
Code: Infinity [Reboot]

Waking up in the world of Franxx and being forced into a game of 'Gods' with multiple penalties imposed on him was not a cup of tea for Ryo. With a loud explosion from a stupid experiment he was performing, Ryo finds himself floating in the void as suddenly a Bizarre Flamboyantly Homosexual Time Stopping Blonde Vampire pops up in front of him, forcing him to go through different worlds and try to survive. But... there was but one particular 'thing' that had made Ryo very 'special'. He tends to get off his way to achieve the 'win', no matter what he needs to sacrifice or get his hands into. Now with a system that can help him (or maybe not) achieve his dreams, how surely can he keep his desire to win the games of so-called 'God' in control, even with multiple penalties that were imposed on him? Is there any chance for him to win at all? If he wins, will he get a 'Happy' Ending? Or will he stay merely as a pawn to the 'Gods' in their grand plans within the cosmos? Read to know more about his future adventure! First World: Darling in the FranXX. Second World: Akame Ga Kill. Third World: ??? ========== 1. Hardcore system. Semi-Sentient. 2. Small Harem. (Or not?) 3. Neutral Evil MC. (Will do his best to gain the highest gains, but won't do pointless evil. Borderline evil.) 4. Very Long Chapters (Around 4k words each.) 5. Dark Plot ======== Note: Shared Multiverse with "Kono DIO Da" fanfic. Sequel to the fanfic. Note 2: Having some basic knowledge about the worlds that he goes in, would be best.

SR_2027 · Tranh châm biếm
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45 Chs

Chapter 24 - New World [Rewrite]

Well, my exams just ended. Taking a very short break before I start working on re-writing the chapters soon.

Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!

Thank you!



[ Infinity System

Name: Code 003 / Code Omega / Ryo Otsuki

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Titles: ---

Bloodlines: Klaxo-Sapien

Core (?): Infinity (Unawakened): Able to manipulate the concept of [Infinity] 



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: E+

Mind: E+ (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: E-


Unique Points: 80,000

[Show Abilities] [Show Inventory] ]






[Knowledge (B-Rank)] -- [Hand-to-Hand Fighting (C-Rank)] -- [Weapon Proficiency (C-Rank)]] -- [Emotion Management (A-Rank)] -- [Focus (A-Rank)] -- [Acting (S-Rank)] -- [Adaption (B-Rank)] -- [Strategist (B-Rank)] -- [Persuation (D-Rank)] -- [Innovator (E-Rank)] -- [Negociator (D-Rank)] -- [Instincts (C-Rank)] -- [Intution (C-Rank)] -- [Survivalist (D-Rank)] -- [Regeneration (C-Rank)] -- [Natural Resistance (D-Rank)] -- [Pain Toleration (C-Rank)] -- [Hive Mind (F-Rank)] -- [Eidetic Memory (C-Rank)] -- [[ Fast Learner(C-Rank) ]] -- [[Biological Manipulation(C-Rank) ]] -- [[Regeneration(C-Rank) ]] -- [[Klaxosaurs Control(EX-Rank) ]] -- [[Aura(E-Rank) ]] -- [[Immortality(D-Rank) ]] -- [[Blood Sensing(E-Rank) ]] -- [[Biological Life Manipulation(C-Rank) ]] -- [[Brain Wave Sensing(E-Rank) ]] -- [[Lie Detection(C-Rank)]] -- [[Mind Influence(D-Rank) ]]--[[Danger Detection(D-Rank)]]






Ryo felt as if his mind was spinning, making him open his eyes. 

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was exposed to an infinite world full of millions of different vivid colors.

Blinking a few times he found himself in the same position, just in completely opposite world. But unlike his past, he was now in his new body, completely naked, with white hair and purple eyes, standing on a huge white square, entrapped within a bubble of some sort.

Looking around for a while, Ryo speculated, 'Is this void or a Higher dimensional place?'

[ Welcome to the True Void. Please wait as the new update will be implemented. ]

[ System connected and data updated. ]

[ Checking out memories related to inventory and current progress... ]



While he looked around a new system window popped up, prompting Ryo to look at it. But as soon as he noticed the 'Bug Noticed' window, he instantly understood. 'This will be the ticket that will help me in forwarding my plans... Or the '[RYO's]' plan...'

'To think that the original was able to understand the 'System' so deeply that he anticipated this far... This is so illogical!'

[ Download Completed ]


Installing new Anti-Higher-Dimensional-Being Power.

Times can be used: 5/5 

Protection Duration: 1000 Years



[ 1%... 42%... 69%... 100% ]

[ System Updated ]

As soon as the System window updated itself, Ryo stared at the new update as he wanted to admit defeat right there at the very moment. This 'update' notice confirmed what he speculated.

