Now you have to concentrate and try to move the water out of the glass, Use your Psychic Energy, This energy is just like your hand, you can move it freely as if its a part of your body, Just will with your mind to move the water out of the glass. "

Athan looked at the water in the glass and willed to move the water out of the glass...

On the first try, The water only moved and spilled out of the glass but he could not let it float in the air, But on the 2nd try, He succeeded.

He felt like he captured the properties of water, After which when he tried, All the water in the glass came under his control moved around according to his will.

Seeing this, Mrs.Renila and Yeling were shocked.

Mrs.Renila thought, ' Such a fine control just after opening the Psychic realm...A genius Psychic Energy user, but unfortunately he hasn't awakened an affinity for Element, Truly unfortunate. ' She could only sigh at Athan's situation and hope that he awakens an affinity soon.

Afterward, They told Athan to control the wooden stick which he did on the first try making both women sigh in amazement again.

Mrs.Renila then explained to Athan, " Now that you have awakened Psychic Realm, You have to cleanse the grey impurity every day, Clearing the grey impurity will exhaust your mind and consume your Psychic Energy so be sure to take good rest every day. "

Athan nodded as he left the room after looking at the clock, ' Since it's just 11 AM, I should mine black crystals. '

After Athan left the room, The Ladies started gossiping.

Mrs. Renila spoke to Yeling with an inquiring gaze, " Did you check his size while I was away? "

Yeling's cheeks turned a bit red before she shook her head, " No I did not. "

Mrs. Renila also shook her head, " I had to go away for some business otherwise I would have checked it...."



Athan arrived at the mining site, After entering everyone asked what happened to which he answered with a smile, " It's nothing, I just opened my Psychic Realm, That's all. "

Hearing him, Everyone rolled their eyes as one of them spoke, " you JUST opened your Psychic Realm? Little brother, you're making it sound like it's not a big deal hahaha. "

Others nodded as one of them asked with some doubt, " Why don't you show us some tricks using Psychic Energy? "

Athan smiled indifferently as he gazed at a piece of Black crystal, which after a second started to float and arrived in front of the one who just asked him, startling him.

" Hahahaha..." Other warriors started to laugh.

The bald man who carried him spoke, " Amazing Little brother, This young and already opened the psychic Realm, at least I've never seen someone young like you opening Psychic Realm before. "

Afterward, everyone chatted a bit before going back to mining.



But no one noticed, Not even Athan himself that while he was mining the black crystals, Threads of Black aura was getting sucked out from Black Crystals and was being absorbed by him.

If he actually entered his Psychic Realm right now then he would be able to see that The black whirlpool was attracting and absorbing those threads of black aura from black crystals.

But since that aura was not visible to the naked eye, Athan and others could not see it.

After working till 3 PM, Athan arrived at Training Zone and entered the Fire Chamber.

upon entering he took off his clothes put them in the box on the left side wall and pulling down Level 3 Handle.

Immediately, intense Fire started to burn in the middle of the chamber as Athan walked there and stood in the middle.

His skin was not burning but just getting red and occasionally cracking, AND exactly the same phenomenon started here, Threads of red aura was getting absorbed by the whirlpool in his Psychic Realm.

When Athan went to the Thunder Chamber and started training after bathing in Yellow Water, the Same phenomenon once again appeared, Threads of lightning-like aura was getting absorbed by the black whirlpool.

Soon he also finished training in the thunder chamber and went back to his home, Arriving at home, He thought, ' Now let's do some Impurity cleansing, But I forgot to ask how to clean the grey impurity...'

' Nevermind I should first check out that black whirlpool as I could not check it before because I suddenly woke up. '

Thinking about it, Athan closed his eyes before his consciousness arrived in the Psychic Realm.

But He was shocked when he took a look at the Black Whirlpool which was now a colorful whirlpool with threads of Blue, Red, and Black which looked less dark compared to the Darkness of the whirlpool, swimming around in it.

' What the heck is going on? ' Athan was confused looking at the situation and started to think about how did this happen.

' First, I went to the mining area to mine Black Crystals, Then I went to the Training Zone and refined my body in Fire and Thunder chambers, suppose that those Red, Blue and Black aura in the whirlpool represent Aura of Black Crystal, Fire elemental energy and Thunder element Energy. ' Athan left the Psychic Realm as he wanted to try something.

He opened his eyes and took out the bag from the cupboard which contained Water Crystals he exhorted from the Boss of Ryan's Inn.

He took out a low-grade water crystal from the bag and laid on his bed before closing his eyes and once again entering his Psychic Realm.

This time, He could clearly see a thread of Blue Aura coming inside his Psychic Realm from outside and got absorbed in the whirlpool, after a few minutes, The thread of aura stopped coming in.

Now in his whirlpool were four kinds of aura moving around, Black, Red, Blue, and Light Blue.

Athan then used his psychic Energy and moved it towards the Black whirlpool and a shocking changed occurred.

The Whirlpool's speed increased several folds as The colorful Auras started to turn faint, It looked like the whirlpool was slowly digesting this aura before but now it's the speed of digesting increased.

Suddenly an intense headache greeted Athan as he came out from his psychic realm but his face only showed an expression of excitement as he thought, ' What will happen now? Will I finally awaken affinity for elements ? not one but more after that whirlpool digests those auras? DAMN..I can't wait. '

Chapter 11 - Elemental Essence ?

Athan didn't know when he fell asleep, But after waking up he instantly entered his Psychic Realm.

After entering, He looked at the black whirlpool which now didn't have anything in it, ' Looks like Those Auras were completely digested by the black whirlpool while I was sleeping. But why didn't anything happen? It should give me some benefits after absorbing those auras...or does it needs more? '

Athan then took out all the Water Crystals, two mid-grade, and 8 low-grade water crystals, After put all of them beside him on his bed, he once again laid on the bed and entered Psychic Realm.

Indeed, After entering he saw that Blue Aura entering his Psychic Realm and getting absorbed by the whirlpool, to increase the speed he once again injected his Psychic Energy into the Black whirlpool, which sucked all of his energy resulting in him experiencing another intense headache.

Afterward, he fell asleep once again due to exhaustion of his mind.



After an unknown amount of time, he once again woke up...First, he checked those Water Crystals after opening his eyes, They were still the same, it just felt like their luster decreased a bit.

' Now I can confirm that black whirlpool is not absorbing elemental energy but something else, but what is it? '

Just then a knocking sound could be heard, Athan then put the water crystals under his pillow and went to open the door.

" Yo kiddo, How are you? it's been a year right? hahaha..." The person was none other than Lafurge.

