
Codex Valorum

In the fantasy world of Valoria, the gods and goddess of the land have created a perfect utopia and strive to protect it from any threats. However, their peaceful lives are threatened when a powerful and mysterious dark god appears with one goal: the destruction of Valoria. The gods and goddesses must unite to fight against this dark god, using their magical powers to protect their beloved world. Along the way, they must face many challenges and uncover secrets about the dark god's origins as they strive to save Valoria from destruction.

Valor_Fowler · Kỳ huyễn
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The Invasion Of The Nealguar

The forest realm of Nila Tirion was the first to feel the repercussions from the Zazzitcoss of the Nealguar, as the goblins and trolls who survived took refuge within its borders. The once serene lands to the west began to be hunted of the creatures that dwelled its lands and stripped of the resources that filled the ground, as portions began to succumb to the blight that came with the wicked influence of the Nealguar. It wasn't long before Nirwë and Ñandener noticed the changes in their lands, they attempted to solve the issue through diplomacy but soon they would come to realize that the Nealguar couldn't be reasoned with and had to change their approach.

Calling upon the Great Smith of Thon Maldur to forge weapons for them, the lovers bid only one thing, they desired the weapons to be infused with the great spirit of the forest for they wished to use the very forests the Naelgaur had poisoned against them. Kakec agreed but would ask for one boon in return. The Smithee would forge weapons constructed from the earth and trees and in return, he asked only to be able to walk freely in the lands of Nila Tirion as a friend of Nirwë and Ñandener. The Lovers agreed and Kakec got to work harnessing the elements of Nila Tirion and forging two great weapons that would in time come to symbolize the wrath of the woodlands.

The first weapon to come from Thon Maldur's great forge was a lavish and robust spear that weighed less than a feather and would always find the heart of the thing it was intended to hit, Kakec knew the spear was just the weapon for a graceful Queen of The Forests to brandish. Beaming with pride in his creation the Great Smith Kakec returned to labour on a weapon for the Forest King. Toiling away, it wasn't long before Kakec had forged a blade from the heart of the forest that was perfectly balanced and could cut through even the hardest metal as if it were a mere blade of grass, he believed the blade worthy of use by Ñandener to defend his realm. The Great Smith of Thon Maldur summoned his fellow Nemdine kin to his mountain home of 'Bhel Toduhr' and 'The Deep Kingdom' in the tongues of man.

The Lovers would arrive soon after they received their summons, and in the hall of the mountain-dwelling smith, their arrival was met with great tidings that included a feast that had been prepared by the legendary Nemdine who prided himself on his culinary prowess almost as much as he did his blacksmithing. After the three had finished their meal, Kakec invited Nirwë and Ñandener into his forge whereupon an ornate stone table lay the two weapons he had created in his exalted guest's honour. The Great Smith spoke little as he ushered The Lovers forward to bask in the glory of his creations.

"The spear I made for her majesty, shall aye find its mark no matter where it is thrown, as long as the wielder carries 'i her mind's eye the target they would wish to strike, and for his highness, I forged a blade sharper than any edge 'i Valoria, both arms carry within 'em the soul and essence of the great forests of Nila Tirion" the old Smithee spoke as he handed the weapons to their respective owners. Nirwë and Ñandener bowed before Kakec as they accepted the pristine weapons and held them aloft as they admired them. "Great Smith Kakec, we thank you from the depths of our bottomless hearts, we shall forever treasure thy handiwork." Nirwë said as she brushed her golden hair from her face before finishing, "Mine spear shall bear the name 'Vandor Thearn' which 'i our realm means forest thorn." Kakec let out a boisterous laugh that boomed and echoed through the halls of Bhel Toduhr, "Aye your majesty, that would be quite the appropriate name, I am humbled by thy kind remarks." the smith bowed to the Forest King and continued, "And his highness, what wouldst thou anoint thy noble blade?" he questioned, inquisitive of the sentiment of his Nemdine kin.

Ñandener held the blade in front of his face admiring the handiwork of the Great Smith of Thon Maldur, from the cold unyielding steel of the blade to the great rose ornament that adorned the guard. "Greatest Smith of The Mountain Realm, I applaud thy work and wish thou to know that I hath heard thou was the best at thy craft and I must say thou do not leave me disappointed, thy desire to know what I would christen this blade and in following suit with my other half, I shall anoint this new blade as Clavёl but thou may know it as the Bladed Rose." the Forest King said as he got down on his knee to bow to the craftsman.

Returning to their Forest Realm of Nila Tirion, Nirwë and Ñandener began their assault, Nirwë mounted atop her noble Unicorn, a gift from Ñandener she had named 'Mestawё' or 'The Journey's Companion' in the tongues of later Man, while her husband Ñandener rode atop his Gryphon that he had christened 'Miñdönnil' or 'First Creation' as the Gryphons were the first being that the Forest King had constructed in his pursuit to impress his queen. With overwhelming swiftness, the two lovers swept over their land using their new weapons to remove the blight of any Nealguar that dared stand before them and defile their kingdom.

