
COINED: The darkness within...

Ben, a millionaire, swaps realities with his dream self Alsies, and wakes up upon a death sentence. A story about how both of them level up. Ben from real to fantasy world, and Alsies from fantasy to the real world, devoid of magic.

Killswitch · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs

New land Baron: Ben

Ben took up his sword and started charging towards the castle, the masses behind him. As the masses stormed the castle, fueled by desperation and undeterred by fear, they harnessed the power of magic to face a small army of heavily armed guards.Desperate circumstances often evoke the most profound courage, and the masses, united in their pursuit of liberation, embodied this fearlessness. Their backs against the wall, they discarded uncertainty, igniting an indomitable fighting spirit driven by the unwavering belief in their cause. Their hunger for freedom propelled them to confront the army of guards head-on, rejecting the shackles of fear and embracing their collective determination.With the discovery of their leader's magic, the rebels gained a potent tool to dismantle their oppressors. Bolstered by their newly acquired abilities, they unleashed the forces within to reshape the battlefield, commanding elements with astonishing skill. The air crackled with energy as fireballs soared, walls of stone crumbled, and gusts of wind swept away opposition. Magic became the embodiment of their resilience and the weapon of their liberation.As the desperate masses charged into the castle, faces twisted with determination, an air of defiance shrouded them. Overwhelming in number but outmatched in conventional weaponry, the rebels showcased their unwavering resolve through calculated and relentless attacks. Though confronted by a small army of guards, their magical prowess turned the tide. Striking with precision and unity, they exploited gaps in the defense, rendering the guards disoriented and embattled.The desperation that fueled the rebels' aggression was laced with a determination to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Driven by sheer willpower and guided by the power of magic, they exemplified resourcefulness and perseverance. The once overpowering army of guards, now besieged from all sides, lost ground as the rebels closed in with unwavering resolve. The masses fought with a singular purpose, overcoming fear and desperation, until victory became within reach.As the battle raged on, the air filled with the deafening sounds of clashing weapons, piercing screams, and the unmistakable scent of blood. The violence of the conflict was palpable, leaving no corner of the battlefield untouched by its grim reality. The ground beneath their feet became a canvas painted with the harrowing image of crimson, as blood soaked into the earth, a somber testament to the cost of their struggle. In the midst of this chaos, Ben, driven by a mixture of determination and anguish, maneuvered through the battlefield with a singular purpose. Wherever he tread, he could not escape the sight of fallen comrades and adversaries alike, their life force seeping away into the ground. A heavy cloak of sorrow enveloped him, fueling his resolve as he pushed forward. Within this turbulent maelstrom, Ben's gaze fell upon his dear friend, Rilus, whose allegiance had wavered, aligning with the enemy forces. Despite the weight of their friendship, Ben knew that in order to secure victory, decisive action had to be taken. With a heavy heart, he closed in on Rilus, capturing him in a swift and calculated move. Ties bound Rilus, restraining him as a symbol of the betrayal that had torn their relationship apart. It was a bitter sight for Ben, but a necessary step to safeguard the lives of those who fought valiantly by his side. The intricately tied knots represented not just physical constraints, but also the fracture that had marred their bond, a reminder of the pain and sacrifice both had endured. In that moment, the battlefield reflected the duality of violence and sacrifice, of the cruelty and the love entwined within human conflict. With Rilus now a prisoner, Ben carried the weight of their intertwined destinies, haunted by the choices that led them to this grim juncture. Yet, amidst the violence, an ember of hope flickered, amplified by the unity and unwavering resilience of the rebel forces. In capturing Rilus, Ben symbolized the necessity of making difficult decisions for the greater good, even if it meant sacrificing personal connections. As he stepped back into the relentless tide of battle, he understood that the road to victory was fraught with violence, heartbreak, and unimaginable loss. Yet, the blood-soaked ground beneath his feet served as a testament to their unwavering determination to create a future free from oppression and injustice. As Ben solemnly pulled Rilus down to the lower floors, the weight of their fractured bond hung heavily in the air. Rilus, realizing the gravity of his actions, pleaded for his life with desperation in his eyes. His voice trembled with fear and regret, echoing through the dimly lit corridors as a haunting reminder of the consequences of betrayal. Despite the anger and disappointment that simmered within him, Ben couldn't shake the sadness that gnawed at his heart. They had once shared dreams, hopes, and laughter, but now they stood on opposite sides of a conflict that had torn them apart. Each step they took towards the awaiting masses below cast an increasing shadow of disillusionment over their friendship, further deepening Ben's sorrow.Once they reached the crowd, a hushed tension settled as all eyes fixated on the prisoner and his captor. Beneath the weight of the collective gaze, Ben's heart grew heavy with the burden of responsibility. He knew that justice needed to be served, but the emotional toll it exacted was immense.As he gently laid Rilus down, a mix of conflicting emotions swirled within Ben. A sadness lingered in his gaze as he admired the familiar features of his former friend. Memories of laughter, shared experiences in the forest, and unspoken promises flashed before his eyes, only exacerbating his anguish. Gathering his resolve, Ben knew that he had to uphold the principles they had fought so hard to defend. With a heavy heart, he carefully knocked Rilus unconscious, he took out his sword and pierced his friend's heart, a merciful painless death to his old friend. Though duty compelled his actions, the act of public execution sat as a heavy burden on Ben's soul. In that moment, the crowd became witnesses not just to the duel of loyalty, but to the wrenching tragedy of two friends on opposing paths. The collective sorrow mirrored Ben's own as they grappled with the painful sacrifice of personal connections for the sake of a larger cause. They could see the strain etched on Ben's face, and though they understood the necessity of the situation, an air of melancholy enveloped the gathering.Ben's sadness, brought forth by the poignant end of a friendship, resonated with many in the crowd. It served as a stark reminder that the price of revolt extended beyond mere physical clashes; it entailed the shattering of bonds and the soul-wrenching decisions that weighed upon the hearts of those who fought for a better future.The day was drenched in an ethereal glow, as the sun spread its warmth across the land. Euphoria permeated the atmosphere, as if the very air itself was pulsating with a palpable sense of triumph. The tiny village buzzed with excitement, its inhabitants united in celebration. Ben, their fearless leader, had successfully toppled the tyrannical reign of the previous lord, and the people were eager to commemorate this momentous feat.