Athan smiled and invited him before saying, " Yeah, it's been a year, what brings you here though? "

Both of them sat down on the chair before Lafurge grinned and said, " You brat, I was really surprised when I got a report saying that you opened your psychic realm, now if you can also awaken an affinity then you would be counted as a genius to be groomed by Thunder-Fire Valley, hahaha. "

Athan just smiled but didn't say anything, while Lafurge asked, " So How did that happen? you can ask me some questions related to Psychic Ream, and don't forget to cleanse the impurity every day. "

Athan shook his head while saying, " I also don't know how I opened my Psychic realm, I was just working usually in the mine and suddenly fainted, When I woke up, I found out that I could enter a grey space with my consciousness, then Mrs. Renila did some checks and confirmed that I can use Psychic Energy normally. "

Lafurge nodded thoughtfully before changing the subject, " About Mike, The Valley Master is currently taking him to different places to train, because we don't have resources of Space Element, But there are some danger zones which has an abundance of space elemental energies, so Valley Master took Mike in those zones to cultivate. "

" Well, I just hope mike is safe in those zones. "

Lafurge Shook his head before saying, " Don't worry, nothing will happen to him with Valley Master, That old man is one of the most powerful Elemental Sorcerer alive. "

Suddenly Athan remembered about Water Crystals, ' maybe I should ask Laforge about what is missing from these crystals with some excuse. '

Thinking about it, he got up before saying to Lafurge, " Wait for a second, I got some Water Crystals as compensation when I was in my town, Those people looked quite rich and they gave me those just because I was hit by their carriage hahaha. " Then he went to his room and put the crystals into the pouch before returning.

He just handed over the pouch to Lafurge before sitting on the chair, " These are those crystals...I want to know how valuable they are and what I can get in exchange for them because I can't even use them as I don't have water affinity. "

Lafurge opened the pouch before taking out crystals and said, " They are just Low-Grade Water Crystals and 2 Mid-Grade water crystals, you can get...." His voice stopped as he seemed to have noticed something in the crystals.

Seeing this Athan sighed in relief internally, ' phew, I thought you wouldn't notice the difference, now tell me what is the thing that was absorbed by the black whirlpool. '

Something changed about Lafurge as Athan noticed traces of Psychic Energy around the eyes of Lafurge, Since he has opened his Psychic Realm and started using Psychic Energy, He could clearly feel the Psychic Energy of Lafurge.

After looking at the Crystals for a minute, Lafurge muttered, " These Water Crystals' essence energy is extracted, but it's impossible, one can only extract the essence energy after all the energy inside an Elemental Crystal is purified."

Athan could not understand so he asked, " Is there something wrong with these crystals?"

" Yep, You might not know but there are two kinds of elemental energies, one is normal elemental energy and another is Essense elemental energy. generally, low-grade and mid-grade elemental crystals contain a minuscule amount of Essense energy, while high-grade elemental crystals contain more. For example, A high-grade elemental crystal contains the same amount of essence energy that you can find in 10 middle-grade elemental crystals...but " Lafurge once again took a deep look at the crystals given to him by Athan.

" These crystals you gave me don't have any essence energy, like someone or something specifically absorb it from them, but that is impossible..."

Athan's curiosity was piqued as he asked, " Why it's impossible? "

Lafurge put back the crystals in the pouch before saying, " Let me explain you in a simple way, If I want the essence energy contained in these crystals then first I have to absorb all energies from them, I don't have the ability to separate essence energy and normal energy, not just me but no one can do that because they are mixed in such deep level...." Lafurge suddenly stopped and stood up before going outside with a woosh.

Athan was dumbfounded by his sudden departure, " What the haek..." he also stood up and went outside but he could not spot Lafurge, ' let's wait a few minutes. ' thinking this he just stood there, looking at the sunlight, His two naps seemed have taken a whole day.

But not even a minute passed before he could see Lafurge flying towards him with a....bucket in this hand.

Arriving in front of Athan, Lafurge first gave the bucket filled with water to him and said, " This bucket contains water from another river which is behind this whole mountain range. " Then he waved his hand and took out some of the water from the riven in front of them, " Now this water is from the river in this mountain. "

Seeing Athan nodding Lafurge continued, " If I mix the water from this river into the bucket, can you separate them? " saying he put the water then floating into the bucket.

Athan was dumbfounded as shook his head and said, " This...of course I can't separate them. "

Lafurge smiled and said, " Then just like that, It's simply not possible to separate Normal Energy and Elemental Energy. "

" Then how do you extract Essense Energy? You said before something about refining. "

Lafurge nodded and said, " indeed, let me ask you, how do you separate salt from water once they are both mixed in? "

" Water's boiling point is much lower than salt so if the water is evaporated then the salt will remain even after they are both mixed in. "

Lafurge nodded, " Indeed, The method to get Essense energy is similar to that, Once we absorb all energy inside an elemental crystal, then we will purify the energy using our psychic energy, in that process, the normal energy will be lost due to refining process and only Essense energy will remain as for the use of Essense energy, it's too soon for you to know that But Every elemental sorcerer needs an abundance of energy essence to advance in their path, You will know when you reach that point. "

' Why so secretive? But now I know that The Black whirlpool was absorbing the essences of elements all this time. ' While Athan was thinking Lafurge once again spoke.

" By the way, I want to take these Water Crystals with me for research, in exchange, how about I give you A High-Grade Fire Crystal and A High-Grade Thunder Crystals? "

Athan was surprised, " But The Value of things you are giving me is way higher than what you're taking. "

Lafurge just laughed and said, " Athan, Our Valley don't lack Thunder and Fire Elemental Crystals, we even have Peak-Grade Elemental Crystals of Thunder and Fire element, Just take them.." Saying this he shoved those two high-grade crystals into Athan's hands.

" Alright, if you say so..." Saying this, Athan went back into his home and put those two crystals on his bed before returning.

' if These crystals stay near me then the black whirlpool will start to absorb essence again and if somehow Lafurge sensed that, then it would become troublesome matter because I still want to keep it a secret, who knows after hearing about it, I might even become a guinea pig here. '

Chapter 12 - Mysterious Changes

Athan returned outside after putting those two high-Grade Crystals on his bed,

He then asked Lafurge about how to remove the impurities in his Psychic Realm, " Can you tell me how to remove the impurities inside the Psychic Realm? Mrs. Renila told me to remove them gradually but didn't teach me how to do it. "

Lafurge laughed and said, " She always do half a-s works, anyway, The method to remove impurity is rather simple, inside your Psychic Realm, if you focus enough, you can give solid form to your Psychic Energy, After giving it the form you like, you can then clash against the grey impurities inside your psychic realm, while clashing both your psychic Energy and Grey impurity will decrease,

But your psychic energy will recover after a good sleep, while grey impurity will be wiped out, the result is that your Psychic Energy will increase in amount each time you wipe out the grey impurity. "

Athan asked curiously, " Are you still clearing the impurity in your psychic realm or... ? "

" Hahaha, I've cleared the impurities in my Psychic Realm 5 years ago. You might not know but I'm the youngest core Elder Thunder-Fire Valley." Pausing here, Lafurge ruefully shook his head and said," Actually I was one of the candidates for the seat of next Valley Master, but your friend Mike has rare Space element,

So Valley Master is going to pour his everything to train him so that he can become the next Valley Master.

Actually, I'm happy that we got someone who posses the rare space element because in Alpin Continent our Thunder-Fire Valley is hovering between 6th and 7th rank, we've never entered into top 5 rankings. "

" Oh...there are such rankings? how do you determine the rankings? "

" Through competitions, There will be competition between Elemental Masters, Elemental Mages, and Elemental Archmages, The competition among Elemental Archmages is very complicated because there are 3 sub-levels of Elemental Archmage stage,

You'll know them later, for now, you should focus on your training and clearing the impurities inside the Psychic Realm, After you clear all impurities inside your Psychic Realm, I will tell you more about Elemental Archmages. "

Athan nodded and then both of them bid goodbye, After entering the home he immediately laid on his bed while putting two high-level Elemental Crystals beside his body before entering his Psychic Realm.

