
Code: Butterfly

A seven year old girl woke up from amnesia. She forgot who she is and where she lives. She even forgot her own name except from when she saw a rare butterfly. She remembered her name, only. This girl was found by the Papillon, a family that owns the top university. She never knew what kind of family she encountered. She was trained into a fearless assassin and learned how to control her own powers. After six years, the family let her enter the university they built and what she encountered there is something from her past, and something so worth to reveal. Follow Ro as she finds out who she is and who her real family is. She moves step by step to her answers while going to various of events in her love life and in her adventures.

Jeanne_Cardes · Thành thị
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9 Chs

No's POV

Ro Papillon.

This girl standing right before me is very different from the simple Ro I knew. Everything about her change, except for her looks, eyes, and the sweet smile of my beloved sister. This Ro right now does not remember me. She forgot her own brother who shares the same date of birth. This Ro is much much more powerful than in the past. She has more control of her own power. She can now borrow my magic unlike six years ago.

As twins, in my theory, there's a possibility that we can borrow powers from one another. Just like six years ago, my magic's supposed to be only Bad Luck Magic, but there's a time when I borrowed her magic and used good luck instead. And just like today, I felt her reach deep and borrowed bad luck from me. Ro's magic is only Good Luck Magic. Despite of the magic connection, the mana is incredibly used up when we borrow from each other.

"Now, off you both go in-" Ms. Perida told us and pushed us through the portal. She said that she'll see us again when the others have finished their test. After that, Ms. Perida closed the portal. My vision was blurred because of the bright light shining on us.

Suddenly, the light was starting to be... well... Not bright, and saw only nine people inside a huge classroom exclaiming, "Welcome new students of Level 18!"

"Wow! This boy is handsome and this girl beside him is so pretty," a short girl wearing a pair of red ribbons tying her orange hair. Her pink wayfarer glasses was moved by her left hand up and down scanning both of our faces. She shook my left hand and Ro's right hand at the same time while introducing her name. "Hello there, my name's Wisteria Queens. Call me Wis."

Wis was pulled away by a boy, the same height as me. He also shook the same hands Wis held and grinned at us. "I'm Kurt Shoreline. What's your name?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Give space to the newbies, guys. Clear the way, clear the way. Back to your seats everybody!" A girlish voice noted everyone, yet nobody listened and followed her. Immediately, a strong surge of mana power was felt from this voice's position and the atmosphere became dim. This voice shouted, "I said clear the way and GET BACK TO YOUR SITS, idiots!"

The students crowding me and Ro have returned to their respective seats except for a familiar face. He is Lucas Dreskar. He is also a Level 18 magi. The girl with the tremendous voice had appeared in front of us. This girl has dark hair and red eyes. She looks almost the same as Lucas. She spoke to us, "Hi there, my name is Lucianne Dreskar. Please, call me Lucy. I am the Class President in this room and possess the power of authority. Age 17 and that boy's older sister-" She pointed at Lucas. "Both of you please take a seat and we shall be introducing ourselves to you... Or do you want to introduce yourselves first?"

"Your class can start, Lucy." I smiled at them. "I would like to know everyone here first."

"Me too," giggled Ro as she sat down a chair beside Wis. I also took a seat that was on the right side of Lucas.

Wis and Kurt stood in the front and announced their magical powers. She told that her magic was Air while his magic was fire. Up next was a tall boy with a pair of shades. He began, "Blade Ventured. I have Sword magic."

There were five others who informed us about themselves. I heard many types of magic including Starlight magic-from a girl named Arielle, Animal magic-from Robin, Water magic-from Silvina, Earth magic-by Galton, and Illusionary magic-by Zenith. What made me curious even more is Lucas's magic. Since his sister has Voice magic, what could be his? If he is only thirteen just like me and Ro, he could be possibly dangerous and powerful.

Finally, it's my turn. I turned my faces to everyone, breathed deeply, and spoke. "I'm Noir Spectrum. I am only thirteen and has Bad Luck magic." From Ro's face, I could tell that she was surprised to hear that. I wanted to tell the truth to her so badly, but she is an enemy. My sister is the foe of the Dark Prism. And, I don't want her to be my enemy. I want to help her recover her memories but I don't know how. Additionally, I think that rocks from the river aren't the source of her amnesia, but something dark. I wanted to ask Master about it yet he wouldn't give me answers. Oh, Ro. How I wish you'll remember the past and don't let the present separate us once more.

But, this wish proves that I should be careful for what I wish for since the truth came out later than expected when she stood up and gave a glare to Lucas then she looked at the others and familiarizing their faces. "My name is Ro Papillon. I also am thirteen years old, and I have Good Luck magic."

"Ro," said Lucy. Her left eye twitched. "I feel like we've met before. Did we?"

"I don't know. I got an amnesia just years ago and I haven't recalled anything since. But, I encountered Lucas earlier and told me that we've met in the past. Since you are his sister, then maybe we did met?" blurted Ro.

"Hmm..." Lucy took a quick look at me then stared at Ro. "You both look similar and familiar."

Lucas scoffed. "Don't try to remember, sis. Things will be only very difficult for us."

Lucy knew what he meant, and so did I. The Dreskar siblings are from the Dark Prism. Lucy ignbored her brother and she raised her head, looked above at the ceiling and gasped. "I remember you both. The twins from six years ago, Ro and No. You were from the orphanage in the Midnight Forest."

Ro was puzzled. She looked at me then Lucy then Lucas. "I have a twin brother?"

Hello, readers! I apologize for a late update and a slow one. The next chapter will be on Friday, and Saturday. I know it takes a long time before the next update arrives but hope you enjoy this one and stay tuned for more chapters.

Jeanne_Cardescreators' thoughts