
Take me to Eric

"Chris... is dead?" Lily repeated in her head. She had no recollection of what happened back at the haunted house so there was no way for her to know if Her kidnapper was telling the truth, but she had to face facts, if Eric is behind the kidnapping then he would not leave Chris alive. Her lips started trembling and her body followed suite, it was like her soul was being forcefully extracted from her body and her heart was cut through with an axe.

If she had refused to date Chris back when he asked her out he'd still be alive and safe, if she had refused to let him come along with her on the run he may have still been alive and perhaps married off to a woman who was not on the run like she was, his blood was on her hands, Eric might've killed him but she was to blame in the end. All she ever wanted after she met him was to be happy with him, to have his children and build a home for him but his life was taken before he could even begin. The drug she had in her system was fading as her heartache threw her into painful sorrow.

"Chris, ...I'm so sorry" Lily continued to cry, she was pregnant with his child and he had convinced her to keep the baby but now her unborn baby would be fatherless. Memories of their good and bad times rolled into her mind but they were accompanied with regret and pain. Greg walked back into the bedroom and took a chair which he placed near the bed and faced her, Lily was too consumed in turmoil that she did not notice that Greg was sitting directly opposite her. He stared at her face as it got dark red in color, she had a vein popped out from her her hairline down to the middle of her eyes, her nose was red as well eyes swollen.

Greg thought that even when she was crying so hard she was still beautiful, she had cried for a long time and he tried to ignore her wailing but his heart made it impossible for him to stay away, she needed someone at that moment and it had to be him. He sat there quietly and saw how distraught she was, she looked like someone who had given up on life and wanted to die.

"Did you really love him that much?" Greg asked as he stared into her face. Lily cried harder when she heard what he asked. She did love him but maybe she did not love him enough, otherwise she would've done a better a job at protecting him. Ever since she got together with Chris she had become more relaxed and spent more time being infatuated with love and less time being careful. When they were together Chris secretly took on the role to be her protector and even took long intense training to get better at keeping her safe.

The broken heart that was filled with pain was now been given a new fresh hate that burned with rage. She rose up and sat with her back against the headboard with a swollen face stained with tears and the light make up she had on. It was the early hours of Saturday and there was a chilly breeze coming in from a window nearby that blew through her hair. Lily turned her head and looked Greg straight in his eye, for the first time Greg felt a chill down his spine. The look Lily had on her face was deadly and bone chilling.

"Oh little wild bunny, don't look at me like that, I might pounce on you" Greg said with a grin, Lily just kept staring at him, she had entered another dimension, a place where life did not make sense without Chris.

She wanted to kill Eric DeGrasse herself, she thought of how she would do it and it had to be done by her personally. An eerie, no actually creepy smile appeared on her face, she started laughing in a low tone, it was like she had just heard a cute joke and did not need to laugh out loud. Greg got so startled that he almost fell on his back, wasn't this woman just crying a few minutes ago? Why does she look different? Even the sweet natural scent she possessed had turned vile, there was nothing cute about this version of Lily Duke. At that moment Greg knew that Lily was going to put up a fight.

"Take me to Eric"