' I hope This Black whirlpool gives me something after absorbing the essence from these 2 high-grade Elemental Crystals, If it still didn't give me anything then I'll start clearing impurities. '

Thinking about it, He let the black whirlpool consume all his Psychic Energy again to speed up the process before falling asleep again due to mental tiredness and headache that comes after losing all psychic energy.



After who knows how long, Athan once again woke, and right after waking up he felt a weird sensation on his face and inside his head.

' YESS, something finally is happening...otherwise, I wouldn't feel weird inside my head and face, it's like someone is massaging those places. '

Afterward, he immediately entered his Psychic Realm, and indeed, Looking at the Black Whirlpool this time made Athan very excited because it was finally producing something.

It was releasing red and blue energy which then was spreading out of his Psychic Realm before entering inside cells, tissues, and muscles of his head (face).

' Wait so this energy can actually strengthen my body? ' thinking about that, he sighed because he wanted to awaken Elemental Affinity, ' Maybe, After every part of my body has absorbed this energy, I will finally awaken Affinity for Thunder and Fire both at the same time? '

Then Athan watched the black whirlpool producing red and blue energy which then entered all parts of his body starting from the head, but suddenly the whirlpool stopped producing the energy after an hour,

And in the past hour, This red and blue energy only entered his head, neck, and left hand, although he could actually not see how those parts changed because his consciousness can only enter the Psychic Realm.

' Damn I still have my whole chest, right hand, and remaining parts of my body left, How much essence I need for that? SHIT. ' Athan could not help but curse.

Then he left his psychic realm to check out the effect of the energy that was produced by the black whirlpool.

' I can clearly feel that my left hand is vastly different than my right hand. ' Athan could not clearly describe the feeling, ' Anyway let's punch some boulders and see if my strength increased or not. '

First, he looked at the clock, ' So it's 3 AM, everyone should be sleeping right now, I'll have to go some distance from here to find a boulder otherwise the sound might wake up the people here. '

Afterward, He walked towards the back of this Mountain where there were not any buildings, ' Let's try on that boulder. '

Athan stopped in front of a boulder that was the size 2 in diameter, After getting into a simple stance, Athan threw a punch.


The boulder was blasted into pieces as Athan dumbfoundedly stood there.

After a while, Athan snapped out of his thought, " HOLY MOLY ANGELINA JOLIE, WHAT THE FK IS GOING ON!!! "

Athan could not contain his excitement because he didn't even punch with his full strength as he kept feeling weird in his left hand.

After calming down he murmured, " I should first check what changes were made to my head, neck, and left hand by the red and blue energy that came from the whirlpool, Damn if I had divine sense like those immortal cultivators in those novels then I could observe my body, but for now my consciousness can only enter into Psychic Realm.....wait.."

Athan suddenly remembered Lafurge using his Psychic Energy in combination with his eyes to observe those water crystals, ' Maybe I can also do that to see the changes of my left hand? let's try. '

After the sleep, his Psychic Energy was once again fully recovered, so he immediately control his psychic energy and injected it into his eyes.

Immediately his vision changed, When he looked around now, he could see scattered elemental energies of fire and thunder all around, although in low amount but he could now clearly see them with colors, previous he could only feel but now he could see them.

Then he looked at his left hand and got a shock.


His Whole left-hand mixture of Bright red and blue. Then he looked at his right hand, which looked normal to him without an ounce of energy in it.

In his current eyes, his left hand was glowing intensely with bright red and blue colors, suddenly Athan experienced a headache and with how familiar he was to this feeling he immediately stopped supplying Psychic Energy to his eyes.

' Fk, Just a few tens seconds of injecting energy into the eyes almost completely drained my Psychic Energy...'

After sighing he thought, ' From now on, I should spend most of my time to train in Fire and Thunder chamber to get some essence from it every day, if I pull down higher-level handle then I will get more essence energy, and while training inside the chambers I will also cleanse the grey impurity inside my Psychic Realm to increase the amount of Psychic Energy I can use. '

Athan nodded to himself after planning about his next course of training.

" But...after looking at my left hand I want to try something..." While murmuring Athan picked up a shaped edge stone from the ground with his right hand.

He then pointed the stone's sharp edge at his left hand's pinky finger, " Wait, if I cut my finger it might hinder me in my work, I should go with a mild approach. " Then instead of cutting his finger, he planned to do a few centers cut on his palm.

Right after cutting his palm, something magical happened, because the blood that was supposed to come did not come out from the cut, instead Blue and Red energy spilled out a bit but it automatically went back before completely closing in the wound, after a few seconds his palm appeared like it was not ever cut before.

" DAMNNNN, This..." Athan could not believe what his eyes saw, " Those energies from Black Whirlpool f**king changed my left hand on a fundamental level, but...but...how is it even possible. "

After calming down he thought, ' Since Fireballs and conjuring Animals of elements is possible in this world, then I suppose this should also be possible, I'm no longer on earth, maybe this is also nothing, as I might experience more shocking things. '

' Maybe after awaking affinity for Thunder and Fire, I will be able to control these strange energies coming out from the black whirlpool, then I think I will be able to do a lot of things. ' Thinking about future possibilities Athan could not help but get excited.

" I just hope that I can get Thunder and Fire Affinity after my whole body is changed by those Red and Blue energy from the black whirlpool. " murmuring this Athan went back to his house to take a short nap as he once again exhausted his psychic energy.

Chapter 13 - WTF...WTF...WTF...

Currently, Athan is at Training Zone, inside Thunder Chamber.


Yesterday after shattering the boulder and looking at his left hand which was changed by the red and blue energy originating from the black whirlpool, Athan could not wait to change his whole body structure so after waking up,

He first took permission to reduce his work time, instead of going home at 3 PM he could go home at 12 PM, Then today right after working till 12 PM he arrived at the training zone and went inside Thunder Chamber.

Athan had a thoughtful expression as he looked at the levels of handles, previous he was training at level 4 difficulty but he wanted to increase it to absorb more essence because obviously, the higher level difficulty contains more essence.

' For now, I know that these chambers each have a line underground which is connected to the mechanism and a container which contains Elemental Crystals, the mechanism is to absorb the energy from those crystals and turns into real lightning and Fire so we elemental warriors can train our bodies. '

Athan thought of a plan and he instantly wanted to try it even though it might be a waste of many elemental crystals but...' considering that my path of training is different, there's no need to hesitate about using the means when available to increase my strength. '

Thinking through it, Athan pulled down the level 10 handle, and instantly, fearsome thunder energy erupted as lighting bolts and lighting whips appeared in the middle of the chamber.

But Athan did not go in the middle to experience those thick bolts and whips as he just arrived outside the range, at the vicinity, but staying there for a few seconds already caused his skin to crack, so he backed off a bit more so that he wouldn't bleed to death after sleeping.

Yes, he was planning to sleep after powering up the black whirlpool using his psychic energy, so that the black whirlpool can absorb the essence and he recovers his psychic energy while sleeping, two birds with one stone.

Also since he has been draining and recovering his psychic energy repeatedly past few days his speed of recovering psychic energy gradually increased, now he only needs to sleep for 2 hours to recover the small amount of the psychic energy he has,

But recovery time might increase after the amount of psychic energy ha has increases which of course would increase after he clears the grey impurities gradually.

