
Code Geass FF chapter 39

Sorry for the late(?) chapter, I slept early last night so I forgot to put the new chapter on the usual time. haha 🤣

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You can get 20 chapter more!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


These guys thought they are safe because the Ganymede doesn't have any long range weapon.

But they are wrong!

It seems at the start, these people wanted to just fucking ram Marianne's knightmare frame with cars.

They started it small then a truck at the end but all is for nothing!

Because the knightmare frame just flipped those cars and trucks up!

And now She is using the cars as throwing weapons.

Not the whole car though.

Just parts of it that she teared apart from the main body like the door or the roof.

Anyway, let's get back to me!

"Damn it! There's another fucking knightmare frame!" someone shouted which I heard through the sensors and speakers equipped in my knightmare.

I fucking flipped one of the bigger trucks just now.

Some of these people got squash by the truck.


These ants!

"These fucking usurpers scum! Let's fuck this new one first! Quickly!" someone shouted furiously.

I grabbed one person then threw the guy upwards and slamming my other hand to someone else after.

That guy that was slammed was quite grossed though, he was splattered on the road.


"Damn it! Run if it gets close! Don't fucking stand like a sitting duck!" someone shouted in a panic.

I teared apart some car door to try throwing one.


Oh ho ho ho!

I hit some of them!


"Where the hell are the RPG's?! Fucking fire at it now, you stupid fucks!" someone shouted with panic too.

Many of them are starting to panic already.

I turned on the built in speaker in my knightmare frame to say something to them.

"Gahahaha! Run you ants! Here's Johnny!" I said and laughed like a maniac while dashing around to more groups of enemies.

"Kyaaaahhhh!" someone exclaimed.

"Fuck! I didn't sign up for this shit!" someone shouted with frustration.

"We can't continue like this, retards! Someone do something!" someone shouted while running around.


Some guy can't stopped himself anymore and fired an RPG even when my knightmare is near their comrades.

I managed to avoid a direct hit though.

The shrapnels of an RPG won't be able to pass through the armor of a knightmare frame.

Oh right, our coms are still on, damn.

Marianne might be thinking that I am insane now.

Even though I really am, but at least not openly!

Let's just pretend that all this didn't happen. That's right, I didn't act like a maniac at all!

Everything is normal and under control!

But then I saw one of them firing a machine like a retard even after seeing that it doesn't work at all.

"Kuhahahaha! This retard! Be crushed under my giant roller skates! Guhahaha!" I laughed loudly and maniacally while rolling over the retarded guy.

"You okay there Alister?" Marianne asked with concern.

"Great! I mean, I am good, yes. I am fine, why?" I said, calming down quickly from my fun.

"You sure?" She asked again to make sure.

"Yeah! I'm sure. Don't worry! This is just me being nervous, yes, that's right. I am just being nervous right now." I said while lying through my teeth.


I threw another car door to someone but it missed.

"Damn it! Here's another one then!" I exclaimed then teared another car door before throwing it to the same person.

"Take this you lucky bastard!" I shouted through the speaker.

But I fucking missed again!

"Damn you! Now, I am going to just smash you directly, you fucker!" I shouted furiously.

Then I dashed to that guys position while running through some other guys and flipping some cars and truck on the way.

The guy started running away from me really fast in a panic.

I was like some kind of juggernaut while mowing everything in my way.

No, I think, I am a juggernaut right now!


I got close to guy then shouted "Dodge this, you bastard!" with vindictiveness.

"Oh right! I am about to finish here Alister!" Marianne shouted to me amidst explosion sounds in the background.

Our enemies stopped firing RPG's at me because I am too close to their comrades.

"Me too! Have you got news from the others yet?" I said quickly while mowing more of the enemies.


A loud explosion was heard from some building in the distance.

"Damn! That should be VV's mission right?!" I asked with doubt while feeling some kind of ridiculousness.

"Waaaahhh!! This usurpers are insane! They are killing everyone already!" someone shouted in panic and despair.

"My god! They can't be usurpers! They are terrorists!" someone exclaimed.

"Kill them! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill them all!" someone snapped and became insane from too much stimulation.

Damn that murder shota! That explosion is too shocking!

How many explosives did he use in there?!

What the hell is that maniac shota thinking?!

He is really insane right?!

"Yeah! That should be him! It seems he finished his operation already." She replied to me.

Many people should have died there.

That shota's mission location has quite a large group of people in there, with some civilians too.

"Damn, really. Tsk tsk... Let's just wait with our coms, he should be connecting soon." I said loosing some of my drive.

After all, I want to at least reduce some casualties if I can.

You don't kill civilians even in war you know.

That is a basic war crime.

That's why even though I want a world war to happen, it doesn't feel too heavy for my morals.

Because I know that the soldiers would at least try to avoid killing civilian.

That's a really bad move for any country after all, they want their reputation to be good.

That's why I at least don't want there to have too much casualties from civilians.

This fucking retarded damnable shota seems to have a really low bottom line.

Tsk tsk...

It seems being a child for a long time speeds up insanity!

I get shivers just thinking about living his life.


Right! Being a child would let you not have any nut action at all!

That's really bad!

Maybe that's why he became insane after just living for less a hundred years?!

Nah, I think?

Not everyone is like me, I at least know that much.

- word count 1051 -

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pat reon.com/SoldKlad001

You can get 20 chapter more!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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