Years passed and one by one the Nealguar vanished from the forests of Nila Tirion, some eradicated by the two monarchs of the forest, while others retreated in fear and were forced into the vast frozen wastelands that divided the Forest Realm of Nila Tirion from The Golden Plains of Ticüria and the realm of their fellow Nemdine, Alister. Many of the Nealguar perished in the frozen wastes but many pushed on, devouring their decreased companions and seeking refuge when they couldn't march further. Years came and went and eventually, those that persevered stood at the boundaries of the sun-kissed grasslands of Ticüria

Alister sat on his throne high upon his watchtower overseeing the vast lands of Ticüria before him. The Nealguar had barely set foot within his realm when he did spy them from where he sat and wasting no time the Golden Knight mounted his chestnut-shaded horse 'Swiftfire' and made haste toward the intruders in his realm. Swiftfire being the fastest horse in Valoria, Alister was on his prey in seconds and before they could react he had captured one of the younger goblins within his net and hauled it back to his watchtower in the great city of Kirek.

Incarcerating the sole Nealguar goblin within the tallest chamber of his tower, The Golden Knight began his interrogation with a kind approach, offering portions of meat and vegetables, but the Nealguar warrior declined the meals and refused to speak. Alister was patient and persisted as much as he could before he knew the amicable strategy would not get him anywhere, for this atrocity was a manifestation of its creator's malice and would not bend the knee to any but its own wicked master.

Shackling his prisoner The Golden Knight paraded the Nealguar warrior up the stairs of his watchtower and out onto the terrace connected to his throne room. Standing in the very place from which he observed the Nealguar troop earlier, he held the goblin out over the railing and above what would inevitably be a fatal plunge. "thou are a ghastly and uncivilized creature, I hast offered thou food and water yet thou still choose not to tell unto me what thou dark master is called. speak now or thou shall surely plunge to thy demise!" Alister bellowed in his authoritative voice as he loosened the grip he had held on the goblin's leg. The beast managed to utter only one word, "Borzolleth." Hearing all he wanted to, Alister tightened his grip breaking the feeble leg of the goblin beneath its strength before quickly removing his grasp with a fretted cry as the Nealguar dropped to his end with naught but a yelp.

Alister summoned his fellow Nemdine immediately as he commenced devising his next action against the invaders from the Wildlands. Heeding his call and sensing the urgency, each of the Nemdine arrived as swiftly as they could at his grand hall deep within the borders of the city of Kirek. Together they sat at an elegant wooden dinner table, Alister at the head of the table with Nirwё, Ñandener and Kakec to his left and to his right sat two of his siblings Kivuli and Móðir, as the third sibling Moya still wished to remain impartial to the affairs of her fellow Nemdine. "Brothers and sisters, I hast gathered thou because we hast been betrayed by one of our own. While we were bringing the beauty out of Valoria, our brethren Borzolleth hath been busy perverting it. I am aware the forest kingdom of Nila Tirion hath already had dealings with these invaders and I would end the Nealguar blight at its source ere any more of our kingdoms might succumb to their wickedness" Alister proclaimed before his kin as he slammed his fists upon the table to emphasize his point. Turning to the shortest of the Nemdine he continued his speech, "Kakec, I beg of thou, please forge me a weapon with which I can collect our brethren from his dark realm and bring him before us all to stand trial, shall thou submit to mine request?"

The Great Smith stroked his beard as he sat deep in thought before finally speaking, "Aye brother, I shall aid thy cause and forge thou a sword and buckler so thou can bring our youngest and most naive sibling hither before us to stand trial for his actions" and with his decree, the King in the Mountains returned to his forge to commence work on the tools required to bring Borzolleth to justice. The other Nemdine remained guests in Alister's great halls while the Great Smith was occupied working on his latest project. A year passed in the blink of an eye and Kakec returned to Kirek, with offerings for Alister in hand. The Golden Knight welcomed the Great Smith with open arms as Kakec entered his hall, gently placing a large wooden crate on the ornate table the smith motioned for the knight to open the chest.

Alister opened the crate slowly as he beheld the beauty that lay within, inside the box was an extremely ornate sword made from Goldolion and set with glorious gems of blue, red and green, laying next to the exquisite sword was a sturdy and intimidating-looking shield that bore the face of a monster Alister had never laid eyes on before. "This sword and buckler were forsooth made by the finest craftsman 'i all Valoria, I bid thou thanks Lord Kakec and hope to honour thy work by bringing home the false kin of ours. I shall name the blade 'Kingmaker' and the buckler I shall anoint as 'Guardbreaker'" the Golden Knight proclaimed as he shook the hand of the Great Smith in appreciation. Not long after receiving his new arms, Alister mounted Swiftfire and began his ride towards the Wildlands and his dark brother who resided in Ath Nunroz.