Anyway, After powering up the black whirlpool, he could feel the thunder essence getting absorbed by it so he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

Now his resistance to headache had also increased so he was not feeling as much pain as he felt the first time but since he was feeling mentally exhausted after getting drained of psychic energy, he chose to sleep while still getting hit by lighting sparks that spread the numbness into him while doing minor damage but he was already immune to such low level of pain.

The lighting stopped after 30 minutes but Athan still slept for 2 hours, and after waking up he directly went to the Fire Chamber and did the same.

After spending 2 hours inside Fire Chamber he came out and checked his black whirlpool.

' Hmm, the essence I've gathered is still lower than then one high-grade elemental crystal, Looks like I need to do this for more days, with the transformation taking place every 2-3 days I guess. '

With determination, Athan smiled and said to himself, " Let's get this shit done, what I'm doing is not wasteful because that level 10 difficulty is helping me getting strong, it's just that my method of getting strong is different than elemental warriors. "



On the 2nd day, the Right hand of Athan was successfully transformed.

On the 5th day, The chest of Athan was successfully transformed.

On the 8th day, the abdomen transformed.

On the 11th day, his left leg transformed but only until the knee part.

On the 13th day, the whole left leg transformed.

On the 15th day, Half of his right leg transformed.

And today marks the 17th day, right now Athan is in the middle of his sleep in the Fire Chamber, he had already absorbed essence from the thunder chamber, so after waking up, his whole right leg will also transform, but he didn't know what awaited him after his whole body is transformed.

The 2 hours passed quietly as Athan woke up, Looking inside his Psychic Realm, he could see the black whirlpool absorbing the last bits of Fire Essence.

" Finally, It's time, I just hope that I can awaken affinities of Thunder and Fire after my right leg is transformed which also completes the transformation of my whole body. " Athan could not help but get excited thinking about it.

After calming down, he focused inside his psychic realm as the black whirlpool completely absorbed the fire essence and now will release those strange red and blue energy soon which would then transform his right leg fully.

Indeed, after 20 minutes, The Black whirlpool released red and blue energies which directly went to his right leg under the knee and started the transformation, he could feel that, although he could not see that without enhancing his eyesight with psychic energy.

Just after the transformation of his right leg finished, something started to happen inside Athan's body.

Athan directly fell down with a thud as he started to twitch, he wanted to scream so badly right now because the pain he was feeling right now was indescribable, he has never felt this much pain before.

He was feeling inhuman pain because, inside his body, A flood was raging, just like how we could see blood flowing in our vein, currently the insides of his body all turned into energy, no blood, no bones, nothing. Only raging floods of blue and red energies moving around intensely in every part of his body.

If someone could see Athan right now, they would freak out, because he was glowing red and blue with his body in mess.

After 30 minutes of this inhuman pain, Athan suddenly felt something coming out from his mouth.


From his Mouth, Black colored filth came out and his body also extracted black-colored filth, by now the pain was slowly subsiding as he started to feel weird inside his body.

Like...like...previously, he could not feel bones or blood but he started to feel that again, actually after his left hand transformed he thought that his body will turn into the energy body, but now he was feeling his bones, blood, veins, etc again.

Anyway, right now he was covered by filth so he used his psychic energy to lift the water from the bathtub that always appears after 30 minutes of training, and washed his body thoroughly.

If he jumped into the bathtub then he would dirty all water so he used his psychic energy to lift water bit by bit and washed his body.

After cleaning his body, he gritted his teeth and muttered, " Now Let's see what the actual fuck happened to my body. " Saying this he enhanced his eyes with Psychic Energy and took a quick look around the body which gave him a shock.

" What the hell happened... " Athan was practically pulling his hairs after seeing the situation of his body.

" Why my body is back to normal, although I feel that my body somehow changed BUT from what I'm seeing, it returned to how it was before like I can't see any energy at all no red energy no blue energy WTF.

" All I can see right now is what normal people have like Bood, Bones, Muscles, Organs, etc. And why do I feel like my Psychic Energy suddenly increased by a high amount? "

Athan then entered his Psychic Realm and got shocked once again.

Because there is a Red and a Blue, two crystals floating inside his psychic realm, and there was no grey impurity around them, which means the crystals cleansed the grey impurity just by their presence.

' But Those two crystals only took less than 5% of space inside my psychic realm, which means just by clearing less than 5% of impurity my psychic energy's amount already increased by double, if I clear every grey impurity then how powerful my psychic energy will become? '

Athan got excited but then he internally slapped himself, ' For now let's see what's the deal with these two crystals and my body. '

Athan willed his consciousness and got a closer look at Those two crystals which had strikingly similar energy that transformed his body.

After looking at those crystals Athan concluded that those two crystals were definitely made of the same energy that was released from the black whirlpool after absorbing Fire and Thunder essence.

Coming out of his Psychic Realm Athan muttered with a dark face, " So first, Black whirlpool absorbed tons of Thunder and Fire essence and spewed out Those mysterious red and blue energies that changed my whole body which then caused me inhuman torture that actually made me feel like killing myself, after that, The two energy turned into those crystals inside my psychic Realm.

Now the question is, What the FK do I get after going through all these? " Athan shook his head.

But then he thought, ' no-no, I'm sure there are benefits of going through all that, I just need to find them, First let's check my body's strength. For that, I need to go to a place where there are boulders. '

Actually, there was a facility to test the strength of Elemental Warriors in the Mountain Palace but Athan didn't want to go there.

So he made a dash to the place where he broke that boulder with his transformed left hand.

BUT after lifting his right leg and then pressing it forward on the ground to make a dash, something mind-boggling happened.

His right foot, instead of making a dash ahead, pierced into the tough mountain surface.

" WTF...." because of that, Athan then tripped over which caused cracks to spread like a spider web on the surface, despite not falling hard at all.

Athan lay flat on his face with a dumbfounded expression and once again uttered, " WTF..."

Chapter 14 - Can't Feel A Thing...

Athan stood up while still having a dumbfound expression on his face as he muttered, " WT..." before finished saying another WTF he snapped out his thought as his face turned red from excitement.

but soon he calmed down as he thought, ' Hmm, My strength definitely increased and by a LOT it seems, maybe I should first check the toughness of my body. ' thinking about it he entered a Fire chamber that was not occupied.

After entering he stood in front of the row of handles, " I should start with Level 7, from level 4 to level 7 is actually a big leap and I will be standing in the middle this time. "

Deciding that, He pulled down the Level 7 handle.

After that, intense flame sprouted from the middle and he slowly moved forward, His excitement increased with each step because he was not feeling anything, not even the heat.

Even after arriving at the range which separated the rest of the area to the platform in the middle where the intense flame was burning, Athan still didn't feel a thing, Not a single sweat as he could not even feel the heat, it felt like his body has its own normal temperature and that flame in front of him could not affect it at all.

He then took a step forward inside the raging flames and right after entering Athan's face changed.

His face showed shock, disbelief, excitement, etc because, HE-STILL-COULD-NOT-FEEL-A-THING.

Not even a single ounce of heat. He felt no difference between standing inside the platform or outside the platform.

" Crap..." Athan muttered with a dazed face but soon he snapped out of his thought and arrived at the row of handles once again before pulling down the level 8 handle.