'I have no way of escaping [Ryo]. He has more knowledge than me, has the support of the System, and most probably has much much more intelligence than me...'

'No. I am pretty sure that the System would have shared the same amount of information that I got from what I understood of the System... Unless [Ryo] has it UPs. That is also possible, but I don't think he will do that.'

'If I, with just the limited amount of information can understand the 'System' and the Higher Dimensional world to some point, I am very sure that [Ryo], who is most probably much smarter than me, would have deduced this by now.'

'To think that [Ryo] was able to plan so many months if not years ahead, taking every single of my thoughts, counter-attacking and most probably what I will be doing next into account... I am pretty sure that if I try to deviate from the 'path' he has chosen for me, I will be trapped in this body while my mind continues to work as it is...'

'Heh. Now I can understand what others might have thought when I manipulated a ton of people in my previous life...'

'They would have known that someone was hiding in shadows controlling everything but wouldn't have known that the person might be just in contact with them...'

As he was reminiscing, a carnival wheel started to form in front of him.

[ Please Spin the wheel for your next world. ]

Looking at the new notification, Ryo collected himself as he stood up walked up to the wheel, and started to examine it.

The carnival wheel was circular in structure as a huge arrow was present on the top of it, helping one understand which world they would be sent to. Within the circular wheel, there were hundreds of thousands of names, some of which Ryo knew about while some were unknown.

Looking around and checking out the names within the wheels, Ryo rubbed his chin, 'Should I go random? I am pretty sure that even if I try to manipulate the wheel by using only a certain amount of force, it will land on a completely random world.'

After a few seconds of contemplation, Ryo decided to put his hand over the wheel, and after moving it for a few seconds and getting the hang of its inertia, weight, friction, and speed, Ryo took a deep breath and gave it a push.

*Swish* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak*

The wheel spun at in much much faster pace than Ryo had predicted it to move in. It made a resistance sound every time every single world passed the arrow.

*Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Tak*

*Tak...* *Tak...* *Tak...* *Tak...* *Tak...* *Tak...*

Slowly the wheel started to slow down until it finally stopped at a world that Ryo knew very well of. Making an annoying expression form on his face. 

[Akame Ga Kill]

[ Please choose a method of Travel. ]

'Just send me to that world through a portal, or some sort of isekai.'

[ Input Noted ]

It was not that this world had tons of powerhouses that could kill him, it was quite the opposite. To move his plans forward, he needed to face someone strong. 

Someone who he can kill only when he tries his hardest and comes out barely alive.

As soon as the wheel stopped, it turned into dark orbs as it started to form a portal, which Ryo entered after some observation of his surroundings.

As soon as he stepped into the portal, he felt his eyes getting heavier and heavier until he lost his conscious.


*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*


'...Where am I?'

Opening his eyes, Ryo saw a bright clear sky. He looked around and found himself lying on the grassy floor of a forest, under a tree that was providing him with shade. On the other side, he was wearing a special black suit that he was provided for his Franxx piloting.

He was not that worried about clothes now as he was now able to literally form cloth-like structures from his body. His DNA was the building block of all the life on Earth. He just needs to form it with the help of his skin.

As he was lying, he noticed that he was surrounded by several small animals, small birds, hares, and even a pack of wolves that were sitting by him looking at him with tilted faces. Unlike normal wolves, these wolves were special.

The wolves that were sitting by his side were four times the size of the normal wolves that were present and shown in the history of Earth of his previous life.

'This seems so peaceful... So innocent... So beautiful... So much so I want to make them feel how I feel...' Ryo slowly straightened his back as he sat on the ground slowly. His thoughts made him sigh, 'I seriously need to stop causing unnecessary destruction. I can't give myself away to my emotions.' 

Looking around, Ryo rubbed the heads of wolves that were still sitting by him, as they waged their tails, as if they shared the same characteristics even in another world.

Ryo looked at these creatures as he observed his abilities. He had the same Klaxosaur Bloodline that made him connected to any nature around him. No living creature will harbor any bad feelings toward Ryo as long as he doesn't harm them.

'Their fur is quite rough. Hmm... they are like three meters in height and are quite majestic.'

These creatures were twice the size of Ryo, who was 5'10 foot tall but even with their size, their beastly instincts were screaming that Ryo meant no harm to them, making them feel comfortable around him.

As Ryo stood up, the creatures, especially the wolves stood up, in a bit of alert. Even if Ryo was brimming with 'natural energy', this doesn't mean that the creatures cannot hurt him. If Ryo tried to do anything that could make them feel threatened, they would try to retaliate.

