
Code Geass: New Life

Ilovecorn3000 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

First Day & some new Bonds.

As Lucas entered the classroom, the eyes of his new classmates turned toward him, their curious gazes lingering. The teacher, sensing the anticipation, called upon him to introduce himself to the class.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Lucas," he began, his voice steady and confident. "I'm a transfer student, and I'm thrilled to be joining all of you here at Ashford Academy."

"You can take the seat at the corner."

"Ah! The protagonist's seat. Cliche!" he thought to himself.

The classroom erupted in a chorus of warm welcomes and curious murmurs. Lucas glanced around, taking in the faces of his classmates, hoping to make connections in this unfamiliar environment.

As he made his way to an empty seat, he noticed a young man seated at the corner of the classroom, his gaze seemingly lost in thought. It was Lelouch, the enigmatic figure he had sought out. Lucas took the seat right next to him, feeling a sense of anticipation.

Turning to Lelouch, Lucas extended his hand and introduced himself. "Hi there. I'm Lucas. It's nice to meet you."

Lelouch, momentarily startled by the sudden attention, returned the gesture with a polite smile. "I'm Lelouch. A pleasure to meet you, Lucas."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they exchanged pleasantries, discussing their backgrounds and interests. They discovered common ground in their love for chess and their affinity for strategic thinking. The academy's reputation for nurturing talented minds in various fields became a topic of discussion, and they both expressed excitement about the opportunities that awaited them.

As the teacher continued the class, Lucas and Lelouch shared whispers, exchanging tidbits about the academy's facilities, clubs, and extracurricular activities. Lucas couldn't help but be impressed by Lelouch's sharp intellect and quick wit, recognizing the immense potential in their newfound friendship.

At lunchtime, Lucas and Lelouch ventured out together, exploring the sprawling campus and its picturesque surroundings. They marveled at the grandeur of the academy's architecture and the beauty of the surrounding gardens.

"So, Lucas, what do you think of Ashford Academy so far?" Lelouch asked, his eyes scanning the vibrant scenery.

Lucas smiled, a sense of warmth emanating from within. "It's truly magnificent. The rich history and the opportunities it offers are remarkable. I'm grateful to have found such a place of learning and growth."

Lelouch nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Ashford Academy provides a unique environment for us to cultivate our skills and expand our horizons. With our shared interests, I believe we could excel here."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they strolled through the campus, sharing stories, aspirations, and even a few lighthearted jokes. Lucas appreciated Lelouch's companionship, feeling a deep connection forming between them.

As the day progressed, Lucas and Lelouch attended various classes together, their camaraderie growing stronger with each passing hour. They engaged in thought-provoking discussions, challenged each other's perspectives, and supported one another academically.

Throughout it all, Lucas remained cautious, not revealing his knowledge of the Geass' powers or his true intentions. He knew that the time would come when they would need to confront the Geass Order together, but for now, he wanted to foster a genuine bond with Lelouch, built on trust and shared experiences.


As Lucas and Lelouch walked together, engaged in a lively conversation, a young man approached them, a cheerful grin adorning his face. He introduced himself as Rivalz, a close friend of Lelouch. Lucas extended a friendly greeting, immediately struck by Rivalz's amiable nature.

"Nice to meet you, Rivalz," Lucas said with a warm smile. "I'm Lucas, a new friend of Lelouch's. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Rivalz, seemingly unfazed by Lucas's newcomer status, chuckled. "Well, it's always great to see Lelouch making new friends. Welcome to the circle!"

With Rivalz now part of their group, the trio continued their stroll, sharing anecdotes and laughter along the way. Rivalz proved to be a lighthearted and easygoing companion, adding a delightful dynamic to their conversations.

As the day drew to a close, Lelouch invited both Lucas and Rivalz to his house for some snacks. Lucas readily accepted the invitation, eager to learn more about Lelouch's life outside of the academy.

Entering the Lamperouge residence, Lucas was greeted by a warm atmosphere and a welcoming ambiance. Lelouch's sister, Nunnally, sat in the living room, her eyes lighting up with joy as she noticed her brother's arrival accompanied by new faces.

"Lelouch, you brought guests! How wonderful!" Nunnally exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Lucas offered a polite bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nunnally. Your brother has been an incredible friend to me."

Nunnally smiled warmly, extending her hand. "The pleasure is mine, Lucas. Lelouch has mentioned you several times. It's lovely to finally meet you."

As they settled into the cozy living room, engaging in light-hearted banter, Lucas couldn't help but admire the close bond between Lelouch and Nunnally. Their love and support for each other were evident, creating an inviting and comforting atmosphere.

As the snacks were served, Lucas found himself immersed in conversations with Lelouch, Rivalz, and Nunnally. They exchanged stories, shared laughter, and discovered common interests. Lucas marveled at Nunnally's resilience and determination, despite her physical challenges. Her gentle spirit left a lasting impression on him, and he found himself wanting to protect and support her, just as Lelouch did.

The evening passed by in a blur of heartfelt conversations and shared experiences. Lucas felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie, grateful for the opportunity to become a part of Lelouch's circle of friends.

As the night grew late, Lucas bid his farewell to Nunnally, expressing his gratitude for the warm hospitality. Lelouch walked him to the door, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Lucas, I'm glad you and Rivalz have become friends," Lelouch said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to me to have people like you by my side."

Lucas nodded, his appreciation for Lelouch growing with each passing day. "Likewise, Lelouch. Your friendship has given me a sense of purpose and belonging. I'm honored to stand beside you."

With a firm handshake and a mutual understanding, the two friends bid each other goodnight. Lucas left the Lamperouge residence, his heart filled with newfound connections and a deeper understanding of the person Lelouch was.

As he walked home, Lucas couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. His bond with Lelouch had grown stronger, and his commitment to their shared mission intensified. He knew that together, they would

face the challenges that awaited them, unyielding in their pursuit of justice and a better world.

With Lelouch, Rivalz, and Nunnally by his side, Lucas felt a renewed sense of hope, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead. The journey to dismantle the Geass Order and bring about a world free from oppression had only just begun, and their collective determination would light the path toward a brighter future.