This time, instead of walking slowly, he walked fast and arrived in the middle were fearsome flames were dancing, but after standing in the middle for 1 WHOLE minute, he still could not feel a thing, ' damn, isn't my body a bit too powerful? no-no there is still level 9 and level 10. '

Afterward, Athan pulled down the level 9 handle and stood in the middle while feeling disbelief once again because he still could not feel anything, ' This....'

He then dazedly walked to the row of handles once again before pulling down the level 10 handle and also dazedly stood in the middle with the same feeling, because he still could not feel anything even in level 10 difficulty.

After being in disbelief for some time, Athan snapped out of this thought.

' Wait, There is also the possibility that my body gained a very very very high resistance towards Fire and Thunder after what happened before, Those two energy f**ked me upside down before giving me new body structure

so there was another element at level 10 difficulty instead of thunder and fire then there is a possibility to take damage...but after the black whirlpool absorbs the essence of other elements, I will similarly gain this ridiculous level of resistance of those elements. '

Athan then came out of the Fire Chamber and entered the Thunder Chamber before directly pulling the level 10 difficulty handle and indeed, he also could not feel anything even after standing in the middle.

"Although toughness of my body is still in question against physical damage and other elements, I should first check out my physical strength, "

Athan then started to walk slowly, because he didn't want a similar accident to happen, but as he walked he gradually increased his walking speed to get familiar with this newfound strength.

After a while, Athan Once again increased his speed and started jogging, a few cracks spread while he was jogging at first that scared some surrounding peoples but after few minutes he controlled that and could jog normally without damaging the surface of the mountain.

Just like this, Athan kept increasing his speed while adjusting to his new strength as he finally started running...

Cracks also spread while he was running but it took him only a few seconds to adjust this time, as he kept increasing his running speed.

Athan then passed by the area where people were still active before entering the back of the mountain.

But he didn't realize that he caused a commotion in that area because his speed was too fast.

" What was that? I suddenly felt wind hitting me. "

" Me too, I almost fell down from my chair. "

" I SAW I SAW, A Shadow passed by at a very fast speed which generated wind, I could only see blurry but I'm sure he was a young man around 18-19 years old. "

People in the area then started to speculate who that young man might be.


Meanwhile, Athan arrived at the back of the mountain.

He arrived in front of a 4 diameter boulder and gave it a punch with his right hand.


The boulder blasted into pieces but Athan had a frown on his face as he muttered, " Damn, I won't be able to check my strength this way, the boulders here are too weak, I didn't even use half of my power just now. "

After thinking for a few seconds he suddenly got an idea, " How about I try breaking it from afar? Since my strength increased so much then just shockwaves alone can blast a boulder. "

Athan then found another big boulder and stood 1 meter away from it.

" I should use my full strength this time, " Muttering Athan took a simple stance and threw a punch with all this strength.


The boulder was more thoroughly crushed this time, turning into even more pieces than the previous boulder because of just the shockwave of his full strength punch of that powerful.

Athan then found another boulder and stood 5 meters away from it before throwing a punch with his full power.

*b---* ( no the boulder did not get blast so no BOOOOM )

This time the boulder was not blasted as the considerable amount of shockwave was dissipated before it reached the boulder but it still managed to throw the boulder in the distance.

" This is no use, I should go to the forest to fight the beasts, yep.." Thinking of this idea, Athan nodded as he once again started running at a fast speed towards the forest, this time he was in full control of his strength which also allowed him to increase his speed.

while running Athan thought, " Maybe after my body is refined once again by 1 or 2 more elements, I will be able to break the sound barrier, no wait, why would I run when I can fly later?

for now, I can't fly because my psychic energy is too low, even if I tried it would get drained after flying for a few minutes, and my speed of running is indeed faster then flying currently. "

Throwing out unnecessary thoughts, Athan focused on running.

After 10 minutes of full-speed running, Athan arrived in the forest.

Just as he entered, A Grade 1 Fire horned Bull appeared, But Athan ignored it and headed deeper inside the forest to find the stronger beasts.

' First, let's find a grade 4 beast, last time I came here, I could not beat a grade 2 Beast, but according to my body strength, I should be able to handle grade 4 beasts. '

Grade 4 beasts are as powerful as Elemental Masters and Stage 7 Elemental Warriors.

As Athan was heading deeper inside, he started to encounter Grade 2 and Grade 3 beasts, but he still ignored them as he headed deeper.


Suddenly A Grade 3 Green Fang Python attacked ambushed Athan, It suddenly came out from the side and speedily wrapped around Athan's body.

Athan fell down with a thud as he muttered, " Damn, I should pay attention to my surroundings, "

While Athan was muttering, the grade 3 Green Fang Python did not waste any time as it instantly opened its mouth which had green-colored Fangs that were filled with poison and bit at the shoulder of Athan.

But The Python suddenly froze after he bit the shoulder of Athan,

Because it could not penetrate the skin of its target, if the python could speak, it would say, " NANI THE F**K IS GOING ON ? "

Seeing the result of Python's Attack, Athan grinned and then stretched his hands that were wrapped around along his body by Python, and after stretching his hands wide he forcefully tore the Python's body that was wrapped around his body into three pieces.

After killing the python, Athan continued to head deeper into the forest to find Grade 4 beasts.

And indeed after walking for 20 minutes more, He finally encountered a Grade 4 Beast.

It was Grade 4 Black Striped Ape, especially known for their strong Physical body and strength.

" Haha perfect. " Seeing the Ape, Athan instantly dashed towards the Ape and the Ape also noticed Athan and rushed towards him with red eyes.

Chapter 15 - Elemental Body Refining

Both Athan and the Ape started brawling.

First, Athan didn't learn any Martial Arts and Ape....obviously didn't know any martial arts. so both just punched and kicked each other.

The only difference was...

" Hahaha, Little Ape, Hit me harder because your blows ain't even giving me feeling of scratches..."


The Ape became enraged because It was taking a solid beating from Athan while its attacks were not working on Athan at all.

They fought for few more minutes before Ape started to make whimpers.

Athan was stunned as he stopped his beating, anyway he was not using his full power but just beating the shit out of Ape.

Seeing Athan stopped beating, Ape made a few more sounds and gestures with its hand to Athan.

Athan understood from gestures that it wanted him to follow it, ' Wait...could it be that he is going to call his boss or parents? whatever, It would be better if the ape called out a grade 5 beast as I want to fight them. '

And so, Athan followed the Ape, as they both went deeper into the Forest.

After 10 minutes of Fast traveling, Ape stopped at the spot before putting its hand in the ground and opening a hole by removing a naturally made flat stone that was covered with vines, The hole's path led into a hidden underground cave.

After opening the Path, The Ape once again gestured Athan to follow it inside.

Athan had no fear for Ape's scheme so he went inside the cave with Ape.

After entering the cave hole, both of them walked for 5 more minutes before arriving at a spacious area.

Seeing what was in the area, Athan got a shock because in front of him was a Big Black Crystal, Half a meter long, The Crystal looked similar to the black crystal he mined every day,

But it looked way more pure as it had Metallic luster, so its color looked Black Metallic instead of blurry black which was the color of crystals he mined every day.

Athan walked near the big black crystal to check it out.

Just as he was 1 meter away from the black crystal, He could feel the essence of this big crystal getting sucked by The Black whirlpool.

