


In school

I don't want to be here I did not belong here, I hated this school and to make matters worst Justin was in the same class as me ,how great 😠😠😠😠

Mrs bricks: hello kids we have new students, please your brother and.....….......….

Evie: he's not my brother psycho

Mrs Bricks: oh sorry

Justin; shall I go first?

Evie: what did I say about taking to me

Justin; am sorry, hi hi am Justin

A guy: Justin or Justin Bieber or Justin dumpster

The whole class started to laugh

A girl: stop it Harry we all knew how you peed and drooled on your first day here

The whole class laughed again

Mrs bricks: enough students,now this young lady here is know by most of you the best teenage como ginus,( to Evie) pls tell us about yourself

Evie: hi am Evie bam not happy to be here

The class: awnnnnnnnnn

Mrs bricks: alright dear.....

Evie: am not your dear

Mrs bricks: okay

I was directed to sit at the back,while Justin say at the back of the girl that defended him,the periods before lunch seemed to drag on for ever,but at last it was lunch time iwent to the cafeteria and daw the shitt they expected me to eat

Evie: how do they expecte to eat this shitt

I ordered for food five minutes later the food arrived by then all seats were taken except that one that Justin and some people were sitting he weaved at me but I left and headed to the classroom,I put ony head set , everywhere was noisey,I started eating ididnt know when a guy came in till he tapped me

Maison: hello beautiful

I ignored him

Maison: why are you sitting alone in the class

I ignored him again

Maison: pretty girlsvlike you should not sit alone or they might run off am Maison

He extended his hand for a handshake but as usual I ignored him

Maison: I guess you must be gentle babe

Evie: get lost if you will speak crazy

Maison: am sorry so babe

Evie: get lost

Maison: baby ,this is also my class

I stood up to leave but he drags my hands

Evie: let go off me fool

He held my hand so I twisted his hands and pushed him to the wall

Maison: ouch ouch

I let him go and left the class ,some one bomped into me

Goldy : hey Angie am sorry

I tried to walk away but he blocked me

Goldy: You're new

Evie: move before I move you

Goldy: Angie am not scared of you,your beauty strikes me hard

Evie: you should be imbecile

I walked away from him as all eyes were on me

That night

Justin and I were dressed in black,there was a man , his wife and baby with us

Evie: people like you didgusts me,after bringing you up from the dust you turn your back on us and act proud

The man begs as his wife sobs

Evie: do you know who I am?

The man: no ma

Evie: I am Mr Huggins child ,the cold murderer, but let's settle this choose one the baby or your wife

The man: pls ma pls

The woman: pls don't kill my child

Evie: the baby or your wife

They began to beg and beg and cry

Evie: but this is so simple right Justin?

Justin: yes

Evie: the baby or your wife I don't have all day

The man: the baby

Evie: isn't that simple

I looked at the woman as she cried and begged for her life,I took my gun as they pleaded I shot her head and she fell down and died

Evie: alright then

I carried the baby

Evie: I feel bad for this child she'll have no mother and I don't want her to suffer so I'll help you

I drooped my gun and I played with the baby and tickled and her I twirled her,and threw her on the wall her body scattered everywhere as the man cried the more

Evie: you people that likes to poke their head into people business that's what they get

Justin and I turned to go as the man screamed , Justin turned back and shite himay the back of the head,we left asign anointing on the wall that says" cold murderer Strick's again"


can we walk out of something bad? of course that is if you decide to let it pass speak up if the world torn their back on you there eill be at least one person that will be and stay with you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Darasimi_Ogunolacreators' thoughts