

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Secret Realm 2

After the Lai siblings finished with the introductions, the eight soldiers formed a protective circle around them and they begun to move. Firstly Lai Sen did a couple of hand sings , and to the astonishment of the soldiers a disc shaped, palm sized silver object rose up from his sisters hand,  and begun to float above their heads.

"This object above our heads is a formation disturbing plate, the key to this Secret Realm. Its quite the delicate thing,  so if anything tries to interfere with it,  cut it down."

"Yes sir!" answered them all, but their minds were on the floating piece of metal. It was something that they knew existed,  but also something they only could dream of. It was Immortal Magic,  something only a true cultivator could use,and the power every little boy wished for.  Affecting the physical world with only your thoughts,  it was the ultimate desire, but as much as they wished to stare at it ,they could not.

The siblings gave the order to roll out and the soldiers did as they were told.  They plunged into the mist with heavy hearts,  their minds filled with the worst scenarios imaginable as the mist became thicker and thicker,  until it was like they were in a sea of clouds. It would have been a really bad situation if they couldn't see each other and something attacked them,  but the magical nature of the disc seemed to keep the mist at bay . Their group was like a rat breaking the clouds,  but even that didn't quell their unease.


They travelled through the mist for about five minutes when the mist begun to somewhat disperse. Lai Sen raised his hand to stop their advance and shouted his next order."Get ready , we're about to break through the formation."

Heng and the others steeled their resolve as they slowly approached the end, and only after 30 seconds the mist disappeared,  and what was left was a wide expense. The soldiers were dumbstruck by what they saw, even the siblings seemed surprised at the sight.  They were now standing no more in the forest floor,  but on a stone paved Road while although looked a little unkempt,  it was still good. The road lead them into what looked a bamboo forest,  but the bamboos were so thick and so tall it blocked their vision. A sweet and refreshing smell seemed to permeate through the place making one almost intoxicated.

"No wonder this is a Secret Realm from ' that ' era. Its so magnificent!" muttered the sister, and Lai Sen nodded at her comment as he deactivated the disc and stored it inside his armour.

While the siblings and the others were gazing in amazement,  Heng's vision suddenly blurred a couple of times. His face fell as he knew what was about to happen,  but he was to late to warn anybody as their enemies showed their presence. 


Several inhuman sounds tensed everyone up, and several bipedal bird's showed themselves. They were about two meters tall, had a semi crooked beak, black eyes,  black feathers,  black everywhere except the blod red plumage. At first Heng was surprised at seeing five gigantic black chicken's rushing him, but he quickly tossed that thought to the back of his mind and got ready for battle.




The huge chicken's were fast as they were upon them in less than five seconds,  and the soldiers were ready to greet them. They raised their shields and braced for impact, but the chicken's did something they didn't expect. As they were about to clash they opened their wings and harmlessly passed them.



This left them speechless as they paused for just a second,  but that second was enough for them to rech the siblings.  It looked like they were about to be slaughtered,  but contrary to their looks they were like wolves in sheep clothing. With several twisting and turning hand sings they launched their spells towards the chicken's.

"Silver Piercing Spear.....

"Golden Piercing Spear.....

Two translucent spears,  one golden and one silver formed in front of the siblings before launching at tremendous speed at the rushing chicken's.  


The sound of anguish was heard from two of the chicken's as they were skewered by the spears, but unfortunately for them,  there were three more of the chicken's. The chicken's opened their wings wide blocking the view of the siblings and their black claws aimed for their head. It looked like it was about to end for the siblings,  but if a true cultivator would be so easy to kill then they wouldn't be so revered. 



Both siblings clasped their hands as quickly as they could and two shock waves,  one silver and one gold repelled the chicken's.  They flew back for a couple of meters a testament of their power,  but little damage was done to them.


The chicken's weren't amused by this as their black beedy eyes looked at the siblings with hatred,  but they forgot that they weren't the only opponents. Heng and tje others had already regained their footing and begun their assault. 



Spears pierced flesh and claws tore opened terrifying wounds, but Heng was focused ofn his battle. He and one of the chicken's seemed to have chosen each other as opponents. It would have been ideal if it could be said that it was a poetic fight with many moves , faints, and fancy techniques, but in fact Heng was just hiding behind his shield.


The chicken clawed relentlessly at Hengs shield, each hit rattling his bones and organs. Fortunately he was using his Qi Ignition to reinforce his arms, but it was not enough. ' Shit shiiiiittt....if this continues I'll die. I need to do something!' said Heng to himself as he endured the onslaught of the chicken, until he thought of something.

Lowering his centre of gravity he also empowered his legs and rushed the chicken. The chicken obviously wasn't expecting this as it was immediately pushed back by the impact,  and that was Heng's opportunity . He stabbed with his spear as hard as he could,  hitting the chicken's chest,  but his smile faded as he felt that the spear didn't penetrate to far.