[Loading... Refreshing data...]

[Congratulations! Host has completed his First World Transfer! You have gained a new title: [World Hopper]!]

[For more information and activation of the title, please go to the status screen.]

'Any benefits?'

[ No. There are no benefits to this title. ]

'I see. Ignore it.'

[ As host wish. ]

Looking away from the system panel, Ryo slowly walked up to a wolf who was staring at his moments with caution. He then slowly extended his hand until he touched its fur. By the time the other wolves were ready to attack him if he tried to attack their pack member.

Ryo didn't mind them and continued to stroke the wolf's fur. Even if any of these wolves tried to attack him, their attack would do him no harm.

It will at most feel as if an ant is biting him. His body was strong enough to take a full blunt attack from a tank, and his skin was hard enough to withstand a (E+)-Rank attack (Peak Building Level Attack).

Ryo slowly stroked the wolf's fur, it slowly let go of its guard and started to make a huffing sound and lick him on his body.

Looking at their fellow wolf being safe, the other wolves also let go of their guard.

Ryo, on the other hand, looked at the huge wolf acting as a dog and asked, <Child, I need your help. Can you take me to a place where humans are residing?>

For a second, the wolf became a bit stiff, but after an instant, it looked at Ryo with a tilted head for a second and started to run toward a direction, making Ryo transform his body as his legs started to mutate and grow longer in the form of an Ostrich's legs.

The other wolves watched in curiosity as Ryo transformed and with a huge leap, rushed along with the wolf toward a destination leaving behind a dust cloud.

Ryo narrowed his eyes as he looked at the village or what he considered as a town tens of kilometers away from him.

He was sitting on the edge of a mountain as he stared at the town which spread across a few thousand kilometers. The city had a huge wall surrounding its perimeter. It was just like those medieval cities or towns that he studied about long ago.

The only problem is that the soldiers sitting over the city wall actually were equipped with a ranged weapon, probably like a gun from around World War 1 time.

The soldiers adored proper uniformed white suits which covered their whole body, while their lower face and head were covered with a metallic mask, which probably protected them from poison, while they also had glasses adored over their upper face, to protect them from dirt entering the eyes.

'Is this the Imperial Capital? No, it doesn't seem so... Then what are the imperial elite soldiers doing here?'

'I will have to look into the timeline. Did I spawn at a very early timeline where the Empire was at its peak and the Emperor was able to hunt the 'Danger Beasts' that can literally be considered gods of this world?'

This made the situation that he was in a bit confusing as he should have been able to narrow down the world with this much information, until or unless the world is something related to anime or manga that he might have dropped or was not able to finish learning about.


Thinking for a bit, he instantly used his abilities to slowly modify his skin texture and form clothes from it. His clothes transformed into the normal theme of medieval clothing, consisting of black pants held by a leather belt, and a white shirt which was further covered by brown leather.

After transforming into Klaxosaur, he was able to manipulate his body to an extreme degree. He was basically a watered-down version of Kars from JoJos, but unlike the ultimate lifeform, he didn't have unlimited energy, nor was he able to change his body instantly, it took him a small amount of time to transform.

He was now basically a watered-down version of Pillar Men.

While he was transforming himself a small section of the hardened part of his tail formed a black sword, which was held by a brown leather scabbard.

With that, he decided to walk toward the town, thinking of a way to get a bit of information regarding the world that he was in.

He was certain, that if he was not strategic enough, and he was in a completely different timeline, he would not be able to come out alive if he was not to use the 'Mecha-s' he had in his Inventory.

There were just too many questions that he had in his mind, like what would happen if he just used the Star Entity to destroy this whole planet itself? Will that give him the same amount of UPs as manipulating the plot by small parts?

As Star Entity was on its way to defeat the VIRMs, it was slowly assimilating various dead bodies of VIRMs' dead soldiers, and resources from other planets that were on the path, which Klaxosaurs used to extract useful elements to help Star Entity grow in its size and power.

With that, Star Entity was of at least the size of the moon of the Earth, enough to destroy planets.


As Ryo walked down the town, he noted that the roads were not that developed. They were dirt roads. The roads were uneven and 10 meters in width. Furthermore, they were covered by dense forest from both sides.

This made Ryo's eyes narrow down as he quickly formed a plan in his mind.




After an unknown time, when it was almost late afternoon, a carriage led by two horses happened to pass by the road, hurrying on its way toward the town.

On the carriage were three people, two of them were carrying swords and were wearing leathered clothes while one of them was driving the carriage which looked as if he was a merchant with his clothing.

