

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Preparing for the Inevitable 3

After what felt  like an eternity  Heng woke up from his slumber,  but he didn't feel rested at all. All his body ached and he felt like he had elephant sit on top of him. 


Heng tried to speak,  but out of his mouth only came guttural sounds. Fortunately someone seemed to be near him to help him get up, and that someone was Cao Qiao.

"Brother Heng,  are you feeling okay? Does it hurt anywhere?"


Heng tried to speak,  to try to ask Qiao for water,  but he couldn't. Fortunately Qiao saw what Heng was trying to convey and filled him a cup of water which Heng immediately emptied. Qiao filled the cup again and again, until after  five times Heng seemed to ne content. 

"Where am I...what is this place?" said Heng as he hadn't seen this place before.  The bed felt to soft and the smell of sweat was almost nonexistent in this place,  so it couldn't be the army hospital. That was also evident by the decoration around the room.

"Ugh....Brother Heng,  this place is an Inn. After we found you unconcious we tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't,  so we took you here for the time beeing. It has been three days since then."

"Thre days!?' said Heng as he almost jumped put off his bed , but he concluded that it wasn't impossible. He didn't expect that after taking Juggernog he would become unconcious for three days,  maybe some soreness or pain, but not something like this.

'I shouldn't treat the Colas as something so simple anymore. Unlike my Perks which seem to be passive, the  Colas seem to affect my body way more.'  thought Heng as he raised his hand to rub his brows, and found that he had lost most of his body fat,  most of his veins were showing. He frowned at this as he looked at his body,  but a smell, a so delicious and divine smell wafted over. Heng stomach growled like a beast, and Qiao smiled. 

"Good, it seems that brother Heng hasn't lost his appetite. I'll come back immediately with something to eat."

Qiao hurriedly left the room and Heng was left alone . He looked out of the half open window that the sun seemed to have almost reached the peak,  and he felt somewhat refreshed. With a little difficulty he got up from the bed,  did some stretches for his sore body,  and finally took a deep breath as he stared to slowly perform the Roaring Tiger technique.  


After five minutes Heng stopped and his brows were furrowed,  but his face was smiling.' This is....this is incredible! I expected that Juggernog to be able to make me reach the limit,  maybe even exceed it by a little,  but this is like thinking of taking a step and instead leaping forward. The Vital Qi inside my body isn't at full capacity yet, but I'm sure if I just give it a push it will condense within much effort.'

Heng was like a little kid who was to be unbox his present,  but his thoughts were interrupted by Hai's Tao's and Qiao's entrance. Heng looked at them with a smile as he stood like a deer in headlights and waved at them.


He tried to greet them , but Tao immediately gave him a tight hug within saying a word, and let him go in the next second. Hai on the other hand seemed to be observing Heng as he looked at his now slimmer body,  but he couldn't arrive at a conclusion from only that.  After a couple of questions about his condition,  the three of them seemed to calm down,  and the expected question came from  Yin Hai.

"Did you accomplish it? Did you manage to advance to the next stage of your cultivation? Did you reach the ' Qi Ignition ' stage? " 

Heng saw the serious look of their faces,  especially Hai's, so he decided to get a little laugh out of it. He tried as best as he could to hold his smile as he shook his head in dejection."No...I didn't....

Those words seemed to dump a bucket of cold water over their heads,  but Heng's next words were like a flash bang to the face." But I will reach it in three days at the most. So don't worry about it."

"Ahhh....what did you just say!?" immediately jumped Hai as he tightly grasped Heng's shoulders as if to prevent him from leaving. "Repeat it again...

"Uhh...I will reach it in three days at most? Did I say something wrong? " Heng looked at His dead on the eyes like an innocent puppy who didn't seem what he had just done. Wua Tao on the other hand seemed to be finding this pretty funny as he was laughing his ass off.

"Heeengg!" shouted Yin Hai as clenched his fist, ready to strike Heng,  but he unbleached it and also begun to laugh. Heng continued to feign ignorance,  while Qiao was tasting the soup he had brought for Heng,  and by the content look on his face he seemed to approve.

[author] [/author]

Cultivation Stages for now.

Qi condensation.

Qi ignition.

Dantian creation.

Qi:Lake, Sea, Ocean

