
Codename: Assassin

This is the script for the CA

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20 Chs

Mission XIV (Final Stand)

Scirk: this is the big day

Scirk; you 4 and Cytra and Arcus are going for a final stand for them

Scirk: Redwolf pass it onto the the people I mentioned

Redwolf; roger that *heads give the team plus Arcus then heads to room 075*

Redwolf: Cytra you okay

Cytra: im okay now… managed to heal my bruises

Redwolf: good you need this and you're going with us…

Cytra: okay…

Cytra: *follows Redwolf to the range*

At the range

Redwolf: good now you 6 are going to a boat

Scirk: youll mostly need this because you 6 are fighting in the dark at 2300

Scirk: I want any of you to kill Iskar once and for all

Scirk: I hope all 6 of you could still remain alive

Redwolf: but one question, can we get Bushmaster ACR 3s

Scirk: why…

Redwolf: last time my squad wielded M16s we had heavy casualties

Scirk: specify your casualty

Redwolf: they were wielding AK 12s

Scirk; wait what…

Scirk: please tell me your kidding…

Redwolf: im not… and I bet we will encounter more people with AK12s

Scirk: that does make a good point *walks to the weapons area*

Scirk: *picks out 6 ACR 3s* *gives the ACR 3s to the team plus Cytra and Arcus*

Scirk: be sure you correct… okay…

Redwolf: thank you…

All 6: *enters cargo plane*

Plane takes off

Plane lands

Redwolf: get ready…

All 6: *activates night vision goggles*

All 6: *drops down from cargo plane*

{INSPIRED MISSION} [Crew Expandable] -COD MW (2007)-

Redwolf: remain stealth, ambush is on its way…

Redwolf: guess I'm correct that they wield AK12s

ALL 6: *walks slowly*

Cytra: enemies on the roof!

All 6: *shoots*

All 6: *turns off nightvision*

Arcus: blow the door down…


Killer: *detonates C4*

All 6: *shoots*

Enemy pyromaniac: the frick…

Enemy pyromaniac: *walks to the hallway*

Redwolf: enemy pyromaniac! Hide!

Killer: *plants claymore*

All 6: *hides*

Enemy pyromaniac: *steps on claymore*

Claymore explodes on the pyromaniac

Enemy Russian soldiers: (the heck was that noise) черт возьми, этот шум *WALKS TO THE HALL WAY*

All 6: *reveals themselves*

Enemy Russian soldier: *shoots*

All 6: *shoots*

Cytra: advance…

All 6: *moves through the hallway*

Enemy security: (the hell) ад

Enemy security: тревога злоумышленника! (intruder alert!)

Enemy security: (enemy soldiers are at hallway 1) вражеские солдаты в коридоре 1

Enemy Russian soldiers: *heads to hallway one*

Arcus; get in!

All 6: *enters room*

Enemy Russian soldiers: *enters hallway 1*

Enemy Russian soldier: (check the area) проверить область

Enemy Russian soldiers: *inspects area and checks room* *CHECKS ROOM THAT THE TEAM IS AT*

Arcus; wrong room dummy *shoots*

Redwolf: we've been spotted run!

All 6: *runs out of hallway one*

Cytra: split up!

All 6: *splits up*

Elevator goes to the room

Split team 1: *shoots and takes elevator*

Split team 2: *des the same and gets a vantage point*

Split team one: *heads to boiler room*

Redwolf: destroy these gas tanks…

Cytra: I see Iskar

Arcus; wait for the right moment

Killer:* plants C4*

Enemy Russian soldiers: (hey what the heck are you doing) эй, черт возьми, ты делаешь

Split team 1: * shoots them*

Redwolf; Killer, continue planting the bombs…

Killer: continues planting the bomb*

Killer; done planting the bombs,

Redwolf; good… now lets regroup and get out of here…

Elevator door opens with enemy Russian soldiers

Split team 1: *shoots*

Split team one; *takes elevator to roof of boat*

Iskar: (is everything in plan) все ли в планах

Enemy bodyguard: (yes) да

Redwolf: what are they talking about…

Iskar: (good lets kill these wretched team by blowing them up) хорошо, давай убьем эту жалкую команду, взорвав их

Redwolf; crap! It's a trap to lure us! We have to get out of here! *shoots flare gun*

Pilot: seems early *heads to the area*

Iskar: its over for you *heads to chopper and detonates the boat*

Redwolf: get in

All 6: *enters cargo plane*

Killer: welp I guess theres no point on detonating the C4…

Iskar: *checks mirror*

Iskar: (requesting backup due to enemies on our tail!)