As they marched down the road, a wolf, four times the size suddenly jumped down in the road, just a few meters away from them, making the driver freak out.

"Shit! It's a second-class Danger Beast, The Raven Wolf! Sudou, Danho, help me!"

The person sitting in front of the carriage suddenly exclaimed as soon as he saw the wolf in their path. He called for help from the two people sitting in the carriage, making them take their swords out.

"Shit! We are on it. But how the hell did this bastard roam this near to the Campbell Town? He is not in his pack and is alone. We just led a beast extermination team two weeks ago! How can it come so close?"

The two people, who were carrying the swords suddenly hopped off the slowing carriage and ran toward the wolf with a frown on their face. It was clear to them that even if they were skilled enough, they were not strong enough to take down the beast in front of them. 

On the other side, as soon as it noticed two people rushing toward itself, the wolf let out a loud roar-like sound and rushed toward the two guards, ready to hunt them down.

Ryo, who was sitting on the tree observed the situation. 'This didn't reveal any information from them. What timeline it is...?' He watched how the two guards slowly attacked the wolf, but they struggled with it as they were not strong enough to kill it as well.

'They are too weak. If the stories I have heard about the pre-Canon empire are true, normal mercenaries should be able to handle this small beast...Oh? One of them is killed? That wolf was still a bit stronger than it looks like. Looks like it's time for my debut.'


As the wolf munched on one of its friends, the guard in question screamed in fright as he started to run away, making the wolf stop munching on the lower body of its prey and slash at the running prey.

Even though the person tried his hardest to dodge, the paw was as if followed him, slashing toward him. This sight made the person fall to the ground and close his eyes, awaiting his death.

'Is this how I will die?'


"Huh? A-Am I still a-alive?"

The person opened his eyes to observe the situation and noticed how in front of him was a person using his sword to block the paw of the Raven wolf. The person was wearing a brown hood that covered most of his body, making it hard for him to see who was underneath the cloth.

What happened next made him open his mouth wide as he stared in disbelief.

The person in front of him swiftly slashed his sword at the wolf, killing it instantly, causing blood to spray out front of the severed part while the beast's twitching body fell onto the ground with a thud, causing a small land shake.

"Are you alright?"

Sudou, the person who fell on the ground could only stare with disbelief as the stranger in front of him turned and extended his hand to him, making him look at the stranger.


His face hardened a bit as he saw the person having white hair and purple eyes, making him think that the person in front of him was a Westerner. 'What is a person from the West doing here? Did he just set this trap up...? No, he is too strong. Why would he do that, we are not that wealthy anyways...'

With the Empire being in constant internal as well as external conflict, the normal people had been suffering with the other areas of the empire. This caused a lot of discrimination among the people of other regions.

Sudou took a deep breath, took the stranger's hand, and stood up. As he stood up, he smiled and responded, "Thank you for your help. I thought I was going to die. Haha! But I do have to say that you are amazing! You were able to kill a second-class Danger Beast!"

Although he was almost scared to death by the earlier events, he had faced such events in the past as well, so it was not that much of a problem to quickly hide his fear and act as if nothing had happened.

The stranger in front of him smiled and replied, "You should be more careful from now on. It was good that I was on my way to the nearest town and saw you guys getting attacked. By the way, do any of you guys know the way to the Imperial Capital?"

"I was planning to go over to the Imperial Capital but accidentally lost my way. I hope you can help me. Oh, by the way, my name is Ryo.", With a warm smile, Ryo responded.

Sudou looked at Ryo for some time as his face hardened, "I see. It's great to meet you, Sir Ryo. My name is Sudou. This is possible because I am also from the Imperial Capital. I can indeed help you with reaching Imperial Capital but... you will have to pay me 50 coins to become your guide."

Ryo, who heard that, narrowed his eyes as he confirmed the world he was in and replied, "Sure! That would be great. I will pay you once I reach the nearest town for rest. I hope you help me reach the Imperial Capital.", smiling Ryo extended his hand, which Sudou smiles and extends his own hands to shake.

"By the way, what about your friend over there?"

Ryo points at the person that was killed by the wolf that he commanded, making Sudou realize what just had taken place, making him clench his fist and walk to his friend's body; as he realized that his friend was already dead, he quickly berried the dead body of his friend.

"Danho... my friend. Don't worry. I will never forget you. I will never forget your sacrifice. I hope you rest in peace, knowing that I will take care of your wife and children."

Normally Ryo would have dismissed the statement of Sudou as if he misinterpreted, but knowing that this world is one of the darkest worlds in anime history, he knew that what Sudou said was that he would be literally 'taking care' of his friend's wife and children.

