
COINED: The darkness within...

Ben, a millionaire, swaps realities with his dream self Alsies, and wakes up upon a death sentence. A story about how both of them level up. Ben from real to fantasy world, and Alsies from fantasy to the real world, devoid of magic.

Killswitch · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs


"To steal his fate, look through the veil, death he will, for yours will be his and his life will be yours, look into the mirror while you slumber", those words echoed within his mind until he drifted from slumber into the real world. Before he opened his eyes, he felt the silk and linen brush against his skin - a far cry from the rough, scratchy fabric of his usual attire. Confusion swirled in his mind as he cautiously opened his eyes, half-expecting to find himself in a cold, damp dungeon, surrounded by rusty chains and flickering torches, he was awaiting execution after all. But to his utter bewilderment, he found himself lying on a king-sized bed, adorned with plush pillows and a fluffy duvet. The room around him was nothing short of extraordinary. Instead of stone walls and grime, he was encompassed by gleaming marble floors, towering floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased a breathtaking skyline, and artwork that seemed to defy the laws of his medieval universe.As his eyes adjusted to the grandeur of his new surroundings, he couldn't help but scratch his unkempt beard in disbelief. What sorcery was this? he wondered. It seemed he had been transported to a realm far removed from his medieval world - a world where peasants toiled in the fields, castles stood tall and proud, and plumbing was a distant myth. Baffled by this abrupt change of fate, the man cautiously rose from the mattress, his coarse tunic and breeches replaced with an impeccably tailored suit that hugged his newfound body. His hands, usually calloused and rough from wielding swords and axes, now felt oddly at home in the fine silk lining of the suit. Clumsily adjusting his gown belt, he wondered how he ended up in such a peculiar situation.Slowly, he took in his surroundings. A massive crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, emitting a soft, warm glow that cast dancing shadows across the colossal room. The walls were adorned with exquisite works of art, depicting scenes he had only read about in ancient manuscripts. But it was the gadgets lining the walls that truly left him flabbergasted. An array of devices, their purposes as mysterious to him as the elixirs and potions brewed by the village apothecary, adorned the room. His confusion grew as he explored the room further. He marveled at a small box that emitted cold air on a hot summer day. It was all utterly bewildering to him, like stepping into a realm where magic was replaced by strange contraptions and where science seemed to possess powers more extraordinary than any sorcerer.Taking in the sumptuousness of his surroundings, he momentarily forgot his initial confusion and found himself chuckling. How amusing it was to imagine the faces of his fellow medieval villagers, grappling with such perplexing mechanisms. He could envision their jaws dropping as they beheld metal birds that soared through the air, carriages without horses, and even what appeared to be a glowing rectangular talisman - a magic mirror, perhaps? Filled with an odd mix of astonishment and amusement, the man couldn't help but ponder the possibilities this newfound world held for him. In a world where medieval knights were replaced by Wall Street warriors, where jousting gave way to boardroom brawls, and where swords and shields were substituted with pens and contracts, he had to understand all this sorcery and make it his. As he gazed out the towering windows, his mind spinning with thoughts of this brave new world that lay beyond, he realized that perhaps this bizarre twist of fate was not a curse, but a grand adventure waiting to unfold. With a determined glimmer in his eyes, he straightened his belt, ready to face this eccentric reality head-on. After all, who could stop a medieval man, armed with chivalry and a sense of humor, from conquering a world that was, in itself, a comical clash of past and present?. So, with a mischievous smile on his face, the man from the medieval world whispered to himself, "Who would have thought that even in a world devoid of magic, there is still room for the absurd and the extraordinary?" And with that, Alsies set off on an adventure, embracing the world and the wonders of the one he found himself in.Amidst his confusion, Laura, the maid, walked in carrying a tray of coffee, sweet, fruit and biscuits. Alsies, who had been transported into the body of a modern-day millionaire, looked at her with wide eyes. She stared at him, bewildered by the strange sight before her. He was grinning frozen still, trying not to act suspicious or say anything out of character."Who are you?" she asked, her voice firm. The man tried to speak, but no words came out. He felt lost and alone, with no idea how to explain his situation. He gestured helplessly, trying to convey his predicament. Laura set the tray down. He looked like Ben, but inside was Alsies. "Ooooooh cosplay sir, please change your clothing, the suit for today has been prepared" she gestured towards the dressing table. Alsies nodded, slowly making his way to the dressing table. He gazed at his reflection in the mirror, trying to process what was happening. He was Ben on the outside, but Alsies on the inside. He picked up the suit that was laid out on the table, and he put it on slowly, as if he were in a trance. As his fingers experimented with buttons and zips which he knew not, he buttoned up the shirt, he felt a sense of calm come over him. He could get through this, he told himself. He could fake it until he figured out what was going on. "Sir, the food is on the bedside table, enjoy" she said, leaving the room. The man sat down on the bed and surveyed the food laid out on the table. There was fruit, a croissant, a small pot of jam, and a steaming cup of coffee and sweet snacks. He picked up the croissant and took a bite, savoring the buttery, flaky pastry. It exploded with flavor, it was so rich, he closed his eyes and savored the taste, it was food fit for a god. The coffee was strong and sweet, from a single sip he liked it. He felt a sense of gratitude for this simple pleasure, even as he tried to make sense of his strange situation.