
Code Apokálypsis

Imagine waking up with no memory of who you are...... now imagine waking up only to find the world in ruins....... That's exactly where Cora found herself in a time where strange mutated animals had turned the world upside down. After meeting someone who helps her, it doesn't take long for Cora to remember the place she comes from and the burden she carries. It's only then that she realizes that she might be the ruin that destroys her newfound allies.

magi0216 · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs



Everything is red, the sky, the ground and the waters. As the ground fills with more corpses, the little boy mourns over his dead parents bodies. He has nowhere to go and nowhere to return to. Poor kid, his day had been great before they came. Meanwhile, not too far away, another kid has just lost her parents. Their bodies lie splattered across the floor as she cries into her bloodied hands. Unfortunately, somebody does come for her….somebody no one mentions in public….the one your parents warn you about….the kind you'd never want to meet.