This made him smile.

This world truly represented the true nature of humanity. Who was he to judge the world? He would rather enjoy the madness, who knows when he will start to feel something. 

The main events of 'Akame Ga Kill!' the world he is in, take place in 'The Empire' is a superpower of this world that has lasted for over 1000 years, boasting vast territories and resources. But beyond the Capital, the country was mostly rural with an unknown number of cities and villages spread throughout.

The Empire was so big that even the empire itself had yet to discover its true area under its rule. This is enough to show the might and power of the Empire.

But this was not why the Empire was known as the strongest. At some point during this period, the first Emperor, wishing to ensure that his nation would last forever, ordered the creation of what this world knows as 'Teigu'.

The first emperor called for the scientists, alchemists, and even other minds of this world and created these 'weapons', which are mysterious and extremely powerful relics that exist in the world of Akame Ga Kill!

They were very rare and hard to find and only the strongest of warriors were able to wield them.

This is what Ryo was attracted to. If he was not careful enough and mindful of the tactics he used, he was sure that he would be able to amass these weapons for his own use. Furthermore, unlike the people of this world who are probably a few times stronger than normal humans, he was not restricted by the limits of Teigu.

With his body, he was sure that he might even be able to wield two or even more weapons at the same time if he was strong enough.

The only limiting agent is that each weapon has its own will, but Ryo was confident enough that with his affinity to 'Life' itself, the wills will not have any problem with him. 'Well, I will look at it afterward.' 

Ryo focused on the reality outside as everyone started to board the cartridge. But with how the recent events had taken place, the atmosphere was silent, making Ryo look at the driver and ask, "What is your name, my friend?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hiroko."

"Hiroko. That's a good name. So, Hiroko, can you tell me things that have been recently taking place in the Imperial City? It has been a long time, like 2 years since I had heard something regarding the Imperial City."

As soon as Ryo asked the question, the driver glanced at Sudou and noticing him nodding at him, he replied, "This... The previous Imperial City was very good but with the death of the previous king..."

Sighing, Hiroko continued, ".. The Capital had been a bit down, especially with the Revolutionary Army getting more active, which has made the Imperial City a dangerous place. But with your strength, you will not be in any danger. Hahaha."

With that, Ryo talked a bit with the driver and Sudou and realized that he was around a month before the events of Akame Ga Kill took place. 'Well, it is good. Not too far away from the plot than I wanted to appear at.'

With the recent downfall of the previous king, and the Revolutionary Army forming in the place, he had a lot more time to blow the plot of the anime by a huge margin from now. 

That is my main goal right now.

Furthermore, Najenda had rebelled half a month from now against the Empire, so it would take her some time before the formation of the complete 'Night Raid' even formed, much less for the Revolutionary Army to grow with the current situation.

But this was not the main goal of Ryo. The main thing that interested Ryo the most was Teigu. And setting the 'main' Ryo's plan into motion...

The Teigu was created on the instruction of the First Emperor one thousand years ago, who feared that the Empire he had founded would eventually fall. To prevent this, he gathered many materials and hired many scientists throughout the world to make strong weapons and defenses.

The creation of the Teigu was the result of their efforts.

There were 48 Teigu in all, but almost half of them were lost during a civil war about five centuries before the start of the story. Several Teigu have been seen to be destroyed; it is not known how many of the original 48 remain.

This meant that there were other strong Teigu out there that could be very useful to him. With that information in mind, Ryo knew that since he was a 'higher' hierarchy being, he was sure that he would be able to use any Teigu without any strain with his seemingly unlimited Stamina and stronger stats.

'System, confirm how much time I have before the events of Akame Ga Kill take place. Also, I won't pay you more than 10 UPs for this. Use the remaining amount to convert me with gold coins for use in this world.'

[Confirming. Host is around 1 and a half months away from the events of Akame Ga Kill!.]

[Congratulations on the purchase of 100 gold coins for use in this world. The money is kept in your empty Inventory.]


It took Ryo and others took a few hours till they reached the nearest town, Campbell Town. The cartridge stopped at the gate where the Guards searched the carriage of something dangerous and finding nothing special, they let them go inside. However, before going inside, they gave Ryo a stinky eye.

This made Ryo narrow his eyes and think, 'Looks like I will have to change my looks as soon as possible. Sudou's stiff face had already made me realize this but I wasn't completely prepared otherwise I would have changed my looks before going according to the plan.'

'It won't matter for me to change my appearance but better be prepared for anything than ignoring some issues.'



Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!

Thank you!

