
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs



The clattering of glasses and chattering of women can be heard in the bar. Men can be seen on their lounge with women, laughing and engaging in different kinds of sexual activities. Among them is a man, sitting at the corner of the room, accessing everyone's movement. One could easily mistake him for a gentleman, but then that was not the case. It seems he was waiting for someone, soon, a man walks in and sat across him.

"Do you have it?" the mysterious gentleman asked

"Here" said the stranger as he handed the parcel over to him

The mysterious man collected the parcel from the other man and dropped a bundle of money on the table. The stranger counted the money and nodded. The mystery man was about to walk away when he was stopped by a hand on his jacket.

"You never told me what you are using it for"

"It is none of your business" he replied and walked away

The stranger took his phone and spoke "He is coming out"


The man from the bar was leisurely walking to his car when he heard a voice

"Going somewhere?"

Yet he refused to turn and kept walking to his car, "You thought we won't find you" the voice said again, soon , his path was blocked and he was surrounded by men whose eyes were glowing a deep red shade. He gave a slight devilish smile and he turned around "Who else but Darren, tell me, how does it feel being a dog"

"You" Darren said

He smirked, "Yes me, after all this years, you are still at their beck and call" and that seems to provoke the other man, soon he was attacked, but he effortlessly dodged the attacks, "Seems you have gone soft or should I say rusty"

"I have always hated you, I don't care if they asked me to bring you back alive, I am going to kill you, after all these years, I can finally get my revenge", and he attacked more fiercely, while the other man still seem to evade his attacks

"Tsk, seems like you are still annoyed over the death of your lover, but the problem is, she never saw you as one"

The funny thing about the situation was that, the men who came with Darren weren't attacking but were rather watching the show. "What are you morons doing over there, attack!", and that did it, they started attacking the mysterious man.

One of the men scratched his hand and something seems to have snapped in him, because the next moment he was attacking fiercely, he broke their limps, one by one and tore their hearts from their bodies except for Darren. He was very weak, with blood gushing out his wounds as he lay limb on the floor and only wishing for the mystery man to kill him. "Kill me, please just kill me" he begged.

The mystery man smirked, "Oh, how I wish mercy came so easily", as he shows his devilish fangs and his fingers elongated into talons ,as he walked closer to his prey. Darren was so afraid as he stared at the monster in front of him as there was no more strength left for him to move.

Swatting down to his level he asked Darren "How does it feel to be so powerless, to have your own life flashing before your eyes, knowing that any second you will be dead, but no, death would be a mercy for you", he gently scratched Darren's face and drew more blood.

He smiled, stood up and dragged the bleeding man by his feet, through the city alleys to the outskirts of the city using his vampiric speed and stopped at the forest. Then he ventured into the forest and navigated himself through the trees and soon arrived at a castle that was located in the middle of the forest. He slowly walked through the castle gate, while dragging the bloody man with him, who looked almost unrecognizable, while humming to himself.

The castle looked very dark with dark clouds hovering over it, the castle was at least two hundred years old before the first world war. One could tell that the castle was renovated a few years ago because some parts still looked inhabitable.

"Why-y did-d you-u bring me here" Darren said while coughing, the mysterious man stopped, "Because this is where it all began".

Soon they arrived at the Castle and the mystery man opened the door , holding Darren by the neck and brought him inside and the door shut on it's own. He materialized in a very dark and cold room. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and one could see amazing decoration of the room, it was decorated with red and white candles, black and red cloth were all over the walls and torture tools were lying on the tables.

He hung Darren upside down on a chain with a sickle sticking out his stomach. He took a knife and cut out his tongue and Darren screams could be have been heard vibrating all over the castle but then he couldn't even scream with so much blood gushing out of his mouth.

The mystery man simply placed a bowl beneath him so that the blood would drop into it. Then he brought a cup, dipped it in the bowl and collected a cupful of blood and then he said "Nothing tastes better than the blood of my enemies" as he drank the blood moaning softly to it's rich taste, he sat down to enjoy the view.

"You know, I had thought of many ways to torture you, but then nothing is more pleasuring than sitting down and watching blood gush out of my enemies wounds while watching their life slip away in the most painful way"

After sometime, he got bored off watching him hang on the chain, so he brought Darren down, opened his mouth, forced a substance into his mouth and then made him swallow it. Then after sometime, bit his neck, he then proceeded to cutting his legs and then he plucked out his eyes.

"The substance in your stomach is going to burn your brain and all your memories would be gone, you will be no better than an animal and my venom in your system makes it worse"

He pulled Darren by his collar and vanished. Soon they appeared at the heart of the city where he dumped him on the street and vanished.

The man materialized in his room at the castle, he walked to the mirror with his bloodied clothes and stared at his reflection. One of his eyes was a deep shade of red while the other glowing golden. There was one word for him 'monster'. He picked up a necklace from the dresser with the name 'Adrian' written on it. Suddenly, he throw the necklace at the mirror, shattering it.

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