

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Retreat and Arrival 1

The battle was hard fought with both sides giving their all, it was life or death after all, but if one looked at the battle with a keen eye, he would notice that the attackers were more determined. They were like fiends to the soldiers who were still wondering if this was all just a dream.

Fortunately for the soldier,  even though they were literally stepping on their comrades toes as they fought,  their commander wasn't a pushover. Riding atop his brown stallion which was covered in armour,  and surrounded by several of his aides and was like the reaper of death on the battlefield.

With a bow made of blackened wood he shoot arrow after arrow at the enemies,  each of them lethal as even if it hit an arm or a leg, the wounded would be killed by one of his underlings. Seeing their commander effortlessly kill their enemies the soldiers got a boost in morale. Even Heng who was dogshit tired fighting for his live noticed it. The number of eyes on him had lessened, but he didn't take his eyes of the enemy in front of him.

Fortunately he had somehow stumbled into Cao Qiao and they were covering each others back. With  his big frame Qiao was like a bear who towered over his enemies,  and Heng was like a jaguar who pounced from place to plac. The duo was a pocket of resistance in this chaotic battlefield which attracted many other soldiers,  and finally a wall was formed.

'Heh....what a great wall....' sarcastically though Heng as the enemy advance finally stopped and they regained their footing. This allowed  Heng the time to rest, and regain his breathing.

He looked to the side and his eyes landed upon a young man, his skin was tanned by the suns rays and his hair was a bright blonde. This man looked like he should be on his way to college in his old world rather  than be here, but he was holding his ground well in battlefield.

 "'Fuck...." unconsciously cussed Heng as saw himself in that young man. He would give his left nut to once again have to worry about stupid tests,  and not about a crazy guy wanting to decapitate him.


As seconds and minutes went by, all the stem from  both sides was beginning to evaporate . Everyone knew that the battle wouldn't last for much longer,  and that's when it happened. As everyone was focused on the battle line,  a lone man came running from the forest like an olympic sprinter.




Three distinct sounds rang on the night one after the other,  and something unexpected happened. The commander who was surrounded by his captains was now on the ground , rage clearly showing on his slender and clean shaven face.  His hawk like eyes weren't blocked in any way by the darkness as he looked straight towards someone who was just  at the treeline. 

The unexpected visitor wore a leather armour which tightly fit his bulky body,  and his face was covered by and intricate black mask which covered everything but his eyes. This made him look like a black viper , but the commander wasn't scared....he was pissed of. The horse  he was riding till a moment ago was now on the ground with a one and a half meter arrow sticking from his belly.  It surprisingly had pierced deep,  not beeing stopped in the least by the armour the horse had, a testament to the arrows power.

"Hmph....savage, you will pay...." slowly said the commander as he picked his black bow , and pointed at the man. The tension was felt around as the two men were fighting their own battle, but the everyones surprise, the commander didn't shoot at the man who had just killed his precious steed, but towards one of the attacking soldiers.


The arrow flew true as it his the enemy on the neck, and immediately killed him.  This made the man's on the black mask narrow his eyes, but beside raise his hand he didn't do anything else. These actions didn't seem to matter that much,  but the commanders of the two sides had finished greeting one other.

A vague but tagniable threat the two of them were to the regular soldiers,  but now they were once again on a stalemate,so there was only one logical action was take. A horn was heard in the night amongst the death thores of the soldiers, and the attackers immediately started to retreat from once they came. Seeing this the reserve soldiers wanted to chase them, but a loud shout from the commander stopped them.

"Don't break formation!" 

This single sentence made the soldiers freeze on the spot as all their desire to chase after the enemy drained away. It was then that  they truly felt their condition. 



With trembling legs and arms they barely stood upwards,  and Heng was one of them. He looked around himself  as he tried to wipe his bloody hands on something,  but everything around him was blood. Vomit wanted to come out,  but he forcefully swallowed it once again,  a metallic taste lingering in his tongue.