" Looks like this big crystal is way higher grade than Hig-Grade, could it be a Peak-Grade Elemental Crystal? Wait what element is this in the first place? " Athan still didn't know what to call this element, because everyone called it black crystal.

The main use of this crystal's energy is that It can increase the durability of items and strengthen the physical structure of people's body gradually if they stay near it.

' Whatever...I'll find it later, for now...hehehe ' Thinking about once again strengthening his body, Athan was delighted, Because even after working in that mine and absorbing bits of Essense from crystals in that mine, The Black Whirlpool still did not produce the strange black energy.

" Maybe because this black crystal's energy is different from the general element? whatever, I'll find it out later, For now, let's powerup the whirlpool and absorb the essence of this black crystal "

but before that...

Athan turned his face towards the black striped Ape that was sitting beside the crystal and said while doing hand gestures, "You... Go away, Don't come here before I come out."

Ape whimpered as it pointed at the Black Crystal and then itself possibly trying to say that I also want to strengthen my body.

But After Athan glared, it obediently left the cave.

" Let's start. " muttering, Athan injected his Psychic Energy into Black Whirlpool and then fell asleep to recover his energy while the black whirlpool sped up its process of sucking and absorbing the essence of the big black crystal.



Since his Psychic Energy was doubled, he slept for 3 hours before he woke up.

Anyway, he can't control his Psychic Energy when it nears the black whirlpool as it always sucks all of his psychic energy at once.

After waking up, Athan looked at the black whirlpool which was still sucking and absorbing the essence of the black crystal in front of him.

Seeing that nothing came out from the black whirlpool, Athan once again powered up the black whirlpool before sleeping.



This time Athan woke up after 2 hours and 50 something minutes, looks like his recovery speed is still shortening with each draining and recovering process.

Athan directly entered his Psychic Realm after waking up.

Looking at the black whirlpool Athan was delighted.

" Yess...Finally. "

The black whirlpool was currently releasing tons of strange Black energy that was spreading inside all over his body, Not just one part but everywhere.

After 10 minutes, his body's every part became black, It was not pitch black color but metallic black.

And similar to what happened before, once again happened, The black energy started to wreak havoc inside his body after all his bones, organs, and other things transformed into black energy.

' F**K THIS PAIN...' just like before, Athan could not move at all, he wanted to scream but could not just like before, Only tremendous pain being fed to his existence.

But the good thing was this lasted for only 10 minutes instead of 30 minutes like what happened with red and blue energy.

He also did not puke any Black filth nor his body extracted the black filth like before.

Athan slowly stood up while feeling the newfound strength in his body, ' i should name this process as Elemental body refining because in a way it's refining my body to make it stronger while giving me resistances to respective elements. '

After that, He entered his Psychic Realm, and indeed, There was a Black Crystal floating beside the Red and Blue Crystal which also cleansed some of the grey impurities around it that increased the amount of his total psychic energy reserve making him more powerful in that aspect.

But Athan was feeling strange while looking at the black crystal Like he had some connection with the black crystal, but he did not have this feeling towards Blue and Red Crystal, ' Now what is the meaning of this.? '

Athan willed his consciousness to go near the black crystal, ' Indeed I can feel a strong connection with this black crystal. '

He then controlled his Psychic Energy and touched the black crystal with it and something happened.

The black crystal disappeared...

" WTF... "

Athan looked around but could not find it but he suddenly started to feel something over his body.

He exited the Psychic Realm and got a shock.

His body was being wrapped by black liquid from outside...

In just 1 minute, his whole body was covered by black liquid and then the liquid turned into a semi-solid state.

Athan looked at his hands and feet while feeling shocked, ' This...This is a f**king suit, but it looks ugly. no design, no patterns, It's metallic black so it's shining a bit but that's all. '

But he could feel a huge surge in power with this weird suit on his body, He moved around and did some tricks with his body, his movements were not hindered in the least, everything felt normal like this suit became a part of his body.

He touched his face but it was also covered by the semi-solid ugly suit, ' How do I speak then ? ' thinking of it Athan opened his mouth and a gap for the mouth automatically opened, but he could see everything normal even though there were no holes for his eyes on his suit covered face.

' Now how do I remove this thing? I don't want to walk wearing this ugly suit everywhere. ' Just as Athan wondered this, something happened, The suit automatically started to separate from his body, and then it shrank before disappearing.

Athan was surprised as he muttered, " So It moves according to my thoughts..hmm " Then he went inside his Psychic Realm but he did not any see The Black Crystal beside the Blue and Red Crystal but an ugly black suit.

Looking at the suit, Athan could not help shaking his head, ' it indeed looks ugly....wait..since I can control it with my thoughts, maybe I can also give it a new shape and design? '

Thinking of that, He immediately focused on the suit and gave various commands like turn into jeans while imagining a cool looking jeans from his past life.

And Voila, The suit turned into exact jeans he imagined but the color remained the same, Metallic Black.

' Hahaha...I can change it into shape, that's so frigging cool, if only I could add colors, but a shame that I can't do it. '

He suddenly thought of an idea and willed the black pants to combine with the blue crystal beside it.

But...sadly it didn't even move this time.

' Looks like this Red Crystal and blue crystal have different uses. ' Athan then exited his Psychic realm and then looked at the Black Crystal in front of him.

"This black crystal still has a good amount of Essence left inside it... " Athan muttered but then shook his head while thinking.

' Nevermind, I don't want it, It's best to let it stay here, for now, I'll take it away when I need something because this black crystal's price should be very high, anyway That Ape can't absorb the essence, it can only sit here to strengthen its body gradually just like normal people hehehe. '

Athan then exited the underground cave because his business here was done, and it was already deep into the night since he spent more than 6 hours here.

He looked back after exiting the cave hole because he was hearing a snoring sound behind him.


The Grade 4 black striped Ape was snoring soundly while leaning on the tree.

"So this guy didn't bring any helper? anyway, why it brought me here even tho I beat it? "

Athan had a thoughtful expression, ' Maybe...so that I can spare its life? that must be it.'

"Because every living thing has the desire to live as an instinct especially animals. "

Athan then headed deeper into the forest to find Grade 5 Beasts because he didn't want to waste any time as there was one more important thing to do after checking his strength.

That important thing was...To check if he awakened affinity for Fire Element and Thunder Element or not.

Chapter 16 - Shocking Results At Affinity Testing Hall

Athan then walked for few more minutes before he encountered another Grade 4 Beast known as Thunder Tail Wolf because this wolf's tail is covered by lightning and when it attacks using its tail, it produces thunder-like sounds.

Athan spotted the wolf because of its tail but he ignored the wolf because he wanted to fight with grade 5 beast not grade 4 and surprisingly the wolf also did not attack him, " Seems like that wolf knows that it is not a match for me. "

Athan then kept walking for 10 more minutes before finally encountering a giant bear, Athan looked at the Giant bear that was sleeping, " This bear is a grade 5 Rock Armoured Bear, I read about it before, I also heard that when they mature they automatically upgrade and become Grade 6 Thousand Rocks Bear, They are very proficient in Earth Element. "

Athan thought for a moment before picking up a big rock and threw it at the bear because, ' I don't want to attack it while it's sleeping, I'm here to test my strength not to hunt beasts.'

The rock hit the bear but the bear didn't even budge making Athan a little surprised, " Looks like I have to throw the rock with some force. "

Athan picked another rock and threw it at the beast with more power this time.


