

A big fan of marvel and dc gets transmigrated into Marvel as his favorite Dc Assassin Deathstroke. But there's a twist two crazy abilities that will make the deadliest version of deathstroke to ever exist.

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs


" Ahhhhh!" I exhale as I stretch my arms and legs. I look down at my massive arms and legs covered in deathstrokes armor and see that I really have a new body. " I mean I wasn't half bad before, decent enough to be considered cute. But damn this new body just feels so light." I said as I jumped up and down in the cell. " Alright! Let's make our debut in a flashy way!" I yelled as I smiled under my mask. I grabbed the two blades on my back and cut through the steel cell door with ease.

" Alright tengen let's see how effective that sound breathing is." I close my eyes and as if instinctively I began breathing differently. I suddenly get a clear image of the layout of this building. I also hear what appears to be the breathing of many distinct individuals. Some of them ragged and scared. " Those must be other prisoners." The others are calmer and are filled with joy. " Those are my targets. I'll focus one floor at a time and free the prisoners as I kill the guards." I closed my eyes took a deep breath and opened them again. I took off down the hallway moving at speed I didn't think possible. ' I don't want to risk them hurting the prisoners so I should test out this time skip.' I thought as I was running down the hall.

I focused hard on the action I wanted to take and suddenly the world around looked completely different almost as if the world around me had shattered. ' This is it!' I thought with a wide grin on my face. the world comes back to normal shortly after I activated it. " Hm, seems I only have less than a second to use it. Still, it is quite efficient when I can already move this fast." I spoke. I continued running until I reached the first cell. I don't need to use my sound breathing to know what's going on inside that cell, the woman screaming for the man to stop is more than enough of an indication!

" PLEASE DON'T CUM INSIDE AGAIN!" I hear the woman screaming. " Ugh! That's it bit" The man started to say before I appeared in front of him my two golden blades flashing in the light. " Who the fuck are you!" The man yelled as his head slowly separated from his shoulders. I watched as his body collapsed to the floor. " It's okay ma'am it's over now." I said as I gently wrapped my hands around the woman on the floor. I held her as she cried into my chest. " Listen I'm getting out of here. If you want your freedom, you'll come with me." I said to the woman. She looked up at me and nodded in response. " Okay, get dressed and let's go." I said to the woman as I turned my attention to the cell door.

" I'm ready." the woman said as she finished getting dressed. I then use my breathing to see if there are any others on this floor. " Why'd they have you down here?" I asked hoping to get a grasp on the situation. " I'm a mutant." The woman replied making me wince at her words. ' Oh, fuck am I a mutant too? Doesn't matter right now.' I thought. " If you're a mutant that means the others probably are too. Alright! I know what to do!" I said as I picked the woman up over my shoulder. She yelped in surprise as I did so. " Let's go." I said as I rushed down the hallway. I arrive at a set of stairs and began climbing them to the next set of targets. ' This floor is heavily guarded, better make this is as fast as possible.' " Stay here! I'll only be a few seconds." I said to the woman as I put her down onto the ground.

I stood at the entrance to the floor and kicked the door down. I see every guard in the room suddenly turn towards me and point their guns at me. Before they could pull the triggers, I used my time skip and rushed the soldiers slicing their heads off in swift motion as I arrived at the other end of the floor. ' The setup these guys use is pretty bad if you consider how easily it is to identify how many guards you have.' I thought as I cleaned the blood off my blades. Time returns to normal, and I hear a few of the prisoner's yell in shock and terror. " Quiet!" I yell out instantly making them all shut up. " I'm getting you all out of here, but I need you to be as quiet as possible. There's only one more floor before the exit." I explained to the remaining prisoners, unfortunately not all of them were alive. I sliced the doors of the cell open and watched as they all poured out into the open. Some of them looked more like creatures than humans.

I lead the group out of the room and have the woman from earlier join in. We ascend the stairs and come to the final floor before the exit. ' I don't hear any prisoners here. It seems the last group is all that remains. Fuck! Only eight people. I can at least make sure these fucks don't live to see tomorrow. I close my eyes and one last time I burst into the room and pull-out Jackal and Casull and I started Blasting. The guards all had a look of terror on their faces before my bullets tore them apart. by the time I finished there was nothing left of the guards other than a few chunks of meat. " Let's go." I said to the group as we walked up the last flight of stairs. We arrived at a solid steel door. I grabbed my two blades and cut through it with little trouble at all.

" Ahahaha! We're free!" I hear one of the many mutant's yells as we reach the outside world. I look around and see we're in the middle of the forest. " What now?" One of the mutants speaks up. " Yeah, what now? We're still stranded in the middle of nowhere." Another one of the mutants complains hysterically.

I close my eyes and use my breathing to pick up on our surroundings. And as I focus, I can hear a jet carrying Seven strong fighters approaching our position fast. " Now, the X-men are here to save you all." I say as I smirk at the group. The mutants all look around looking for any sign of the x-men. " Hey, I don't, see? Wait a minute where did he go?" One of the mutant's yells. The group all turns to see me gone.

" Sorry, but I don't want a meeting with the X-men. Not yet anyway. I still got a reputation to build." I laugh as I race through the forest, my steps so light that I don't even leave a footprint behind. " What a lethal combination Uzui and Slade make. Now, then what's the best way for someone to get their start as an assassin?" I ask as I stare off into the distance. " Oh, well I'll figure it out eventually."