
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

An Ideal teacher

Chapter 16: An ideal teacher.

My dream is to be ideal teacher.

I have already set my mind into it since the time I was in high school 2nd year. Unfortunately I am unable to meet such teacher. So I can't tell what a good teacher is like. How they act in certain situation. But first let me elaborate on what is an ideal teacher.

An ideal teacher is someone who possesses a blend of empathy, patience, compassion, and understanding. They would have a deep commitment to educating and guiding students, and they would be passionate about their subject matter and knowledgeable in the field they teach.

Ideal teachers would strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment in their classrooms, where students feel safe and supported. They would make their classes engaging and stimulating, using dynamic and engaging methods, activities, and approaches to learning. They would foster a sense of curiosity and creativity in their students, encouraging them to explore and experiment.

That is what an ideal teacher is.

In my 1st year in Tokyo university I am able to meet the ideal teacher.Linkcon Wildson, a professor in business and management.

But let me tell you why I want to be a ideal teacher or more specifically my reason to have this dream.

I,Shima Hoshino,was bullied when I was in grade school due to my religion beliefs,which is one of the reason. Another reason is I am small. And also because of my deadbeat father.

But I kept on holding the rope that kept on slipping from my hand. In middle school I was able to come up with a strategy to get ride of bullying and that is to ignore them. But it backfired me.

The bullying increased as the time went on.

During my high school life I moved to another city and since I wasn't known that much I was able to escape without much thought. I finally had peace but--

That peace was short lived.

I started to get bullied again due to me always wearing hijab. When I complained to a teacher they either ignored me due to me being a Muslim but when took action they would make a whole class meeting and as anyone would expect it I was.... bullied more and more.

When I asked my mom for help? What happened?

It got worst.

I realized this thing when I was in high school 2nd year during summer . I thought to myself 'I want to be a helpful teacher'.

A teacher who can stand with the students who are getting bullied. A teacher who can be relied by the students who are bullied.

Since when I decided to study hard and get into a prestigious university so that I can complete my education perfectly and get into teacher.

Now I am here in business and management class . Why? Because even though I can get a lot of money from teaching,my mother had a dream to make me a business women cuz she wanted to do the same.

" And with that i will finish this lesson. Make sure to take the notes of the part I just written here which is important and might be in the exam. I will take my leave if no one had any questions. So anyone?" he asked and looked around but saw that there was no one who wants to ask him something.

But there was no one because he was so good at teaching that even a donkey can understand his lesson. That how much of a great teacher the was.

" Hm~ I will take the silence as a no. Then see you at the exam and advance happy new year." He said and walked out of the class.

Everyone said happy new year to him meanwhile my deadass said " Happy holiday's in advance." Cuz? I am a Muslim and we are not given permission to say such things.

I walked towards the cafeteria to eat something. It's kind of cheeper than the food outside. Why am I eating these food?

The reason is I am broke.

I took the food and sat on a table. It was a just a normal pasta and some coffee.

A sea of boredom engulfs me,

My soul suffocated as my heart grows cold.

I feel like I'm drifting aimlessly and endlessly,

Lost and alone in the vast void of a dreary, meaningless existence.

My mind is trapped in a constant state of apathy and numbness,

A dulling fog that seeps into my very being.

This crushing emptiness, with no end in sight,

Saps every once of joy, life, and purpose from my soul.

I think I just thought of a poem . Let's continue.

I am suffocated by the suffocating silence,

Enlaved by the deafening emptiness.

I cannot move, I cannot laugh, I cannot cry,

I am numb and lifeless in my endless imprisonment.

I cannot escape the despair, depression, or sorrow,

I feel like I am trapped and sinking deeper with every passing day.

Why the heck did this became so sad...?

Forget it.

I shook and decided to focus on eating.While I was eating without much care for the world around 2 guys came towards me.

'I small danger...and annoying shi- things coming my way...' I thought to myself and looked at the guys walking towards me.

I also noticed jin-san walking towards me with the food tray on his hand.

" Hey Hoshino can I ask you something?" wow a polite start. Interesting. Maybe I was wrong and judged too fast.

"Sure what is it?" I replied politely in response to the guy question.

Jin was quite close to the place I was sitting and the entire cafeteria had their eyes on me which I hate a lot. When I mean a lot I meant it.

" What size is your boobs?" The other guy started to laugh.

"Come on man you seriously asked her!? Hahaha lol." the other guy said. Well they have chosen to defy peace and go in a war against me. Now time to demonstrate my skill that I have been learning for few months.

" Can I ask you two something?" I asked them quietly.

They looked at me.

" How many inches is your Pennies?" I asked them.


The cafeteria is filled with a cacophony of laughter and humiliation, as everyone's attention is on the two guys who tried to humiliate Shima but found themselves the targets of endless mockery and embarrassment. The two guys are now seated silently at their table, red in the face and filled with anger and humiliation after Shima flawlessly countered their attempt to humiliate her. The entire cafeteria crowd is laughing, pointing, and ridiculing the two guys, enjoying every moment of the spectacle.

' This is what you get for messing with me .' she grinned and continued to eat her food.


I am currently walking towards my home but then I noticed a heated argument between an atheist against an Muslim and it seems that brother isn't able to keep up. Let me help you fellow brother.

I walked up to them.

" Assalamualaikum my dear brother's. " I greeted the 2 men who looked at me and the other people who were walking near by.

....Is what I am imagining but I can't do it cuz both of them are older than me...also I am a scared at

So I decided that it's a good thing to not get in between them. But let's learn from them and it seems the atheist is my said ideal teacher .

They kept on talking with each other , questioning each other . The Muslim brother had his hand behind while Mister wildson hand his hand on his chest ,crossed.

The debating kept on going and after sometime the Muslim brother won.

"That was a good debate thank you." Mister wildson gave his hand towards the Muslim brother who shakes his hand.

"Yes that was a good debate. Atlest you weren't like those people who said useless thing." The Muslim brother said while shaking Mister wildson hand.

"So want to have some pork meat? My treat." Mister wildson said.

"I apologize but I can't because pork is Haram in my religion. I am unable to eat pork." The Muslim brother replied.

" Then chicken?" Mister wildson asked.

"Why not? Also I will pay half of the bills." Nodding his head the Muslim brother went with mister wildson and everyone else also moved from there.

The crowd that was there is no more. Everyone walked towards their own destination and I did the same as everyone.

It was good day and I was able to learn some things that might help me fight against some atheist.

And I think it's not wrong if I have a atheist person as a ideal teacher?....Right?

Well let's make a song while I am at it

Here for my purpose

Everyone wishing that I stopped

All the worship

Big money deals

But it's not really worth it

Don't call me a material person

Live my life, so I am seeking God

Purify my soul while I clean my heart

Constantly making Istighfar

Not afraid of them but I fear Allah

Allah, protect me from the Kafireen

And keep me on Siratul Mustaqeem

I guess we're living for a different reason

Some go the right way, some go astray

They used to laugh about us everyday

Now they looking at us like we self made

Stay trued, no, we never changed up

Praise God when we celebrate....