The Beast was disturbed and roared after waking up, it must be thinking ' who the f**k woke me up, I was seeing a good dream where I was surrounded by many female bears, '

The bear soon spotted Athan because Athan was in front of it waving his hands at the bear.

The Bear's eyes turned red as it dashed at Athan.

Then Athan smiled seeing that as he also dashed towards the bear intending to tackle the beast.


Both tackled each other and the bear was actually pushed back, But Athan knew that the grade 5 bear did not use its full power, because when a beast upgrades to grade 5 they produce a core inside their body which lets them use elemental abilities.

The Bear became enraged for getting pushed back and then it activated its ability.

Suddenly a large amount of Earth element burst out from the bear as an armor of rocks started to form around its body, Just as their name suggests, Rock Armour bears, They can form a solid Rock Armour on their body and also power-ups their Claws with earth elemental energy which increases their attack power.

" Hahaha, good bear, let's see how tough and powerful you became after using your ability. " Athan laughed and dashed towards the bear.


The bear gave one more roar and swiped its claw forward when Athan came near it.

Seeing that, Athan readied his fist and threw it towards the incoming beast claw, This time Athan used his full power on that punch.

The Result?

The armour claws of the bear shattered along with its real claws as blood started to flow.

The Bear gave a painful roar as it attacked foolishly with another claw to which Athan responded with his own full-powered punch which produced the same result.

The bear was devasted and practically started whimpering as it put both its hand over its head and crouched down.

Athan stood there as he muttered, " looks like that Black Crystal's energy increased my Physical strength and toughness to more than double because it's main property was also related to toughness and strengthening. "

Athan then sighed and thought, ' If I had a system then I could keep track of my progress & stats and even check other people's stats. '

But after signing, Athan suddenly got an idea, ' Wait, How about I make an interface of my own? After making it, I can check my own stats...But how do I make it?...'

Athan thought for a long time before deciding, ' First, Interface will be inside my Psychic Realm....wait wait wait.'

Athan suddenly stopped because he thought of something ' Since the black whirlpool gives a stronger version of energy after it devours Essense of elements then it should also give me a stronger version of psychic energy after it devours it right? yeah, of course, it should, but my current amount is small, so first, I need to cleanse the grey impurity and increase my Psychic Energy. '

Athan then went back as he did not want to keep testing his strength but based on his guess, He should be able to fight evenly with Grade 6 Beasts, as for Grade 7? sorry, there are no Grade 7 beasts in this forest.


After arriving at his home, He first entered his psychic realm to clear the grey impurity, since he had asked method from Lafurge he knew what to do.

Athan focused and Gave his psychic Energy solid form before giving it a shape of...Eraser.

well since he was going to erase the grey impurity he thought giving his psychic energy the form of Eraser would be better.

And then...

He started rubbing the eraser at grey impurity and it worked, But after rubbing for a few times, his eraser also shrank.

After rubbing for a few minutes, his eraser completed disappear along with some grey impurity, ' 1-2% maybe? damn, looks like this is gonna take some time early stages, I'm glad those 3 crystals cleared some grey impurity to increase my psychic energy, anyway, I'll clear grey impurities once again after my psychic energy recovers. '

Then Athan slept for 3 hours before waking up and clearing the grey impurities again.

After sleeping for another 3 hours, Athan did not clear the impurities because it was already morning and now it was time to check if he awakened any affinities or not.

Taking a bath and changing his clothes, Athan arrived in the Mountain Palace's hall.

After arriving at the desk, He said to the lady, " Can you please call Lafurge here? "

The Lady looked at Athan before saying, " Did you have any appointment with him? You can't just call a core elder like that. "

" This..." Athan had a troubled expression on his face as he didn't think about that, after being silent for a few seconds, he said to the lady, " Can you tell me where do I test my affinity? "

The lady was surprised before throwing a disdainful look and said, " Go to Hall No.3, this is where people check their elemental affinity. " saying this she pointed at the left side of the Palace hall.

Athan noticed the disdainful look but he just smiled and thanked the lady before going towards the path pointed by her.

After walking along that path, he soon found Hall No.3, Athan knocked on the door before it opened.

Entering the Hall, Athan was surprised because there was no one in the hall except an old man in his sixties reading a book while sitting on a chair.

The old man spoke without looking at Athan, " Wait for 5 minutes, I'm almost done reading this arc. "

Athan arrived at the pool where colorful fishes were swimming and waited there.

It didn't take long for 5 minutes to pass.

The old man stood up before putting down his book on the chair and said with a smile, " Alright young man, go stand in the middle, I'll record your affinity. "

After nodding to the old man, Athan took a step forward and put one of his feet into the pool only to receive a shock.

Because, Just as he put his right foot into the pool, A red fish and a Darkblue fish started glowing like crazy and arrived at Athan's feet with fast speed.

Athan was startled at first and then excited, He then put another of his feet into the pool and started moving forward in the pool before stopping in the middle, even tho there was no point to it.

But unlike what old man and Athan thought, The fishes did not stop glowing after 1 minute and continued to glow.

The old man thought, ' 1 minute of glowing is already considered High-Grade Talent, I've not heard of anyone going past that, looks like I have to call a core elder. '

Athan saw that the old man took out some kind of talisman and guessed that he was going to call someone of higher authority, so he instantly thought of lafurge and said, " Can you call Core Elder Lafurge? He knows me quite well. "

Hearing my words, The old man nodded he put down the talisman his in hand before taking out a different talisman from a small bag that was around his waist.

Athan then watched as the old man injected his psychic energy into the talisman before murmuring something.

After murmuring for a few seconds, the old man put away the talisman and focused on the glowing fishes.

The fishes did not stop glowing at the 5-minute mark.

Seeing this old man muttered, " 5 minutes is already a sign of Peak-Grade Affinity, And that's Fire and thunder affinities both. " he then looked at Athan like he was some kind of monster.

They still did not stop glowing even after passing the 6-minute mark.

No sign of stopping even after passing the 7-minute mark.

8 minute...

9 minute...

Finally, At 10 minutes Mark, the glowing of fishes stopped, The old man then looked at the fishes and exclaimed out loud, " WHAT!!! "

Athan was confused and also looked at the fishes after he traced the old man's gaze.

Both fishes came dimmer than usual and were not even moving.

The old man hurriedly took out a red and a blue crystal before throwing them inside the pool near the fishes.

Then the old man looked at Athan and said, " Young man, come out fast, or those fishes might start glowing again resulting in draining their energy once again. "

Athan had a dumbfounded expression as he thought, ' Maybe the fishes glowed more than usual because of those two crystals inside my Psychic Realm '

But then He smiled while thinking, ' Anyway, one thing is for sure, My affinity grade is way higher than High-Grade affinity hahaha '

Chapter 17 - The Path Is Long And Arduous But I Am Different.

Just as Athan came out of the pool, The door of the hall opened, and someone entered.

Looking at the person, The old man bowed and said, " Welcome, Elder Lafurge. "

Lafurge shook his head and said with helplessness, " Stop old man, I told you many times you don't have to bow to me. "

The old man just stayed silent as lafurge shook his head because he knew the old man would not change because he was a strict follower of rules.

