
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

That guy!

Chapter 22: That guy!

After that dream a question had been bugging me for a while now.

'What if that man was behind in killing my parents in both life?' that was not much likely but I trust my intuition .

Because it's been a good reason why I am still alive.


I haven't gotten over that event. But there is one good thing about all this turn of events.

'No matter how much man tries they can't defy fate no matter the effort.'

I am now trying my best to act like I am okey because of how Rina looks at me , worried. It's suffocating whenever I look at her face. I k ow for sure that I got my eyes from previous life back.

All those torture had a big impact in my life. No matter how much I try to forget--i can't! It's hard to do so!

Those feeling, that darkness , that coldness of ground...it's scary. Although I got out of the trauma...it's only for short amount of time...but when I watched that fire that burned down my house....the house that I worked so hard to...build...was into ashes. I still couldn't figure it out why? Why me?!

It's not fair?! But who am I to tell....

The world rejected me it seems... wanted me to suffer again..

I had to hear that both my wife and.... unborn child.....was killed together. It's hard. It's hard to cope with it. The feeling of dread..

But enough of that!

*Slap!* I slapped myself to shake these thoughts off. I heard a sound of running that was coming through my room. And from the pattern of the steps taken I could easily tell who it was.

It's a special skill given to us Asian kids who have grown into strict household although they weren't strick that much but they were indeed strict. It was hell of a ride of life where I have to constantly plan to prevent every single attempt where the world wanted to reject the idea of my parents being alive. It was tiring. My head hurts from the amount of time I need to change and adapt to the situation like at that one time I had to fight ghost or spirits as they say.

GHOST! Like is that believable! Fuck no! It ain't! But I actually did that in my previous life. I learned that this world has many supernatural which can't or couldn't be explained using science. Honestly I leaned it hard way .

I saw Rina walk in or rather barge in. Gosh calm down girl.

"Are okey?! Is there anywhere you are hurt?! Anyway I can help?! If there is anything way I can then please tell me!" she placed her hand in my face and started going through all of my body.

I grab a hold on her hand and gently kissed it.

"Listen I am not suicidal ok. I won't let my 'crazy' thought take over. So rest assured. Also we are getting closer to 3rd year last semester so I think you shouldn't spend you time here and put them in studying."

"Do you think I don't study?"

"Eh--i didn't meant that! Sorry if that sounded rude. " I apologized to her. It was kind of embarrassing.....

"Uh don't worry...I don't mind and don't worry I will get like 4th or 5th place anyway. "

I raise an eye brow "Influence?" I asked.

"No. I already have finished the books just like you I age also forged an habit of finishing my syllabus in the span of 3 months."

"I see."

"Oh! By the way do you have anything to do today?"

'I don't --' is what I wanted to say but stopped as something came in my mind.

"Actually I have. If you don't mind."

"Don't worry."

I held her hand and pulled towards me , too much force was applied which is why I made her fall on top of me. She suddenly had a pink hue on her face.

"Wh-wahr are you doing?" she is messing her up her speech. Huh~ cute.

"Well then let's have fun tomorrow both day and....night." she blushed more and ran away.

It was fun playing with her like this but this needs to placed on pause.


I was on a park where I am listening to what Ron was doing the three days prior of this accident. I had my suspiciousness on him. Because now that I think of it he didn't cry for real. There is also that he has 50% of what my grandparents wealth. So it might be there.

‹You know how much my head hurts when ever I look at your brother!› that's his wife's voice.

‹Yea yea I know. But we have to wait!› and there is Ron.

‹Fuck you mean!?›

‹What I mean is that his car will be failing him today.› 'Huh!' I looked at the date of the voice recording and it says..... July 12th. I see so I wasn't wrong.

‹Well that sounds fun. Hehehehe.›

Anger started boiling inside me. I really wanted to punch their face. But.

'calm down. Yea that what I should do now. Calm myself down. '

I took my headphone off and looked ahead.

I am currently waiting for Alex. I have a work for him.

"Hey! What's up!?"

I looked ahead and speak of the devil and the devil will arrive. He is here Alex Midgard.

"So what are we doing?"

"Here give me your ear...."

I told him about the plan and his face turned into one of a surprise.

"Are you serious...? That's kind of risky... "

"Well no it isn't. Let's go we need to arrive there at the given time. I also took a day off from college. So let's not waste any time. "

"Hey! What about me!?"

"I have taken care of your part as well."

"Welp then let's go."

"Hm." the two of us departed to our destination which was...





Ayase Hitomi's house.