запрашивая резервную копию из-за врагов на нашем хвосте

Redwolf; enemy choppers!

All 6: *shoots at the choppers*

All choppers fall onto the water

Redwolf; more choppers incoming!

All 6: *shoots choppers*

All choppers fall in the water

Iskar: (requesting backup) запрос резервного копирования

Redwolf: More choppers incoming!

All 6: *shoots all choppers*

Iskar (land here I might lose em)

Killer: their landing at that bay over there!!!

Pilot: landing there!

All 6: *exits cargo plane*

Iskar: (they're on my tail) *runs faster*

Iskar: (requesting backup) запрос резервного копирования

Enemy pilot: (on it) в теме

Redwolf: Enemies incoming!

All 6: *shoots*

Iskar: (Crap, they're getting close!) дерьмо твоя приближается!

Redwolf: Grab him!

Killer: *grabs Iskar*

Iskar: *turns around*

Killer: *punches Iskar*

Iskar: *grabs Killer's leg*

Killer: *falls*

Iskar: *pulls out knife* No matter how much you try…

Iskar: you'll always lose against me: *tries to stab Killer*

Killer: *grabs Iskar's hand*

Killer: *grabs Iskar's knife and scars Iskar*

Iskar: *punches Killer*

Killer: *drops knife*\Iskar: *steps on Killer's head*

Redwolf: *pulls out knife and stabs Iskar*

Iskar: argh!

Redwolf: *punches Iskar*

Redwolf: *shoots flare gun*

Redwolf: *pulls out hand*

Redwolf: get up, we have to get to the LZ!

All 6: *runs to LZ*

Redwolf: Enemy choppers on left side!

All 6: *shoots*


All 6: *Dodges RPG attack*

Redwolf: Left side! Enemy choppers!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Enemies on left side!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Crap! Get out!

All 6: *enters alleyway*


Redwolf: Enemy choppers on right side1

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: LZ's lust ahead!

All 6: *heads to LZ*

Redwolf: Crap! Enemy troops!

All 6: *shoots*

All 6: *enters LZ*

Redwolf: Crap! They're following us!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: LEFT SIDE!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Right side!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: RPGs, below us!

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Crap, theyre infiltrating to this plane!

All 6: *shoots*

Enemy soldier: *Knocks Killer down*

Killer: *grabs leg*

Enemy soldier: *trips*

Killer: *shoots*

Redwolf: that's not the only one!

All 6: *shoots*

Hunter: were landing back to HQ!

Lands at HQ

All 6: *shoots*

Redwolf: Damn, that stress…

Announcer; Warning! Intruders are located at the south side of the HQ, repeat, Intruders located at the south side of the HQ!

Redwolf: crap!

All 4000: *heads to the south side of building*

Redwolf: holy frick…

All 4000: rain fire!!!

All 4000: *shoots*

Redwolf: Head left!

All 6: *goes to left side*

All 4000: *shoots*

Announcer: More intruders are heading to the west side!

All 4000: *heads to the west side*

All 4000: *shoots*

Announcer: Intruders on the East side of the HQ

Redwolf: dammit, were still fighting these damn soldiers

All 6: *heads to the east side*

All 6: *shoots*

Rest of 3994 soldiers: *heads to the east side*

Redwolf: crap! There too many!

Redwolf: Killer, grab missile

Killer: On it! *heads to the weaponry room*

Killer: *grabs a missile4*

Killer: *runs back to the east part*

Redwolf: now destroy that plane!

Killer: *activates missile*

Missile hits plane

Plane collapses

Announcer: HQ secure!

Scirk: nice job, guys

Redwolf: Thanks…

Scirk: on securing the HQ

Scirk: did you finally kill that bastard…

Killer: no, he got away

Scirk; dammit

Scirk: either way, you have a new mission at 0900 hours

Scirk: Get ready