
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

First Beast

The creature soon came into view. I watched it coil and slither through the air. It was a large chinese dragon. It had an air of confidence and royalty to it. As it glided through the air it seemed to search for something.

It then saw me and its eyes became focused. It speed up and came towards me. Soon it was floating high in the sky casting a shadow over me. Then it opened it mouth and breathed out.

Soon a stream of flames came rushing out. Engulfing me and my surroundings. It melted the new spear I had gotten along with the armour. I felt fine due to my fire immunity. But as I stared to noticed my feet start to sink.

Looking down I could see my feet had sunk into the dirt. The flame had melted the ground turning floor to lava. Seeing this I ripped my feet out of it and raced out of it. It slogged through the molten rock.

Eventually I made it out of the blast zone and felt solid ground under me. Turning to the dragon I created fire spears and shot it in anger. I expected it to blow a hole in it.

The flame slamed into it and pushed it away. The dragon stopped breathing fire to groan in pain. When I got its bearings I looked at what hit him. Once it saw me a look of anger spread across its face.

Confused I shot the spear again. The dragon reacted quickly twirling in the air to dodge it. It then shot a fire ball. I stood firm not bothering to dodge. I used the time it took to attack me to send my own.

I stood watching as we were hit by each others attack. As I was hit by the fireball I felt a large weight crash into me. I slammed ito the ground before being tumbling backwards.

The dragon was hit by the spear again on its front leg. It didn't move but it leg did now bend at an odd angle.

'So fire doesn't work.' I reasoned. 'But force does.'

While the flame was enough to melt even steel it did nothing to the dragons scales. However the force of the spear still transfered causing damage. With this I switched to the rods.

The dragon also seemed to come to the same conclusion. With that the dragon dived down at me. It opened its mouth into a gaping maw.

As it charged me I dodged to the side. However its claws stretched out and caused three large gashes to appear on my chest. Going a little further the dragon stopped and turned towards me.

Seeing the wound the dragon smiled in triumph. The gashes began to close soon the wounds left no sign of it being there. Watching this the smile on the dragon vanished instead it was replaced by annoyance.

With this in mind it shoots a fire ball again. It lands close to me the explodes. The force knocks me off my feet again. While I'm still airborn it ran after me.

It quickly catches up to me. Using its good claw it slamed me down onto the ground. It then opens its mouth going to bite my head off. I quickly free my arms.

I thrust them forward grabbing the top and bottom of the jaw to stop it from chomping. We enter this stalemate where I can't get enough leverage to do anything and it's not strong enough to close its mouth on me. Soon the dragon broke it.

I could see the flame building up in its mouth. It then released the torrent of flames. I was confused for a moment until I start to sink into molten lava. The dragon was now pushing me down into the lava.

I formed a rod and shot it at the dragons side. This caught it by surprise making it loosen its grip. Fully freeing my arms I quickly get a better grip.

The dragon noticed it and tried to pull its head away. Not letting go of my chance I quickly broke its jaw. Unfortantly thats all I could manage before it backed away.

As it backed away I launched another rod aiming for its back leg. Due to its panic it was unable to dodge it. With the leg hit it now lost the use of another leg.

Due to only haveing to legs the dragon stumble and crashed into the ground. It now layed limply on the ground glaring at me. Its resistance showed on it distorted face.

With its weaked body it formed a fireball again. I readied myself to dodge it. As I waited for it I noticed it kept growing. I stared in cofusion as it continued to grow larger. It was lifted in the sky still growing.

Soon it seemed another sun formed. It baked the plains in scorching heat. It also seemed to strengthen my fire bending. Looking at the dragon in confusion I saw a dark look staring back.

Not liking it I rushed forward creating a rod. Grabing it I delivered a strong vertical attack. It bashed the dragons head killing it. Heaving a sign of relief I looked back up.

The new sun was still looming high in the air, but now it seemed to still be getting larger. Looking closer I noticed it wasn't getting bigger it was falling.

'I need to escape!' I yelled in my head.

Thinking quickly I ran to the nearby lake. I jumped in and swam to the very bottom of it. As I went I could feel the water heat up killing the fish. Now at the bottom griped tightly shutting my eyes.

Soon the world seemed to end. I felt the water rapidly boil then evaporate. My skin was destroyed and so was some of muscles.

Eventually I open my eyes and saw only destruction. The impacted had caused a large crater to form. The area all around was molten. The village was nowhere to be seen and the lake was nowhere to be found.

I laid at the bottom of the vanised lake. My body was damaged and I couldn't move. I could feel my body being repaired though.

[First beast killed

True fire dragon king, Enjiro killed.


Piercing sunlight- the lance of the sun lancer. It is made from the coiling spine and sharpest fang of a dragon. It can channel the wielders fire by itself. Boasts fire damage by 150%

Rank- Divine

Skill earned

Second sun- create a large ball of flame. It radiates through the area strengthening fire bending and weakening other bending based on fire power and chi rank. It can also be launced causing massive devastation. While in use user can not use bending

Rank- Divine]

Reading this I passed out.