Then Lafurge looked at Athan as his lips twitched a bit before speaking, " You kid, is giving me one surprise after another, First you opened your Psychic Realm, and now this. "

Hearing this, the old man was shocked while Athan just smiled with a face that says, ' i already told you that I would awaken affinities soon at that time. '

Lafurge understood, but he just shook his head while saying, " I understand, and I admit that I did not believe you at that time, but you said you just felt that you would awaken affinities and get powerful, so say, how could someone just believe you just because you were " feeling like that? "

Lafurge then looked at the old man and asked, " So? how long the fishes glowed for? 5 minutes? "

The old man shook his head while saying, " No, the Fishes glowed for 10 minutes, and I believe they continue to glow if they did not run out of elemental energy. "

" What!!! "

Looking at Lafurge's reaction, The old man thought, ' Yep, I had exact same reaction. '

Lafurge looked at Athan like he was looking at a monster and said, " You little monster...."

Athan thought while grinning, ' if I told him about my other secrets, then he would probably get heart attacks hehe '



Lafurge then took Athan directly to the Core of Thunder-Fire Valley that was a Floating Mass of wonder.

But after arriving at the HQ, he made a request to Lafurge, " Actually, I don't want to be known by anyone right now, I just want to peacefully practice, so if you can arrange me to a place where there is abundant of Fire and Thunder elemental energy, I'll owe you a Favor. "

Pausing here for a second, Athan continued with a serious expression, " I am not being arrogant but my favor will be very helpful to you. Think about it, because I have this FEELING that I'll become very powerful. " After finishing, he gave a faint smile that contained unwavering confidence.

Lafurge became speechless but then revealed a thoughtful expression.

After a few minutes, He said to Athan with a serious expression, " Since you've already shown me two miracles, I'll bet on you this time and take a risk for your favor in the hope that it will be helpful to me in the future. "

Athan gave him thumbs up before asking, " So what risk are you talking about? "

Lafurge first took Athan into his home inside the Floating Palace and closed the door before saying with a serious expression, " I'll send you into a Danger Zone that Thunder-Fire Valley conquered, That danger zone is connected to the Source of Fire Element and Source of Thunder Element, so It contains abundance amount of Thunder and Fire Elemental energy."

Hearing that, Athan was excited.

" But..."

' Oh didn't hear him saying BUT in a long time,' Athan calmed down hearing `But` of Lafurge.

Lafurge took a breath before continuing, " I'll have to sneak you inside the zone because it only opens every 100 years, and only holy sons, holy daughters, and core elders are allowed to go in "

Athan was confused as he asked, " But there will be security at the entrance of the door right? how will you sneak me inside? "

" Of course there will be security and the one who secure that place is also a core elder, every core elder needs to take turns every year to secure that place and my turn is after 6 months, so you have to wait for 6 months, When my turn comes, I'll sneak you inside, until then I can let you stay inside one of my house in this floating island. "

Athan nodded hearing the plan and said, " Alright, But you have to tell me the later stages and how to cultivate now since I awakened affinities of Thunder and Fire element. "

Lafurge waved his hands opened a cupboard in the room before pulling out two books, He then gave both of them to Athan while saying, " One of the books explains how to train and the other book has information about later stages. "

After Lafurge took Athan to another Palace which was smaller and went inside, nobody really paid attention to both of them as they were all busy with their works, of course, everyone's not Elder Onuk.

Both of them arrived at the desk in palace, The lady behind the desk looked at Lafurge and said with a smile, " What can I do for you, Elder Lafurge? "

Lafurge also smiled in response and said while pointing at Athan, " Sister Ruzi, This here is my little brother, Athan, as per my Authority as Core elder, I can allow two of my relatives to live inside this floating island right? "

Sister Ruzi looked at Athan and then at Lafurge as she said with a smile, " Of course you can Elder Lafurge, so I'll register his name as your relative ok? "

" Yep. Thanks, Sister Ruzi. "

Afterward, Lafurge took Athan to his new home outside the palace.

Looking at his new home which had a private area around it, Athan thought, ' So this is my new home? It's damn good. '

This house was like a small bungalow, It seemed to be built with white stones and looked solid with a very good design, although not as good as designs found on Earth, it looks good nonetheless.

Arriving here, Lafurge did not go inside and just said, " This is your new home, now you can start the practice by forming your elemental sea but first I suggest you clear the grey impurity inside your Psychic Realm before forming your elemental sea. "

Lafurge took a breath before speaking, " As you know, The Higher the grade of affinity the smoother their path of Elemental sorcerer is until they reach Elemental Mage. And you seem to have an even higher grade Peak-Grade Affinity, you won't have trouble control your elemental energy and as for spell casing, That depends on your understanding, There are spells methods listed at the end of the 2nd book, you can read and learn them.

But first, Clear the grey impurities so that when you absorb elemental energy you can directly refine them after forming Revolving Refinement Gate and skip the arduous work that elemental mages have to do, and directly become Elemental Archmage."

Athan nodded as he excitedly thought, ' Damn, So I can directly become an Elemental Archmage? FK!!! '

Seeing Athan's expression Lafurge sneered, "You're not alone in that one, Many people have done it like that, If they can unlock their Psychic Realm Before reaching Elemental Mage they can similarly skip Elemental mage stage,

but Creating a Revolving Refinement Gate is also not that easy, no one succeeds in the first try and it directly explodes once you fail to form it resulting in total drainage of your Psychic Energy and some damage to mental health. "

Athan just smiled and said, " Don't worry, I am different from others. "

Lafurge rolled his eyes as he bid farewell to Athan, " Alright I'll come back after 6 months, until then try to clear all grey impurities in your Psychic Realm. "

After waving his hands at Lafurge, Athan went inside his new home, He didn't waste time looking around and just directly laid in the bedroom before opening the book which contains the next stages after Elemental Mage.

Athan looked at the book while thinking, ' Now that I'm looking carefully, this book only has few pages...don't tell me that Lafurge scammed me? '

Athan opened the first page which had the same introduction as the book he found in his old home, He turned 3 pages and found the description and details of the next stage.


Stage 6: Elemental Archmage

- To become an Elemental Archmage, One needs to Create a Revolving Refinement Gate inside their Elemental Sea using their Psychic Energy after all energy inside their Elemental Sea is refined manually by them in the Elemental Mage Stage.

- The use of the Revolving Refinement Gate is that From now on they don't need to manually Refine their energy after the normal energy is absorbed by them but when they absorb the energy, they pass it through the Revolving Refinement Gate which refines the energy before going inside their Elemental Sea.

This way, They are constantly filled with refined Elemental Energy inside their Elemental Sea, unlike Elemental Mages who need to refine them manually and quickly run out of refined elemental energy if they use it in battle.


Stage 7: Elemental Overlord

- To Reach this stage, Elemental Archmages needs to transform the gaseous elemental energies inside their elemental sea into Liquid form but to do that, They need Mystic Energy which is a higher form of Psychic Energy and to get mystic energy is the most difficult stage because to get the mystic energy, They need to comprehend the true nature of Psychic Energy. Once they successfully comprehend the true nature of Psychic Energy, They need to pass the test of Inner demons, Once they successfully pass the test, their Psychic Energy will successfully transform into Mystic Energy, and Their Psychic Realm will also transform into Mystic Realm, resulting in increased size and new black impurities which will then increase their reserve of Mystic Energy by clearing the black impurities.

Athan then turned to the next page only to see that there was no information about the next stage but only spells.